Questions for taurus people

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by Geminlove on Tuesday, February 25, 2014 and has 78 replies.
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For a taurus male to have feelings for 4 yrs and not confess? Why do taureans do that? Also, when taureans become completely cold and distant to their SO, because their SO was acting a bit uncertain about their relationship and was inconsistent. How to get them back?
Posted by Geminlove
For a taurus male to have feelings for 4 yrs and not confess? Why do taureans do that?

Yeah, I want to know the reason for this madness also.
Not a male, but maybe fear of rejection? Or maybe a little uncertain it's really love?
Sorry about being cold and may not be anything against you. Could be many other factors = not in the mood Sad
Posted by Geminlove
For a taurus male to have feelings for 4 yrs and not confess? Why do taureans do that?

We'd like you to come and confess your feelings first. We feel we did enough by staring at you with that look that let you know we had feelings. You should be able to see that we're a little shy. We're kind and won't reject you harshly if we aren't ready or interested like you thought. We even have a spot for you in the harem if you don't get the leading role.
Posted by Geminlove
Also, when taureans become completely cold and distant to their SO, because their SO was acting a bit uncertain about their relationship and was inconsistent. How to get them back?

For that you have to die and be reincarnated as something other than a Gemini - something with a much higher boredom threshold.
The more you care about and love the person, the harder it is to make a move and confess because the possibilty of rejection is too frightening. To fixed signs especially, imo. I don't know how people fail to see that. Taureans in particular, don't expect us to just come up and say "I love you" to your face. It probably won't ever happen. We will try to show it the best way we know how, with a look, a touch, a smile, feelings unspoken but not hidden.
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio

We'd like you to come and confess your feelings first. We feel we did enough by staring at you with that look that let you know we had feelings. You should be able to see that we're a little shy. We're kind and won't reject you harshly if we aren't ready or interested like you thought. We even have a spot for you in the harem if you don't get the leading role.

Yeah, you folks need to open your mouths at some point Big Grin
I can look at someone gazing at me all day long and still not have a clue. In my mind, it's delusional to assume they are into me, based only on that.
Subtle hints do not work. Strong hints do not work. Just say and do smthg that will leave me with no doubts in my mind about your interest.
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
We even have a spot for you in the harem if you don't get the leading role.

I thought I was MVP. My feels are hurt right now.
We can make it pretty damn obvious, just not by saying it outloud.
We'll leave ya with no doubts in your mind if you leave us with no doubts in our mind, first.
Or just find a Taurus with everything else in Aries and problem solved.
Yeah Theatrum, I am good at leaving people with no doubts in their's the Aries in my chart.
I just am clueless about a lot of need to put your hands on me or kiss me or something like this. How do you personally make it obvious?
It's a shame I don't run into more of you folks in real life. This will be my 2014 resolution Big Grin
When someone drops everything just to see you for a while, when you know for certian that they're the ones that you can call in the middle of the night if anything's up, when we look at you with adoration, when we can't help but to grin when you walk into a room, when you catch us staring at you longer than necessary, if you feel safe when we hug you, EVEN when we go hot and cold (we don't if we don't give a fuq), when you count all the little things we do, and we're really all about those, how is it not obvious? fire moons man *bangs head against the desk*
It really seems to be all about knowing for sure that our feelings will be returned. We're no risk-takers, so they say. We also seem to have a bit of an ego. whooosh...
Posted by Theatrum
When someone drops everything just to see you for a while, when you know for certian that they're the ones that you can call in the middle of the night if anything's up, when we look at you with adoration, when we can't help but to grin when you walk into a room, when you catch us staring at you longer than necessary, if you feel safe when we hug you, EVEN when we go hot and cold (we don't if we don't give a fuq), when you count all the little things we do, and we're really all about those, how is it not obvious? fire moons man *bangs head against the desk*

Yeah. my Taurus friend does all that. I've told him not once, not twice, but three times how into him I am. He thinks I'm joking.
Still clueless.
Tbh honest, ever since I stated dating Aries Men, I've been clueless to the subtle..even though I am all about the little things. It's like a beast charging at you "I WANT YOUUUU"...there is no way for me to build scenarios of "does he really like me?". I am over-thinking shit like crazy so your best chance with me is to not let me go all.
Posted by Theatrum
It really seems to be all about knowing for sure that our feelings will be returned. We're no risk-takers, so they say. We also seem to have a bit of an ego. whooosh...

