taurus ex of a year broke off a month ago, saying he needs to focus on career and that things havent been great.
We hadnt fought i did try to calmly convince him but he said he is going through crisis and needs out.
we work together and its always like he is trying to have a conversation, and says things for me to react but i try not to. I maintain NC as much as possible. But he does get emotional now and then and says he misses me and stuff. Just last week he told his best friend about how much he misses me and how the breakup is really beginning to hit him.
I have been playing it cool so far, i dont beg or convince because i want him to feel for me on his own, i dont want to involve people and have them go tell him that he is just forcing himself to take decisions against his comfort.
on 30th he fell ill ( he talks to me about all that is going on with him and how he is ill and about just whats been happening with him, i dont tell him much about myself though he wants to know), so i was just suportive and asked him to seek a doctor and stopped looking stuff up online. he kept saying i think its because of stress. i didnt ask him what stress. i just heard him out. Later he dropped me at work and said i want to go home, im feeling sick i ave plans of going out of town for new years..and i said oh thats good but take care.... then he calls out and goes lets meet before new years ? I just smiled because i wasnt sure if he meant it . I mesaged him to take care and later asked about his doc appointment but that was all.
then 31st we hadnt spoken at all and with him being around i really thought he would atleast wish me. But he went allll silent. he was online, he messaged on all the common groups but never messaged me. I couldnt take it so i just sent a simple message on the 1st and got a imple reply. but that's all.
I really want him back and dont know what to do.... he suddenly went from being aroun to being cold or so i feel..... can someone help me understand the situation.