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Nov 21, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
Hello, Tauruses
I am a female Scropion starting to date a Male taurus I could post this on the Scorpio board but I think I should be here.
Ok met a Taurus, B-Day 5/3 will be 41 on Wed. I am 11/9, 44. We met 1 year ago on line and just chatted, I made him mad last year but neither one of us remember. Well recently we started chatting on line again he has seen pictures of me but not any recently. Well to make a long story short. I finally went to see him on Saturday, He lives in Herndon VA and I in MD, well I took that 45 min ride to see him stood up a virgo, yada yada yada, well I get to his house looking really sexy and as soon as I get to the door I got so nervous I looked at this man and I could feel the passion in his eyes, I was a mess. Well he looked at me and was like what's wrong, I am backing up smiling trying to catch my breath and I said I am a little nervous and he takes my hand and I said no you need to feel my chest and he said I can tell through your hands and he was surprised to feel how nervous I was. So I sat down and he was like are you ok I said you do you have something to drink. LOL
Well he got me something to drink and in about 30 min I calmed down we were standing face to face and I just kissed him on his lips and he said thank you and after that I was fine and we started to have fun, we listen to music and he sang to me and I sang some songs to him. He is more into oldies and the instrumentals of music where as I am into the instruments and lyrics of music.
We went out to get some more drinks and came back we ate some steaks and just listen to oldies and then I pulled out all these condoms of different flavor and colors and lubricants of different flavor and colors and said that these were just for us and he smiled and lick his lips. As the night went on we got more relaxed and kiss and fooled around etc.
Well during the course of all this passion and making love I got so emotional I started to cry during our love making. Why you asked well let me just say it was the built up of passion,emotions/PMS/ and anything else you get from not having sex in 4 months, not to mention the sensuality of his touch, the way he held me but most of all I could not stop remembering him telling me we are now one.
(that was deep).
Well I got up so that he could not see the emotions that I was going through and went to smoke a cig and have another drink, when I can back I layed on his chest and told him what I was going through he said maybe you just need to cry but I could not, I felt very weak and vulnerable and that was a no no I asked him to please understand. Well I wanted to continue the art of making love but he told me to get myself together. So I went to sleep and when morning came he was up first and I woke up and I just stared at him for about a good 3 min and he said what are you looking at whya are you looking at me and I said I am just looking at you and then I asked him to come lay with me and he did we continued making love that we did not complete that night. He got up and fix us breakfast and we talked watch some tv took a nap and then I went home.
He said for me to call him later but I have not called him yet. He did make a statement about my emotional moment but said we will talk about it later.
So my question is do I make the next move to call him?
Should I bring that incident up or just wait and see if he brings it up.
He said he dated other scropio's before?
Signed Up:
Nov 21, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
I am basically trying to get a feel for them. What they like, dislike, what makes them smile, I know we did a lot of laughing I was just being myself and he was on joke time real hard.
What makes them happy? stuff like that
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Nov 21, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
joke time that means he was just saying silly stuff acting crazy and telling was really fun.
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Nov 21, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
He's very sexy to me, he's black has green eyes, and light brown hair, light complextion about 150 pounds, 5'9. and I enjoyed every bit of holding him in my arms and kissing his lips which are very sexy also.
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May 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4058 · Topics: 601
My advice: RUN! ...unless your into torture.
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Nov 21, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
you think so TG.....give me some pointers as to what to look for etc.
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May 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4058 · Topics: 601
Oh don't listen to me, SL! I am totally biased as I am in middle of scorp/bull disaster.
I guess one pointer is to really fukking respect the taurus, and don't lie or take them for granted or forget that they feel. Our silence may be when most emotions are erupting, and we will love you deeply, quietly hide away if you hurt us.
Signed Up:
Nov 21, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
That will probably be the easiest thing for me to do because I want respect myself.
He told me that the women he has dated has taken him for granted stole from him, he said he laid a 20 on the table and came back it was gone. I told him I will never steal from him. He said that he is just to much of a nice guy. Hell I need a really nice guy. He seems like he is a lot of fun to be with. We was going to go out to this club in DC called DREAMS and I was like I am not driving back to DC I just came from DC he was like well if I go then you will go with me and we will get a limo. apparently he knows the owner
I was like ok but instead we chilled at his house.
I read some of you post on Scorpio board and I am sorry to hear read about you and your scorp guy and I sorry to say that I really can't help you because I don't date Scorpio men and I don't really know how they are and know I can see why.
The only thing I can say is just be upfront with him go see him and let him know EXACTLY how you feel what you are going to accept and not accept. and be HONEST,
I can't tell you this if you know what his weakness is use it to the fullest.
Signed Up:
May 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4058 · Topics: 601
Sounds like you guys are off to a good start, and sounds hot too!
Thanks for the advice, I gotta really think a lot so I can choose my words wisely tonight. I feel confused about how I really feel, I don't even know what I want from this.
Signed Up:
Nov 21, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 3537 · Topics: 116
I hope so I don't want to look to much into this I am still willing to take my time and basically let him (Take The Lead) and see what happens. But something is truly there I can feel it.
TG I wish and hope and everything turns out for the best for you. Be the strong and confident person you are and you can get through this. It is truly his lost.
