I posted in here earlier. We have been seeing each other for over 5 months. He is sooooo slow moving and rarely voices his emotions. Every once in a while he will say something but he def has his walls up. We only see each other about once a week, sometimes twice but that is rare, and he contacts me everyday. We have never went a day without talking. He has never canceled on me and is very reliable.
Last Friday I went over to his place and for the first time, he didn't try and have sex with me. We cuddled and held hands all night but he didn't seem like he was interested in sex. Kinda had me worried. There has been issues in the past where he thought that I thought he only wanted me for sex but assures me all the time that he loves my company and really likes hanging out with me. He isn't afraid to take me out with all his friends and always pays even though I try and help pay but he won't allow it. His friends all know about me and his brother as well.
Anyways, I am so in love with him. Every time I see him, I want to tell him but I am so scared I will scare him off. He has been really hurt in the past with his divorce, and I just don't want to rush things. I have been very easy going and chill through all of this and he tells me quite often how cool he thinks I am, told me last week I was simply amazing, but I don't want to scare him. What if he isn't feeling it yet? What if it is too soon? Help please?! LOL
Can someone help me with this? I just don't know what to do. He contacts me every single day, has never backed out on plans but we only see each other once a week. I am so in love but I am afraid I will scare him off if I tell him. He has a daughter from his divorce and told me at the 3 month mark that he is scared to get into a relationship because of his terrible divorce. But he is very reliable and initiates contact everyday. Would he still be talking to me and hanging out with me if he wasn't interested? When we are together, he has to always be touching me somehow and he always pays when we go out. He is very caring and seems like he genuinely cares about my feelings. I have met all his friends and his brother. His friends really seem to like me and call me his girlfriend even though he hasn't yet.
Thanks for your response. That is the thing, he is SUCH a good guy, very caring and always there. We never argue and fight, it is just a very easy going laid back "relationship" but he never tells me how he feels. He always says he is too guarded. He just always says, "You should know that I always enjoy your company." Ok, I enjoy a lot of people's company, doesn't mean I want to be with them. I just wish he would give me more. Emotionally. He is def more action than words. Very affectionate and cuddly but a compliment here or there would be nice and some kind of feelings thrown out there. I think in all the 5 months we have been seeing each other, he told me once that he missed me. Once when he was really drunk, he told me I was very special to him. That is it. He has never said anything else in regards to his feelings for me. It hurts.