Should I declare my love (again) to my Taurus crush?

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by meathead on Tuesday, January 16, 2018 and has 1 replies.
Him: Taurus sun, Pisces moon, Leo rising

Me: Scorpio sun, Aquarius moon, Cancer rising

So, I have a crush on this guy at work since October. He is very shy and awkward around girls, but he is also aware that he is very attractive (he does bodybuilding competitions). I’ve told him that I like him in person and via text. In person he just clams up, text he doesn’t respond. But, after each of the 3 or 4 times I told him, he would just behave like nothing happened. Our shifts at work kind of overlap. He starts at 3, I leave at 3:30. But he comes in every day at 2:30 and sits nexts to me in the breakroom and chats with me. He knows I will be there everyday waiting for him. I feel like if the fact that I liked him made him uncomfortable he would avoid me. I work at a job that is mostly guys, and I get along with everyone. I’ve never dated or hungout outside of work with anyone from work. i have worked there 5 years and until about 6 months ago I was in a relationship. When I ask him to hang out he’ll say “why dont you hang out with John or Bob”. Other guys that I work with that are friends. I dont flirt with them or try to make time for them like I do for him. Do I just need to say “look, I really like you. just you.” or something?

Please help. I think I’m in love with him.