Signed Up:
Feb 16, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 15214 · Topics: 99
Well I had one taurus guy ask me out..we met at a dinner and he was sat opposite me, we got on brilliantly. Then after that dinner, he asked me out the next day to another dinner where it will be just the two of us..wined and dined me and at the end of the evening, like a true gentleman he asked me out but I said I wasn't looking for a relationship..but thanked him all the same etc..Afterwards, he kept in touch every now and then and now he has disappeared!..He was a good friend while it lasted..Then had another Taurus guy I was speaking to..handsome young doctor (if those two words can go together) and he was really demanding..wanted a date out of me, willing to pick me up, drop me off blah blah..he did sound very romantic, played his guitar to me over the phone etc, sung to I just laughed at but it was quite cute..We did finally arrange to meet, but me still not looking for a relationship, went along with that thought..unfortunately his friend had an accident that night and he got called away so it didn't happen..I didn't mind but he apologised a lot which was sweet..It just wasn't meant to he's gone to America to finish off his internship or whatever they call it in the medical world..But he was very stubborn and said that nobodys refused him before..and that I was a challenge..he was very attractive and sexy and charming but I am glad nothing happened..don't ask me why cos I don't know..had no feelings for him I guess.
They seem to be nice folk..
Signed Up:
Aug 20, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 2571 · Topics: 154
"Our silence may be when most emotions are erupting, and we will love you deeply, quietly hide away if you hurt us."
-- Oh this is soooo true! Sorry to hear about you n your scorps problems... but hey I just read that this month should clear away some of the april problems *crosses fingers
Signed Up:
Aug 20, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 2571 · Topics: 154
"he did sound very romantic, played his guitar to me over the phone etc, sung to I just laughed at but it was quite cute.."
-- Oooh that is so romantic! and for a bull too! wonder what his planets were... no actually, we CAN be romantic when inspired, he must have really liked you.
My ex crab would sing to me too, which was kinda funny as he wasn't the best at it lol Plus that stuff makes me feel a tad shy lol
Signed Up:
Mar 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 683 · Topics: 36
hi Scorpionlady,
"Ok met a Taurus, B-Day 5/3 will be 41 on Wed."
hey.. his birthday is just a day after mine! or i can say moments lol, since i was born really late on the 2nd of may. (but not in the same year, of course)
"I get to his house looking really sexy and as soon as I get to the door I got so nervous I looked at this man and I could feel the passion in his eyes, I was a mess."
this is what often happens when attracting, polar opposites personally meet for the very, first time. it's especially true when we're talking about the taurus/scorpio attraction, becuz these two signs are the most passionate of all the sun signs. and believe me, i would bet on anything that he was feeling pretty, damn flushed himself when he had laid eyes on you for the first time. ;D
"we listen to music and he sang to me and I sang some songs to him. He is more into oldies and the instrumentals of music where as I am into the instruments and lyrics of music."
lol i am a music fanatic, too, and singing has always been an intense passion for me; i'm into the instrumentals of music, as well -- although my love for the lyrics is not too far behind my love for the melody.
"Well during the course of all this passion and making love I got so emotional I started to cry during our love making. Why you asked well let me just say it was the built up of passion,emotions/PMS/ and anything else you get from not having sex in 4 months, not to mention the sensuality of his touch, the way he held me but most of all I could not stop remembering him telling me we are now one.
(that was deep)."
aWwWw gee. that sounds painfully beautiful.
"He said for me to call him later but I have not called him yet. He did make a statement about my emotional moment but said we will talk about it later.
So my question is do I make the next move to call him?"
well, if it was priorly stated that you were the one who is supposed to call him and that you yourself had agreed with this arrangement, then i would suggest that you call him if you plan on meeting up with him again. tauruses tend to be dependable, so they would like for their lovers to be dependable, as well. phoning him will show that you can follow through with your promises and that you are a person who sticks to her words.
"Should I bring that incident up or just wait and see if he brings it up."
i think that you should only bring this up if *you* actually want to talk to him about it; this is more about you than it is about him. you shouldn't even worry about his response becuz he is already clearly aware, that the possibility of it being discussed is pretty high anyway (he specifically said that you guys would "talk about it later", did he not?) so the bottom line is, don't worry about whether or not you SHOULD bring it up, but more about whether or not you actually WANT to. do what you feel is best when the time actually strikes.
i hope that that helped, Scorpionlady.
good luck with your taurus man and just follow your instincts. your gut is your most effective guide, hun. =]
btw, here is some basic astrology tid-bits that may be of use to you.. (just in case you want some professional descriptions of the taurus man lol)
You like to enjoy your passions in comfort. Soft music, low lights and a good brandy are a must. You like to be surrounded with beautiful objects and you demand what you consider to be quality in all aspects of your life including your women. You don't like women who waste your time. If a potential lover really wants to be with you she shouldn't take too long to decide. You are patient but chances are you will fall asleep if sh
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Apr 23, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 238 · Topics: 27
find this one non attractive. i just got feeling whenever i meet scorps i just want to wind them up, no idea why but i can just see this angle i want to annoy, see the firey temper and i just want to kick it, god, dunno why, never really fancied the women as see them as weak. and no i just argue with them, even though they would be ok it would just begin. dont think a good match.