Posted by Geminlove
For a taurus male to have feelings for 4 yrs and not confess? Why do taureans do that?
Posted by Geminlove
For a taurus male to have feelings for 4 yrs and not confess? Why do taureans do that?
Posted by Geminlove
Also, when taureans become completely cold and distant to their SO, because their SO was acting a bit uncertain about their relationship and was inconsistent. How to get them back?
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
We'd like you to come and confess your feelings first. We feel we did enough by staring at you with that look that let you know we had feelings. You should be able to see that we're a little shy. We're kind and won't reject you harshly if we aren't ready or interested like you thought. We even have a spot for you in the harem if you don't get the leading role.
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
We even have a spot for you in the harem if you don't get the leading role.
Posted by Theatrum
When someone drops everything just to see you for a while, when you know for certian that they're the ones that you can call in the middle of the night if anything's up, when we look at you with adoration, when we can't help but to grin when you walk into a room, when you catch us staring at you longer than necessary, if you feel safe when we hug you, EVEN when we go hot and cold (we don't if we don't give a fuq), when you count all the little things we do, and we're really all about those, how is it not obvious? fire moons man *bangs head against the desk*
Posted by Theatrum
It really seems to be all about knowing for sure that our feelings will be returned. We're no risk-takers, so they say. We also seem to have a bit of an ego. whooosh...
Posted by peaceloveandhappinessPosted by Theatrum
It really seems to be all about knowing for sure that our feelings will be returned. We're no risk-takers, so they say. We also seem to have a bit of an ego. whooosh...
Conservative with an HUGE ego...aren't we a hoot.
Damnata, stick around on our board'll feel the love and (maybe) you can see how our noggins workclick to expand
Posted by peaceloveandhappinessPosted by Theatrum
It really seems to be all about knowing for sure that our feelings will be returned. We're no risk-takers, so they say. We also seem to have a bit of an ego. whooosh...
Conservative with an HUGE ego...aren't we a hoot.
Damnata, stick around on our board'll feel the love and (maybe) you can see how our noggins workclick to expand
Posted by Theatrum
Hah... yeah I gecha. I can imagine how going from Aries to Taurus can be mindfucking.
How serious are you when you tell him though?
I used to do the same actually. Up until very recently, when someone would make it obvious that they liked me I'd convince myself that they're joking. cuz WHO THE HELL WOULD LIKE ME, HURR DURR... It's not even about confidence. At least in my case, it was a state of mind triggered by some past experiences. A certain someone snapped me out of this belief by talking to me honestly and seriously, though I couldn't return his feelings. As good as I am at giving subtle hints, still kinda suck at noticing them.
Posted by DamnataPosted by peaceloveandhappinessPosted by Theatrum
It really seems to be all about knowing for sure that our feelings will be returned. We're no risk-takers, so they say. We also seem to have a bit of an ego. whooosh...
Conservative with an HUGE ego...aren't we a hoot.
Damnata, stick around on our board'll feel the love and (maybe) you can see how our noggins work
Oh I love the Taurus Board. I've been steadily lurking on this board and the virgo one since 2009.
It's just a pity I don't meet Taurus folks in real life. I should probably cook more sandwiches.
My dad's girlfriend is a Taurus...sun trine sun, moon trine moon. Such an efortless easy to expand
Posted by Damnata
Any other ideas?
Posted by Damnata
You are mocking the poor Virgo
Posted by peaceloveandhappiness
Damnata - seriously, can you cook?
Posted by Damnata
Theatrum, why do you fail at being a Taurus? And what sign is your dad? The unlucky one who married a Virgo.
Posted by Theatrum
When someone drops everything just to see you for a while, when you know for certian that they're the ones that you can call in the middle of the night if anything's up, when we look at you with adoration, when we can't help but to grin when you walk into a room, when you catch us staring at you longer than necessary, if you feel safe when we hug you, EVEN when we go hot and cold (we don't if we don't give a fuq), when you count all the little things we do, and we're really all about those, how is it not obvious? fire moons man *bangs head against the desk*
Posted by scorchedearth
damn virgo taking over the taurus board. smh.
Posted by scorchedearth
i'm not a raging bull. i just have an aries stellium.
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
Damnata - whats the deal? Are you trying to make a move on a bull that you've been friends with for a while?
Posted by scorchedearth
btw you're a social sign. date a scorpio and STFU.
Posted by DamnataPosted by scorchedearth
btw you're a social sign. date a scorpio and STFU.
You know my stance on Scorpio Men. to expand
Posted by scorchedearth
i actually wasn't in a bad mood until you said "you woke up in a joyful mood." smh.
Posted by scorchedearth
then let TLS give you terrible self serving advice.
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