Signed Up:
Mar 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 683 · Topics: 36
when i was rushing to my chem final yesterday morning, i happened to notice this one girl staring at me while i was crossing the street. i was thinking to myself, "she's prolly just wondering what ethnicity i am or maybe she just thinks that i look strange/familiar or something." i didn't think too much of it cuz i know that girls check girls out all the time, since it happens to me everyday. anywhoo.. i just kept on walking cuz most of my thoughts were blurry and scattered from being dead sleepy anyway. what really sucked was that i didn't even know where the building for my chem final was located (a few days ago, i didn't know WHICH building, then minutes before my final, i didn't know WHERE the building was. tsk tsk on my part), so i had to walk fast so that i could maybe find it in time (i don't like to ask for help unless i'm in dire need of it).
i then ran into my friend, who had previously finished his final. he was just about to tell me where he thought the location might be, when that girl then stopped to say that she's also looking for the same building (she had chem as well, but i wouldn't know cuz i only went to class once and it had about 300 ppl in it). sooo, i said bye to my friend and we (that girl and i) ended up following this one guy who also had the same class (she pointed him out). therefore, i walked with her to our final. she started chatting and talked about where we came from and we did some small talk here and there. we finally reached our black hole and entered with extreme anticipation and caution. *tum tum tum* =O
our final hadn't started yet, so we picked seats and just talked some more. she was really fun to chat with cuz she was bubbly, as well. however, she kept laughing at what i said (i'm not really conscious of the jokes that i make), even though i didn't really think that i said anthing bizarre. she kept looking at me and i felt comfortable, but a little awkward. i asked her what ethnicity she was and she said european, and she asked me mine and i said asian. she laughed hard again and i was kinda confused, but i giggled anyway. she might have laughed becuz i'm really smiley and enthused when i talk, but i dunno, she just sounded a little too flirty (i meet ppl all the time and she acted a little tense). i felt like it was somewhat of a lesbian experience.. lol. she complimented me and made sure that she got my name right. she then asked me where i stayed and all of these really direct questions. i was friendly and told her, but i was a little surprised with her curiosity. she didn't look gay or anything and she was pretty girly and petite (she's shorter than i am), but i don't really judge until i know all the facts - so i just sat there while constantly bedazzled.
anywhoo.. i asked her when her birthday was and she said that it was in may. i was like, "me, too." i asked that out of curiosity, even though it wouldn't really matter which sign she was cuz i get along with all the signs (some signs more on the acqaintance level, others on the deeper, personal level). but yeah.. my conclusion was, she's either somewhat of a lesbian and was flirting with me, or she just REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY wanted to be my friend and enjoyed my company a lot. cuz damn.. that girl kept staring at me and acted really interested or something. but yeah.. since i have no more finals, i'm fully awake from taking a prior nap (with a weird dream), and my whole dorm hall is either sleeping or studying, i decided to write about my day for a change. yep.. so now i'm done. i'm gonna listen to music and dance my ass off now. ohh, and she's a gemini (i guessed right), btw, if you guys wanna take that into consideration.
Signed Up:
Aug 20, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 2571 · Topics: 154
Oh gemini ey? Well that explains it
They flirt in their sleep! lol jk I don't know. One time this chic just started talking to me as well but then she just started complimenting me and telling me stuff about my body and... it got weird, then she asked for my number. That was a weird day altogether actually because later on I headed to the mall and this lesbian, guy-looking woman looked me up and down in a very perverted way and said something to me as she walked past me... ewwwww goosebumps... 
Signed Up:
Mar 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 683 · Topics: 36
yeah, there are ppl like that everywhere. this girl was cool though, so i think i'll chill with her sometime or something (if she starts acting normal).. lol. randomly, i heard ppl are pretty forward in san francisco (i've been there once, it's pretty true); when my friend visited that city, he talked about how everyone who hit on him was a guy. i was laughing my freakin ass off. i was like.. "you prolly got that 'do me, i'm gay' look, huh?" and he was like, "na uh! just cuz i wear tight clothes and disregard what the gay colors are doesn't mean i'm gay!"
poor guy, he just proved my damn point.
and i just proved that i might look gay sometimes.. ?? i dunno. but geez, i hope not.. lol.
but yeah, girl scanning is normal everywhere. at least you're not asian, my mom freaks out every time anyone approaches me (or her.. she's still looks young). she always thinks that i'm gonna get raped or something, so she doesn't let me go anywhere. everytime i want to go out, a fight would always have to take place. shoot.. if i get to leave any time i want, i would never be freakin home. seriously.........
i hate being asian. booooooo.
