Please help - Scorpio F & Taurus M

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by Angeleyes17 on Wednesday, August 13, 2014 and has 14 replies.
I'm curious about the charts with mine and a Male Taurus. Can someone explain in detail please if this is a good match?
My Chart
Sun Scorpio 25.04
Moon Leo 11.12
Mercury Scorpio 12.04
Venus Capricorn 11.59
Mars Virgo 15.30
Jupiter Libra 28.05
Saturn Libra 17.48
Uranus Sagittarius 0.04
Neptune Sagittarius 23.31
Pluto Libra 25.29
Lilith Sagittarius 5.58
Asc node Cancer 24.13

Taurus Chart
Sun Taurus 10.15
Moon Scorpio 11.50
Mercury Aries 26.12
Venus Gemini 23.03
Mars Leo 29.02
Jupiter Virgo 0.17
Saturn Virgo 20.36 R
Uranus Scorpio 24.07 R
Neptune Sagittarius 22.20 R
Pluto Libra 19.52 R
Lilith Libra 2.55
Asc node Leo 26.22
Posted by aurora

also there is conj your sun and his moon. also a big thing.

This dude's chart looks pretty intense. Watch out for that Venus in Gemini, lol. And I'm sure you are going to enjoy Leo Mars.
From what I've read on Synastry (not really a huge interest for me), Sun conj. Moon is pretty much the best aspect to have with a partner (considered a "soul mate" connection). Not sure if there are too many hard aspects that could overshadow that. And in one of the only scientific studies of Astrology every conducted (Carl Jung), Sun Conj. Moon (along with Moon conj. Moon), and was found to be one of the most prominent aspects for married couples.
"When the Sun and Moon are conjunct there is a common and similar approach to life and the way one person moves forward in life the other person has kind of been there before and understands. The Moon person is always the reactive one in the partnership and the Sun person in the pro-active one and their sense of purpose is keenly felt by the Moon. The Sun represents our ability to procreate, and when the Moon person supports this, it nurtures and feeds the Sun??s creativity and direction in life.
"It is nice to have someone supporting the person we are trying to become, and the emotional response of this contact creates a warm, supportive and generous interaction. With the easy contacts there is co-operation and both illuminate one another, the Moon bathes in the warmth of the Sun and feels reflective, contemplative and warmed in his/her presence, and feels safe expressing their vulnerable side. In turn, the Sun person has finally found someone who can be there for them, and the Moon person creates a container for the Sun??s growth."
I have this guy's Sun, Merc, Venus, and Mars. I can say that my SO has Venus in Cap. It works well, but there's a tendency for me to get a little bored; Scorp sun might counteract that. With Aries Merc, I tend to communicate in a similarly forceful/blunt manner as people with Scorp Merc., so we are kinda on the same wavelength. There's usually a tendency for me to offend and rub the Scorp Merc the wrong way (even though they are just as blunt and direct, they don't seem to point their probing/skeptical/direct minds at themselves in the same way they do at others). There's a tendency for me to feel offended when I notice the ongoing distrust/skepticism from the Scorp Merc person.
Posted by tiziani
Your Sun isn't conjunct his Moon, they are too far apart in degrees.

So two issues/questions/thoughts with this:
1. Just having a person's Moon as your Sun, or vice versa, would seem to imply a lot of the general qualities of a tight conjunction. Your/their Inner/emotional self reflected in their expression of your/their individuality/ego, the increased understanding, etc.
2. Sun-Moon conjunctions are often given an orb as wide as 12 degrees. Given that the strength is fading as the degrees increase, I can't imagine that we are completely out of range when we're a few degrees outside the standard orb.
Posted by aurora
Posted by tiziani
Posted by aurora
so technically there could be a conj between 2 adjacent signs?

Yeah that's a strange one that isn't it? I only just recently learnt about that little quirk myself.
For instance, you can have two people with signs that are sextile, but if they are wide enough apart and you draw them in a chart online, the aspect is square.

hmmmm i wondering how to understand that. looking strictly mathematically it is absolutely like that. but my intuition is telling me that it is misleading. cause if someone has sun in scorp and the other one has moon in scorp, when you analyze their charts, not in terms of synastry, even if someone's sun is at the beginning of the sign, and someone's moon is at the end of the sun, it is still influenced by scorpio the most? so when you have that in mind, it looks like that orbs in synastry are not that important.

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Classical/Hellenistic astrology did the aspects by sign, not degree. If two signs were aspected, so were any planets within them, but most of the minor aspects were not considered. "Orb" also had a different meaning. There were also different interpretations of some of the aspects. Squares for instance could be interpreted negatively or positively, depending on whether or not a malefic planet was involved.
The reason for the development of orbs in the first place was to judge the strength of an aspect calculated by degree relative to eh aspect calculated according to the signs, not to completely rule out the influence of aspect by sign.
Posted by tiziani

The thing is no one I've spoken to can figure out Pullen's weighting. I am Sun dominant in my Pullen chart like you, but when I really look at the patterns in my chart, it's actually my Moon that calls the shots for everyone else.
I know Pullen is essentially a compiler, strips down the chart then adds it back up again in pure figures. But I don't know if it gives like 2 points for a conjunction, only one point for a sextile or what... I don't understand it fully yet even if I like it.

