Please help me understand if this Taurus is in love wth me or am I reading this wron

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by Wilde on Monday, January 8, 2018 and has 6 replies.
This has been going on for about 4 years now and its driving me nuts!! Its a bit of a long scenerio so Ill try an keep it short. I am a married Pisces. He is a taurus that just got married last year I think. Ive been married 8. He is in a band and usually comes to the city 3 or 4 times a year. First time I went to see them play wherever I was he was always kinda just lingering around talking to other people but always very close by. Eventually he came up and introduced himself to me an my friends. When he talked to me he just stared intensly into my eyes and had a big smile. Eerie really but I was intrigued by this as it was really deep. Next few times at shows he would linger around then come up and say hi to me and friends again.  Right away he remembered my name "kate right?" Pretty surprised as he forgot my friends names and they tour canada meeting all sorts of people so the fact he remembered my name was impressive. One point in another conversation he remembered that I had accidentally msged him while playing poker. He remembered it specifically and felt the need to  bring it up completely at random out of the blue. "Remember that time when..." Again any time we conversed intese deep stare into my eyes and I really couldnt help but do the same this seemed to make him have an excited grin any time this hapened. Just deep into each others eyes. Just seemed weird that he was pretty low key with everyone else. Lots of women comming up to him to chat. Actually lots of girls would right away go up to him to talk and he would but he never ever would go and initiate it with them. Ever.  He would chat but always seemed to show just moderate interest. Except when I was around he seemed to really gravitate to wherever I was and try to push into a conversation. Even while he was doing a set and I would be in front he would lock eyes with me and then shyly smile and look away. One time we were outside and he came up to chat. We complimented him on the show. Out of the blue he said "im staying at the radison room 242." Again, staring at me. I was super tired and went home but it stuck in my mind. Recently when he came up to talk to me at a show I requested if he can play a song. He said Ill see what I can do. I was infront of him at stage and they started paying it. He leaned over the stage as the band continued playing it and said heres your song. Smiling and staring at me. I was so happy and thanked him. He shyly went back to playing. At the end of the show it was late and was waiting outside kinda by myself and he came up to me open arms and hugged me and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. We both then just stared at each other. I didnt know what to say or do at that point. He then just quickly asked where are ur friends. They were off to the side and he led me over to them by my hand. He chatted with us for a bit but he would be talking to one friend but looking at me smiling. Month or 2 later he was back in town. I went up to go say hi to him and the others Im friends with as well. He ran away. Literally ducked and jumped over obstacles to get away and hide . I was so confused. And hurt really. All night was the same thing. Total avoidance. at the end of the show I went up to him and tried to strike up a convo. Very cold. No looks. Nothing. He spoke but he avoided any eye contact and just looked down or ahead. 3 weeks later he added me as a friend on FB. I asked him why he avoided me. He said I dont remember. I hope it was a good reason. Never intentional. I said he can relax around me next show as Im pretty easy going. He said at least we get another oportunity to make it right. Next show  I Came into the bar and he flew of his chair as soon as he saw me. Came right over  wrapped his arms around me an hugged me. I gave him a kiss on the cheek. His eyes lit up and he was grinning. Imediately said. You look good. That felt nice. I started talking to one of his bandmates later on. He came up and just lingered in the conversation. Seemed like he wanted to get in on it or something I dunno. In between sets  he  asked me what outfit he should wear next. We went back into their green room and looked over the oufits him an I. We were kida horsing around saying this one brings out ur eyes, ohh this one is flashy, how bout this one. Yadda yadda. I honestly think it was to just talk to me? I dunno.  Then silence. Just staring in each others eyes. Intense and deep. Felt like we were both waiting to say something but couldnt.  Not a word was said for ever it seemed. Just locked with each other. Then he just lightly put his hand on my arm while still gazing in my eyes and said hey Im gonna get ready. I caved a bit later on and when we were kinda together alone I said I think I need to talk to you. I dont know why I said it but I needed to get a deeper feeling of what he was up to. He was quick to say ok lets talk. Didnt feel really private to me and also I realized what I said and was now chickening out. I said I kinda wish it was more private. He suggested lets go outside. I started to backtrack and got afraid of what I was doing and just said I cant..not now. We started talking about something else and he metioned he kept getting migranes all the time. Just striking conversation I told him he should really get an MRI done as I have lost friends in the past due to brain tumors so that kinda stuff hits me. I must have said it again to him or made it seem urgent and he ended up getting a little mad or upset or stressed as we didnt end up talking anymore after that. The next morning. I felt bad if I hurt him so msgd him and appologized. He said. No worries I was just stressing you were fine. If I didnt like you I wouldnt talk to you or greet you. I think you are awesome. I was just stressing about my shit. I wish I could have had the time to actually talk to you. Ill do my best to take care of my health and next time we can finish the convo we didnt start. He is back this march on the 8th. I really dont know what to sag or do or what it is thats goong on. My instinct tells me he has some pretty hard feelings for me but maybe Im imagining it. He is married. He just got married.He couldnt possibly act this way because he likes me could he? What is he trying to tell me? Whats going on?! help Im so confused.
Stopped reading after u said you’re married
you might want to edit your post to include paragraphs in order for more people to respond.

i for one, am not even going to attempt to read that.
You’re married. End of story.

Plus even if Taurus is attracted to you, tauruses tend to stay with their long term wifies.
He's charming his way into the panties.

There are three types of groupies on the road.

1. The readily-available ones

2. The do-eyes shy ones

3. The playing had to get ones

He probably assessed you to be between the numbers 2&3.

When he told you that he was staying at the Radison Room 242, and you declined the invitation, he omitted number 1.

He's playing the Nice Guy card.

He thinks you're real cool, and may keep you around after the 'sex'.

But as for any long term promises.....

Don't expect matrimony.

He will break your heart.
sorry to crash into this post; but I'm trying to post a new topic in here, and it doesn't seem to be posted or shown on this Taurus Forum - any help/suggestions what I might be doing wrong?!