Conservative with an HUGE ego...aren't we a hoot.
Damnata, stick around on our board'll feel the love and (maybe) you can see how our noggins work Winking
Hah... yeah I gecha. I can imagine how going from Aries to Taurus can be mindfucking.

How serious are you when you tell him though?
I used to do the same actually. Up until very recently, when someone would make it obvious that they liked me I'd convince myself that they're joking. cuz WHO THE HELL WOULD LIKE ME, HURR DURR... It's not even about confidence. At least in my case, it was a state of mind triggered by some past experiences. A certain someone snapped me out of this belief by talking to me honestly and seriously, though I couldn't return his feelings. As good as I am at giving subtle hints, still kinda suck at noticing them. Big Grin
Posted by peaceloveandhappiness
Posted by Theatrum
It really seems to be all about knowing for sure that our feelings will be returned. We're no risk-takers, so they say. We also seem to have a bit of an ego. whooosh...

Conservative with an HUGE ego...aren't we a hoot.
Damnata, stick around on our board'll feel the love and (maybe) you can see how our noggins work Winking
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Damn your delicious avatars, distracting me from whatever I was going to say -__- *drool*
Posted by peaceloveandhappiness
Posted by Theatrum
It really seems to be all about knowing for sure that our feelings will be returned. We're no risk-takers, so they say. We also seem to have a bit of an ego. whooosh...

Conservative with an HUGE ego...aren't we a hoot.
Damnata, stick around on our board'll feel the love and (maybe) you can see how our noggins work Winking
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Oh I love the Taurus Board. I've been steadily lurking on this board and the virgo one since 2009.
It's just a pity I don't meet Taurus folks in real life. I should probably cook more sandwiches.
My dad's girlfriend is a Taurus...sun trine sun, moon trine moon. Such an efortless easy connection.
Posted by Theatrum
Hah... yeah I gecha. I can imagine how going from Aries to Taurus can be mindfucking.

How serious are you when you tell him though?
I used to do the same actually. Up until very recently, when someone would make it obvious that they liked me I'd convince myself that they're joking. cuz WHO THE HELL WOULD LIKE ME, HURR DURR... It's not even about confidence. At least in my case, it was a state of mind triggered by some past experiences. A certain someone snapped me out of this belief by talking to me honestly and seriously, though I couldn't return his feelings. As good as I am at giving subtle hints, still kinda suck at noticing them. Big Grin

Yeah, the seriousness is an issue. For him, he finds me too random so I blurt that out of the blue and he goes "Everything should be placed in some context". I am all about randomness. Then he just stays there and looks at me and I panic.
With Virgos..we say most things in a joking's our way to face rejection. We're dead serious but we will pass it as a joke.
I am really random in real life and clueless.
Guy comes to me "Hey, I like you"
My mind "Yeah, right"
It's not even a self esteem problem..I am so good at sabotaging myself it's not even funny.
Posted by Damnata
Posted by peaceloveandhappiness
Posted by Theatrum
It really seems to be all about knowing for sure that our feelings will be returned. We're no risk-takers, so they say. We also seem to have a bit of an ego. whooosh...

Conservative with an HUGE ego...aren't we a hoot.
Damnata, stick around on our board'll feel the love and (maybe) you can see how our noggins work Winking

Oh I love the Taurus Board. I've been steadily lurking on this board and the virgo one since 2009.
It's just a pity I don't meet Taurus folks in real life. I should probably cook more sandwiches.
My dad's girlfriend is a Taurus...sun trine sun, moon trine moon. Such an efortless easy connection.
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Mmmmmm....make sure it's a darn good sandwich smile
"cook more sandwiches" lolololololol
I swear it's the only thing I can think of.
Any other ideas? Big Grin
Damnata, sounds like your friend is slow and steady...and you're bouncing all over the place, restless. He's feeling you out, watching you closely, making sure you're for real. Words don't mean much to is cheap, show us...PROVE IT.
OP sorry for derail but I think you get the gist of how Taureans work lol.
I've known him for 6 years. I do bounce all over the place but he is a steady presence in my life. I appreciate and value that tremendously.
I express myself best by talking...I get the proving though. I think/hope I show him lol.
The french Taurus guy who posted on this board said something about two earth signs coming together:
"2 rocks sitting in a tree...S-I-T-T-I-N-G". It cracked me up.
Posted by Damnata

Any other ideas? Big Grin


Nah, cook him some sandwiches and let us know how that works out Big Grin

And yeah, we haven't seen David in a while? He would put a lot of thought into helping people around here out. It was refreshing to watch.
David was awesome. Come back David, tu me manques!
"Nah, cook him some sandwiches and let us know how that works out"
You are mocking the poor Virgo Crying
Damnata - seriously, can you cook?
Posted by Damnata

You are mocking the poor Virgo Crying

Aw. My Leo bits have to come out and play sometimes.....