Signed Up:
Aug 20, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 2571 · Topics: 154
Not asion but I'm hispanic and my parents gave me hell when I started going out. It was where, who, what, when and how?! Very tight vigilance. I wasn't much for arguing, more of the nod and agree type lol but once I got my foot out the door threats did nothing for me, I wanted my freedom and was willing to pay the consequences. Hah! and once I bought my first car... there was no stopping me! Eventuallllllllllllllly after much effort and I suspect getting used to they stopped giving me hell and loosened their grip little by little. Then again I stopped relying on them early on for that very reason, because I did not want to be threatened with having something taken away. Didn't rely on them heavily atleast, for some strange reason I never liked asking for anything since I was little... didn't like feeling like they had something on me. Unlike my younger bro and sis who were and ARE lazy brats!
Of course my mom being the virgo she is would almost nearly force me to take money if she thought I needed it, she still thinks I was a weird kid lol Anyway, once I was old enough to work I bought anything I needed for myself... everything, clothing, supplies, food then cell phone (ok which had to be under my parents name but I paid) and at 17 my first car and insurance which was pretty expensive at that age (well, drove illegaly a few months cuz I got my license at 18 lol which pissed my mom off!)
They didn't like me going out a lot so they said that if I thought I could do whatever I wanted then I could afford to live on my own... basically threatening with throwing me out so I suggested paying 'rent' and not going out as much
Which I did happily as I felt more self-sufficient as well, anddddd resorted to sneaking a bit more lol Anyway that was short phase anyway, you get tired of not being home.
I still didn't openly oppose them so much or yelled or said stupid things like 'i'm old enough' blah blah I simply wanted freedom and got my fair share for it
I'd always let my mom know where I was at (ok sometimes I lied) but she's such a worrier that I wanted her at ease.
Very protective, as sweet as she seems she'd find out my friends numbers and call them or their parents and told off many a guys! Lol Actually she told off my bf a loooong time ago when I barely met him because he was older than me (we weren't going out then) Yup that was kind of embarrassing
But she actually likes him now and they get along quite well. I don't know if my dad likes him but he hasn't said anything too mean about him so I'll take it that he finds him acceptable, my dads your typical scorp... never know exactly where he stands lol
Oooops rambled on! Later! Signed Up:
Mar 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 683 · Topics: 36
lol, you silly girls.
i know what you guys mean.. FATAL PROTECTION should have its own definition in the dictionary or something. i've got a virgo/asian mom, too, and omg.. i don't even know where to start. she wasn't just over-protective, she was plain crazy. and i don't over-exaggerate, i mean it with all that i am.
this woman would lock me up (literally), jump on me, try to beat the crap out of me, screamed vicious insults at me, and man.. it was too craaaazy to even reminisce about. it was like a freakin cat fight between mother and daughter, which is really sad and scary. and she would always complain about me to my relatives even though i didn't do jack crap (they believed HER, of course - the more "mature" one. pssshhh.. my ass). she acted like she was a major drunk, but she was everything BUT. we would get so violent (mostly her, i just block as best as i could cuz she's a small and skinny lady) that my sister would sometimes scream, "STOP!" while crying. i'm serious, i've got a freakin messed up family.
