Problem with bosses and with taking orders!!!

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by FeelingShred on Saturday, November 23, 2013 and has 15 replies.
Problem with bosses and with taking orders... Is it a Taurus thing? Or is it my Aries moon? (I born 9PM, this makes me a nocturnal chart, ruled by Moon instead of Sun Winking )
In 2 years I passed by 9 jobs. Only 3 of them I really liked, but my bosses were all full of bullshit, and they didn't like me because probably they noticed I am not "controlable" and "passive". This makes me a bad "employee" for many types of jobs.
Do you have this problem? How do you deal it your boss? Specially when you are in a situation when it's clear like water that your boss don't know nothing about your job, but he keeps stubborn defending his position and his "pizza chart who tells what is right and what is wrong" LOL
Thanks for the advice, but this wednesday I lost another job, because of a witch/b1tch that was on leader position.
So you're saying the only way to succeed is quit being an employee and working for myself/start a business?
Another thing I noticed in this corporative world, is that people value more pretty words than real results and facts. It makes my head explode in anger!
I'm an aries moon and i must say, i can't take orders from anyone, i hate it. I am younger than you but I try to control myself and try to listen to others and try really hard to do what they want. Tongue oh and i'm not controllable, If you can ask me to do something nicely, i might do it but if you ask like a fucking moron then its never happening =p
It's your Moon. Aries Moons seem incapable of ignoring what irritates them.
I've had annoying authority, but I also realize that authority got where it is for a reason. I also have no problems smiling at BS, if it's not really serious BS.
No Aries moon but I'm Uranus dominant, and have Merc in Aries which makes me really blunt at times. I buck authority way too much, and ASSUME authority where I really have none. I've learned to really hold my tongue. You have to look at it from your employer's perspective. If there's a hierarchy of authority, or chain of command, and you are just not in it, you are bascially emasculating them, even if you think you are right. Definitely a lesson I had to learn. When you work in the corporate world, the higher up the pyramid you get, the less that kind of stuff is tolerated. It sucks but its a reality of our world.
I tried hard, but there are sometimes when the stupidity coming out of their mouths are so intolerable, that I can't help but letting my anger come over written all over my face, at the same instant I hear it.
My wish was to kill everyone that denied me a chance in life, or maybe just make them suffer and letting go alive to keep suffering all life long. But fear of prison is what keep me from doing this.
If it's a game, the rules shoud apply to everyone, but it's not what I've been seeing.
Safety is harder to get from what I taught.
Posted by FeelingShred
I tried hard, but there are sometimes when the stupidity coming out of their mouths are so intolerable, that I can't help but letting my anger come over written all over my face, at the same instant I hear it.
My wish was to kill everyone that denied me a chance in life, or maybe just make them suffer and letting go alive to keep suffering all life long. But fear of prison is what keep me from doing this.
If it's a game, the rules shoud apply to everyone, but it's not what I've been seeing.
Safety is harder to get from what I taught.

I hear you. I think we learn to control our anger as we get older. I HATE the way I feel inside when I'm angry. When I was younger I felt powerful when I was angry; it gave me drive. I don't feel like that anymore; I just feel like it destroys my inner sense of peace. And now I use my stubbornness to REFUSE to let anyone disturb that inner balance. No fucking way anyone is going to take that from me at my job, throughout the day. They can have all the attitude, all the shitty ideas, they can be rude, condescending, demanding, gossip, backstab - whatever negative energy they put towards me - and I will just refuse to let the negativity enter my state of being. That's what I see as real power now, and real inner confidence. Of course, if anyone directly disrespects me, or threatens me or anything, that's another matter....Still working on that.
Anyway, that sucks that you got fired and consider it a learning experience.
Posted by soultalk
Posted by AnotherTaurus
I'm an aries moon and i must say, i can't take orders from anyone, i hate it. I am younger than you but I try to control myself and try to listen to others and try really hard to do what they want. Tongue oh and i'm not controllable, If you can ask me to do something nicely, i might do it but if you ask like a fucking moron then its never happening =p

Anothertaurus our personalities must match. I'm virgo sun, aries moon, taurus asc. I hate taking orders too. And I am very partial to my favorite people. I will jump at the chance to do something for peeps I like, but if I find someone fake, I will resist doing anything for them, only do something if my job needs to.
click to expand

Actually our personalities do match, i don't know why but i can't stand someone fake, and if i have to do something for them, i have to force myself to do it and that's why there are only limited number of people that are friends with me, maybe its a taurus thing i guess =p
It's a y generation thing and only getting worst. You have no respect for your parents and their authority and then your teachers and now your bosses! Maybe you need to grow up until you earn the rights to be the boss and then good luck to you!
Posted by sweethearts
It's a y generation thing and only getting worst. You have no respect for your parents and their authority and then your teachers and now your bosses! Maybe you need to grow up until you earn the rights to be the boss and then good luck to you!

Are you referring to me? Confused
Taurus friend once said not to get angry because you never know what can happen, it leads to different kinds of situations on how you go about it. Anger is a temporary feeling.
If it fits...
From what I have seen and read here most of you share it!
It's an Aries trait, that's for sure. My 10th house Mars in Aries conjunct. MC resents taking orders, and I'm always fighting against authority! I can't help it!
Both my Moon and Jupiter is in Gemini.
I'm self employed.
I have a lot to share with the world and have limited patience for fakeness, bullshit, and incompetence.
I'm not a know-it-all...but I know what works.
I have a highly progressive mindset, working for others in the past didn't work out for me so well.
I changed jobs more than most people change their minds.
I stuck around long enough to observe, retain, learn, and grasp.
I learned this from every incompetent boss, pulled all the resources, and connected the dots on every position I held that was completely alienated from one another.
If I was laid off or fired...who gave a fuck.
I left knowing everything I needed to know.
Having the dedicated work ethic of a stereotypical Taurus allowed me to invest all the labor in myself, my goals and my dreams...rather than some unappreciative, asshole, incompetent boss...who would have most likely exploited me.
The dedicated work ethic of a Bull is usually exploited in Corporate America. I have seen this among Bulls many times. We're told to keep quiet, to keep the financially security blanket intact. We love our money. So we work in hard...and work hard....while some lazy, incompetent employee gets a pay raise, promotion, and a pat on the back.

Corporate America can kiss my ass....
It's High School all over again. The cliques, the social circles, the ass kissing...One big circus show.
Corporate America teaches an employee NOTHING about hard work, reliability, punctuality, integrity,..everything a TRUE Bull symbolizes.
What you read on this company's websites in regards to ethics, mission statements,'s all Bullshit!

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