I am too far deep to turn back now and shrug off this Taurus, however I am confused with him.
He is naturally flirtatious, we are coworkers and have formed somewhat of a friendship we work in different departments and he makes it obvious that he makes an effort to be around me at work and speak to me.
Now I know that a lot of patience is needed with taurus men, as a scorpio is has been very difficult but I am keep my cool. I have been working with him for almost six months though and our relationship is at a point where I don't know how he feels about or if he even has feelings for me.
At first i disregarded his flirtation because he has had a longtime girlfriend whom he lives with, however he recently told me she broke up with him and is selling their house and he is now in the middle of finding a new place and moving his belongings.
There was opportunity for him to fix things with his ex but he said "fuck it." It was obvious he was hurt by her decision. He has given me two "suprises" (he calls them that) in these past two weeks, he has never given me a gift before, one was his favorite jacket (which I never expressed a liking for or mentioned) and the other was a record. We hangout outside of work but sometimes he seems distant and we don't hangout when there is the opportunity to because I know he likes his space.
He asks me to a bar for drinks every now and then and I join him, he has also said that im "good looking" but I didn't press any further with that. I am a scorpio (Nov 6) he is Taurus (April 27).
Now that he is single I know he needs some time as anyone would after a long relationship but I am very confused with him and could use some advice/insight/is he just a big flirt, from fellow taurus'.
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Feb 04, 2015Comments: 1 · Posts: 560 · Topics: 12
Scorpios,,, Arrrrggg,,,Cause that makes perfect sense!
I don't know what to say anymore...
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Oct 29, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
Hold on I am with AB. I have written about co worker relationships before so I am just repeating myself. I actually had that experience so Yeah and Hell no it's too much if it doesn't work out.. I actually have alot of male friends and I get alot of hugs and compliments and I am alright with it unless it is overly too much.. But it's just business and less pleasure seriously.. Especially if I am not with anyone hell I am single till it has been mutually argeed on that we are together. And it is the guy's job for that..
And some place don't even allow relationships in your place of employment... I actually know a hospital that is kinda against it and you would have to keep everything on the DL.
The only thing I could offer to you is what? I think you already know seriously. You have to think with your mind and not your heart. Out weigh the pros and cons about each other and maybe a job isn't risk of being fired for..
One person would have to find another job in order to be together.. I know it can happen as i have read a post stating some one have been together for 4 years and then you find someone at work and dump your current Lover..
I can understand why you think that because some jobs do have that rule, however at our job there is no rule against coworkers having romantic relationships as long the coworker isn't in a position above the other or in their same department. For instance there is a couple that works in seperate departments and they have been married for years now and working there.
I am single and he is also now single my post was in regards to someone helping me understand his actions as to why he is warm and cold. I didn't take my thoughts about him serious until he told me about him and his girlfriend breaking up and him moving out.
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Oct 29, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
You know he is single now and just broke up..
You will automatically be put in a harem and FWB, I would do this to you if you were my gff. Taurus need time and possible a long time more. A failed relationship is failure and eventually will have to start all over again with someone new.. Good Luck and just be his friend for now..
Believe me I am not the scorpio that likes to chase and typically I can take a hint of when to be around and when someone likes me or doesn't.
THIS taurus man looks for me when I treat him as I would any other person. After months I thought as you said "maybe I'm looking too into his actions."
So I backed off! I gave him simple nod of the head very casual conversation, in fact I avoided him abit, point is we spoke way less and saw eachother way less.
HE made it obvious that this bothered him or something he started asking me "what's wrong, why am I mad?" When I showed no sign of being upset or mad at him and he also tricked me into having conversations with him by talking to me about things that would actually make me stop and talk.
So I have tried the whole just stay friends even distant friends! It doesn't work I don't know what he is doing, I know he needs time before entering another relationship but that doesn't excuse the way he is towards me. You cannot be flirtacious with a person and give them your jackets and express that you think they are attractive and smart and then suddenly back off and when they back off you get persitant again.
I have never been played and I have never dated a taurus, so I want to know what the hell his deal is, I'm not looking to waiste my time I'm fine with being friends but I'm also fine with giving him time to heal over his recent break up.
Signed Up:
Oct 29, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
Good Luck and I hope everything is good for you..
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Aug 22, 2013Comments: 2 · Posts: 2497 · Topics: 2
Don't give in. It's not going to work. resist that temptation that is only temporary bull men are really flirtatious just like libra - venus traits.
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Aug 22, 2013Comments: 2 · Posts: 2497 · Topics: 2
where is TLS - my favorite bull.
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Oct 29, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
Don't be desperate.. Lol..