i'm not exactly thankful for the whole package, but i embraced it. i wrote about parts of it on here before.. somewhere on the aries board. but yeah.. she would treat me like an actual human being when my dad is around, but if not, she would yell profanities at me like a freakin psycho. my dad is over-protective, too, but in a nicer, more "sane" way. i've never fought with that man cuz he didn't give me any reason to, and that really makes me respect him even more (he still calls me and talks to me like i'm five years old or something, which is kinda weird but adorable.. lol). i actually don't fight with ppl easily, but with my mom, it was damn inevitable. if i had ignored her, she would have slapped me for not listening. and if i had walked away, she would have ran after me while yelling at me, just to make sure that i would hear every bit of "precious" information that she had to forcefully throw at me. and when i would try to say something back, she would start yelling as loud as she could, just so that she didn't have to hear anything that i would have to say. she loved it when i would get pissed off, cuz that would mean that she had gotten to me. if i was calm, on the other hand, it would make her even more mad. that inconsiderate mother of mine. *!@# $ % ^&~*
but yeah.. talk about mature. i felt like i was the adult there - every time - becuz she was so always so irritatingly ignorant. i was always the victim, and i wasn't even a bad kid. i didn't start going out until my senior year of HS, and i never rebelled. some of cousins were waaay worse (gang members, drug dealers), but she always gave them excuses. i recall her saying something like, "they can do what they want becuz they're guys. if you were a guy, things would be different." that SEXIST ******!! ahhhh. before my senior year, i strictly obeyed and would still get whipped. it wasn't like i didn't obey senior year, it was just that i didn't stay home ALL the time. but then i would keep feeling sorry for her when she would start turning nice (tauruses are suckers for affection), even though i knew that it was just a temporary act. but whatevers, i always end up forgiving her. i still have to deal with her the same way, but it's nothing that i can't handle. no one would guess that i had a crazy childhood cuz i would always smile everywhere i go (i don't let things get to me too much, i always lean towards the more optimistic side). everyone thinks i got it easy cuz i seem so laid back and hyper all the time (sagittarius ascendant), but naw.. i experienced a lot. she chased me with a knife while threatening to kill me before; i just ran around the living room and screamed - it was kinda like some sick murder movie. i mean, shoot.. after all of that, i'm not even scared to die anymore.
not to say that i'd ever kill myself - that would be stupid. lol.
Signed Up:
Mar 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 683 · Topics: 36
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.. omfg. do you guys see a trend here? damn goodness..
Signed Up:
Mar 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 683 · Topics: 36
LOL! yep.. we've lived with those crazy virgos before. it's like there's a switch on the female ones or something - after they have kids they turn psycho. i dunno.. i've always got along with capricorns the best among the earth signs. next would be tauruses, and last would be.. ya know.. whatever's left.. lol.
Signed Up:
Aug 20, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 2571 · Topics: 154
Wow my moms a saint now
But you know what I noticed about reading your story? That if there's one major thing most Tauruses have in common it's not letting painful things get to us too much... people may simply never guess and even have the sick guts to judge us and say that we've had it easy when in reality they don't know squat about our lives. It's that carefree attitude that we carry I guess, but it's good. It's not so much what you go through as it is how you deal with it or see it... and even better if you get past it lol I know what you mean about those family scenes... me and my dad can get along great OR FREAK AWWWWFUL so some of those things you described sound quite familiar lol
But yeah... lets leave it at that... or so my psychologist recommended lol jk But although my mom isn't so crazy I'm starting to notice that the craziest people could actually be virgo... like maybe it's the extreme negative of the sign or something, cuz my uncle is a virgo and he's CUCKOOO CUCKOOO no kidding, even my mom doesn't like talking to him and I'm sure I've mentioned that psycho virgo guy I met many times before... hey the impression lasts ok? lol
Anywho of the earth signs I get along best with taurus and least virgo ( gee what a surprise, actually the chics are ok but most of the guys are... i stop now
Of the water signs I get along best with the scorpios and well with the others, cancer is the attraction factor
Of the air signs I get along best with the libras and LEAST with the geminis (or maybe not least I just don't have uhummm a thing for 'em ha ha)
Of the fire signs I get along best with the sagittarians and LEAST with those leos! *runs around holding head while screaming crazily
Signed Up:
Aug 20, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 2571 · Topics: 154
Wow my moms a saint now
But you know what I noticed about reading your story? That if there's one major thing most Tauruses have in common it's not letting painful things get to us too much... people may simply never guess and even have the sick guts to judge us and say that we've had it easy when in reality they don't know squat about our lives. It's that carefree attitude that we carry I guess, but it's good. It's not so much what you go through as it is how you deal with it or see it... and even better if you get past it lol I know what you mean about those family scenes... me and my dad can get along great OR FREAK AWWWWFUL so some of those things you described sound quite familiar lol