Good cooks myth. I'm a Taurus Sun and Venus/Cancer rising. According to astrology, I should be a master chef.

T.: Hey mum, if I don't get into any good schools, I can always go to a culinary school.
Virgo mum: No.
Me: Why not? I could work in restaurants and stuff.
Virgo mum: Because you would poison the whole restaurant.

Poor Virgos my ass.
Posted by peaceloveandhappiness
Damnata - seriously, can you cook?

You have Venus in Cancer? I have that bitch also.
Cancer rising.
Taurus Venus.
Oh, I wanted to swap stories from the battle Big Grin
Aries ex had Mars in Taurus/ Taurus ascendant...he was a great cook.
Theatrum, why do you fail at being a Taurus? And what sign is your dad? The unlucky one who married a Virgo.
I say cook it up for that Taurus man - show him you gots it!
We were hiking a couple years ago and we reached a cabin. Everyone in our group of friends was in the living room..he was glued to me in the kitchen. I found that adorable.
Posted by Damnata

Theatrum, why do you fail at being a Taurus? And what sign is your dad? The unlucky one who married a Virgo.

Because I'm an Aqua Moon & Uranus with Sun & Venus in the 11th house + Sun trine Uranus, tight orb.
Aqua/Uranus dominant. Air dominant. Some earthy traits just pass me by.
My dad is September 23, either last degree Virgo or first degree Libra. Some label him as this, some label him as that. idk his birthtime so I can't know for sure.
Posted by Theatrum
When someone drops everything just to see you for a while, when you know for certian that they're the ones that you can call in the middle of the night if anything's up, when we look at you with adoration, when we can't help but to grin when you walk into a room, when you catch us staring at you longer than necessary, if you feel safe when we hug you, EVEN when we go hot and cold (we don't if we don't give a fuq), when you count all the little things we do, and we're really all about those, how is it not obvious? fire moons man *bangs head against the desk*

Wow....this is so accurate in every detail.
Posted by scorchedearth
damn virgo taking over the taurus board. smh.

stop hating on me raging bull Big Grin
Posted by scorchedearth
i'm not a raging bull. i just have an aries stellium. Crying

raging..aries stellium..same thing
Damnata - whats the deal? Are you trying to make a move on a bull that you've been friends with for a while?
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
Damnata - whats the deal? Are you trying to make a move on a bull that you've been friends with for a while?

Yeah, still unsure about him. I've known him for 6 years.
I never run into taurean creatures in real life so I'm really unsure.
Posted by scorchedearth
btw you're a social sign. date a scorpio and STFU. Big Grin

You know my stance on Scorpio Men. notgonnahappen.
Capricorn is so...2005-2008
Posted by Damnata
Posted by scorchedearth
btw you're a social sign. date a scorpio and STFU. Big Grin

You know my stance on Scorpio Men. notgonnahappen.
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Do tell. My Scorp Dad/Virgo Mom was really bad, but I've known some other solid Virgo/Scorp couples.
It doesn't work for me personally. I have a lot of Scorpio gfs...but the men...ugh.
With the men it always gets to a point where I can feel they push me not for the sake of "us" but for their own sake. The moment I feel someone makes it about their ego and not about our common goal..I am out. I have no problems with people who push me to achieve more or who make it clear I should change smthg for the sake of the relationship...but I cannot stand ego tripping. If Taurus Men are the same, I am giving up on the whole axis.
Virgo Man/Scorpio Woman works better imo.
Posted by scorchedearth
i actually wasn't in a bad mood until you said "you woke up in a joyful mood." smh.

I KNOW Big Grin
Yeah, it's difficult. I have way too much testosterone I think.
Posted by scorchedearth
then let TLS give you terrible self serving advice.

Stay mad.

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