I noticed the same thing and can find no explanation for how he calculates dominants either, thus no real reason to pay any attention to it. I'm Uranus dominant according to other charts that I've had done, but his has me as Saturn dominant.
Posted by Infinite8

Interesting... I like it when people are blunt with me. I wonder why you see that the Scorp. merc gets offended?!? Maybe getting offended by the tone of voice rather than the message itself?
A person can get away with A LOT by the delivery of the message. No need to sugar coat... but, body language and tone of voice being used when delivering of the message will be a key factor as to HOW I react as a response to the message.

Hey I8, long time no chat. I know two Scorps with Scorp Mercury that I've offended on occasion. It *could* be my rough humor moreso than my bluntness though. One of them has teared up a little, and this was in person. I was really surprised. Its like we start off joking, then at some point they start taking it very seriously. Maybe just the sensitivity overall. The other was offended by some things I seemed to be questioning them on, but it was not in person, and via email, so tone/body language could've been a factor. Both are very skeptical and always probing my motives, but one in particular squirms when I do the same to them.
Posted by Infinite8

If you are Uranus dominant, does it mean that you are in a way dominated by Scorp energy? Or Saturn: Leo energy rather than Taurus energy?
If so, there you go again being my mirrored opposite Winking

Well, the signs express the energies of the planets, but the two are not equivalent. The signs have their own characteristics and ways of expressing that energy. From what I've read, being Uranus dominant would allegedly make me like an Aquarius in some ways in that I'd be eccentric, idealistic, inventive, but in addition to that I'd be unstable/disruptive/revolutionary in some sense (or prone to experiencing these types of events in my life), which are *not* necessarily Aquarian traits. And there are core traits specific to the sign of Aquarius that I wouldn't share (e.g., running around screaming that everyone who disagrees with me on an issue is a "LIAR!!!"). lol. Aquarius is also co-ruled by Saturn (its traditional ruler) on some accounts.
Posted by Infinite8
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio

Were these Scorp mercs also Scorp suns? I feel that although they might have the same merc, they behave differently if their Sun is in another sign.
Anyway... hope this helps you in understanding Scorp mercs better TLS!! Correct me if I'm wrong at understanding Merc in Aries.

Both Scorp Sun/Scorp Merc. I think you folks are just *very* sensitive...hahahaha.
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wow you all really know a lot about this.. thank you soo much for the information. Still a little lost coz I??m still learning about this..
I don??t want to over analyze but just want to know what to expect. I haven??t met him yet but get a really positive vibe. I just hope this guy is the one for me. x
Posted by aurora
Posted by Angeleyes17
wow you all really know a lot about this.. thank you soo much for the information. Still a little lost coz I??m still learning about this..
I don??t want to over analyze but just want to know what to expect. I haven??t met him yet but get a really positive vibe. I just hope this guy is the one for me. x

i was wondering why aren't you posting anything, so i was thinking you're probably too busy exploring each other, you know Tongue, considering the interpretation from the classical view.
tell us what happened when you two met each other.
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LOL sorry Had busy moments at work so didn??t get the chance to log on and have a good read but when I did, I was like wow!! This is really in depth. Embarrassing as it sounds, i haven??t met him yet. We started chatting via FaceBook, exchanged numbers and its just been like that. I haven??t been in contact with him for the past 2 months because he??s been on holiday and travelling a lot. But before this he did say when he??s back in town, he wants to take me out for dinner. Odd as it sounds it puts a smile on my face. He comes across as such a sweet down to earth kinda guy. Something about him is very attracting. What concerns me a little is the amount of female friends he has.
Posted by tiziani
I know where you're coming from - you mentioned you'd been through a loss a few years back so yeah I know what it's like to take your time.

It is that, but when I look back at my past its so negative and disappointing. I'm learning from each experience but I'd like that moment to finally come and have someone positive in my life.. I am a picky person and I also find it hard to trust people/open up straight away. Going in depth with my astrology it just feels like im not moving forward, I feel like I??m on standstill. :S
That??s very true, with negative experiences, positives comes out from that.. we only see that later in time. It has been the same for me in some way. The people that come into my life do leave, but in a strange way I??m becoming mentally and emotionally stronger.
I guess its hitting me and its becoming overwhelming with my surroundings and its questioning me why I cant find a partner that I'll fall in love with vice versa. All my cousins younger than me and friends are married, both my sisters now have partners and the getting older part doesn??t help either. Feel like looking into the astrology side and figure it out through that? LOL
Didn??t want to make another thread because its regarding this same Taurus guy. After not receiving any message from him for a few months I decided last night to message him. He responded but it just seemed like he wasn??t interested.. like it was those quick chit chat type messages.. he didn??t reply back to my last message. This is the guy who was the first to message me and ask me how I am, showing interest in me and even asked me if we can go out on a dinner date. is this normal for a male Taurus?
showing interest on and off? :S