But yeah... lets leave it at that... or so my psychologist recommended lol jk But although my mom isn't so crazy I'm starting to notice that the craziest people could actually be virgo... like maybe it's the extreme negative of the sign or something, cuz my uncle is a virgo and he's CUCKOOO CUCKOOO no kidding, even my mom doesn't like talking to him and I'm sure I've mentioned that psycho virgo guy I met many times before... hey the impression lasts ok? lol
Anywho of the earth signs I get along best with taurus and least virgo ( gee what a surprise, actually the chics are ok but most of the guys are... i stop now
Of the water signs I get along best with the scorpios and well with the others, cancer is the attraction factor
Of the air signs I get along best with the libras and LEAST with the geminis (or maybe not least I just don't have uhummm a thing for 'em ha ha)
Of the fire signs I get along best with the sagittarians and LEAST with those leos! *runs around holding head while screaming crazily
Signed Up:
Aug 20, 2005Comments: 1 · Posts: 2571 · Topics: 154
Wow my moms a saint now
But you know what I noticed about reading your story? That if there's one major thing most Tauruses have in common it's not letting painful things get to us too much... people may simply never guess and even have the sick guts to judge us and say that we've had it easy when in reality they don't know squat about our lives. It's that carefree attitude that we carry I guess, but it's good. It's not so much what you go through as it is how you deal with it or see it... and even better if you get past it lol I know what you mean about those family scenes... me and my dad can get along great OR FREAK AWWWWFUL so some of those things you described sound quite familiar lol
But yeah... lets leave it at that... or so my psychologist recommended lol jk But although my mom isn't so crazy I'm starting to notice that the craziest people could actually be virgo... like maybe it's the extreme negative of the sign or something, cuz my uncle is a virgo and he's CUCKOOO CUCKOOO no kidding, even my mom doesn't like talking to him and I'm sure I've mentioned that psycho virgo guy I met many times before... hey the impression lasts ok? lol
Anywho of the earth signs I get along best with taurus and least virgo ( gee what a surprise, actually the chics are ok but most of the guys are... i stop now
Of the water signs I get along best with the scorpios and well with the others, cancer is the attraction factor
Of the air signs I get along best with the libras and LEAST with the geminis (or maybe not least I just don't have uhummm a thing for 'em ha ha)
Of the fire signs I get along best with the sagittarians and LEAST with those leos! *runs around holding head while screaming crazily
Signed Up:
Mar 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 683 · Topics: 36
i know. i actually lived it. *sigh*. at least i learned survival skills? lol.
but yeah, on a more serious note.. yes, it was extremely disturbing when it happened, but i managed to put that behind me (for the most part). i just wish that my mom would see that she isn't at all close to being the perfect mother (nor attempted to be), and that the way she treats her family is just plain cruel. she thinks that she's an amazing person who deserves way better than the life style that she was given. i told her that she makes her own decisions and can't blame others for her misfortunes. i still feel sorry for that woman pretty often, although i know that she did not make the best of choices, especially when regarding her young kids.
i still love my mom, though.. i can't really change that, as hard as i try to stay mad at her.
i'm just glad that my sister was at least too young to know what was really going on.
Signed Up:
Mar 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 683 · Topics: 36
tauruschic, i'm not sure which sign i get along best with, but it's pretty similar to yours. i can't really pick, though, cuz the ppl i know are all pretty different.
"She does seem alot nicer now that we don't live under the same roof."
sb, i think that's true. but i still live there during the summer, so that's gonna be a dragggggg....
"Sounds like you wanted to vent that off your chest for a long time."
i guess you can say that. i don't usually talk about my family that often, but i've talked about them with my closer friends before. i just don't go into too much detail. the memories are just in me somewhere - so if something ignites them, then i tend to explode without even knowing. it's a pretty strong force, but i've dealt with it before, so i'm comfortable talking about it; as in, i won't break down or feel shattered by the likes of it.
Signed Up:
Jan 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1857 · Topics: 45
Sorry to hijack the ebb and flow of this topic!! but Shaka just checked out your pic.......hey, who's a handsome virgo-ite!!!!! You can sure shake-a me any time you like:-)
Alana x
Signed Up:
Mar 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 683 · Topics: 36
i just ran into that girl again. she smiled at me and gave me this really innocent look, but i didn't recognize her until it was about 5 seconds in. she has a lotta guy friends (a flirt), though.. so i dunno if she's a lesbo (she could be bi). but yeah.. i didn't expect her to find me around my dorm area. she's cool, though. may ppl are tight =p. i get along with may geminis the best, compared to the june ones. (i only know one june gemini that i was really close to in hs - we inspired each other to expand our horizons). but yeah.. that was definately an unexpected reunion.. lol.
Signed Up:
Mar 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 683 · Topics: 36
"Well, if youre giving her the time of day I would say youre interested in her..
Not sure in what way though."
haha i guess that kinda makes sense. but it's not like i really hung out with her, though. it was just a casually chat - ya know, the chat that happens when you coincidentally run into someone that you know.
but i do like the fact that she's enthusiatic. i know a lot of ppl, and very few are both intellectual AND optimistically energized (to the maximum). that's pretty uncommon, so whenever i do happen to meet someone who is within this criteria, i just simply appreciate his/her positive and clever outlook. i can't understand why everything has to be either extremely serious or carefree, with nothing else in between. therefore, i love it when someone is both - for i hardly ever find ppl like that around..
Signed Up:
Sep 24, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1169 · Topics: 38
will this ever turn into lesbian pron?
if so when will the sex tapes be released?
Signed Up:
Mar 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 683 · Topics: 36
Illmatic, what exactly is "pron" ??
and sex tapes?? *gasp* you are a very dirty fish, yes indeed. do you kiss your momma with that mouth? eerrrr.. fingers?
nevermind i said anything.
Signed Up:
Sep 24, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1169 · Topics: 38
girl who stares in front of mirror with pouty lips
"Illmatic, what exactly is "pron" ??"
well its....i hope your kidding. were you dropped on you head as child? did people thrown bricks at your head prior to this conversation?
"and sex tapes?? *gasp* you are a very dirty fish, yes indeed. do you kiss your momma with that mouth? eerrrr.. fingers?
nevermind i said anything."
yes i do i love my mom
i have a taurus moon after all.
fingers?? mouths?? dirty fish??
ingredients for good porn
were you born on may 5th, my little calf??
Signed Up:
Mar 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 683 · Topics: 36
guy who had my picture in his "photos page" becuz dxp screwed up,
(which is still freakin hilarious, btw)
"well its....i hope your kidding. were you dropped on you head as child? did people thrown bricks at your head prior to this conversation?"
uhh.. not that i know of. hmmm.. i broke my pinky once in elementary school when i was playing tetherball (stupid girl). and umm.. i took karate as a kid. but then again, i had always kicked ass at it, so no complaints there lol.
"yes i do i love my mom
i have a taurus moon after all."
you do, do you? hmm.. no wonder you're more sarcasticly forward, compared to most of the other pisces. you got some strength there, so good job, lad. *bends down to pat you on the back* =p
"fingers?? mouths?? dirty fish??
ingredients for good porn"
ok, here's my question -- were you really horny as a kid? (and if you say no, then you're lying to me.)
"were you born on may 5th, my little calf??"
nope, i wasn't. i was born VERY late on May 2nd, so it might as well be May 3rd (but it's technically still May 2nd). i would call it a cusp, i guess (even though we're just talking about days lol), cuz i've read stuff on both of those days, and they both fit me 50/50. yep..
Signed Up:
Mar 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 683 · Topics: 36
p.s. i'm not your little calf! i'm not anyone's calf. i'm my own damn calf! yessum.
wait, wtf.. i'm not a calf! why the eff did you call me a calf?!!?
Signed Up:
Mar 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 683 · Topics: 36
ohh yeah! it's becuz of the bull thing, isn't it?!!?
ohhhh ok.. i totally get it now!
it's becuz i'm a taurus and tauruses are sybolized by the bull and --
yeah.. haha.
lol.. ok.
that makes me very happy =]
but i'm still not a calf. i don't want to be compared to an animal - especially not a baby one at that.
wait.. calfs are baby bulls, right?
i thought they were horses?
ok.. i'll just shut up right about now.
Signed Up:
Sep 24, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1169 · Topics: 38
what the eff girl
"guy who had my picture in his "photos page" becuz dxp screwed up,
(which is still freakin hilarious, btw)"
i know what the hell now i have no picture on my display pic. oh well i know you planted thos pics
"uhh.. not that i know of. hmmm.. i broke my pinky once in elementary school when i was playing tetherball (stupid girl). and umm.. i took karate as a kid. but then again, i had always kicked ass at it, so no complaints there lol."
well im gonna take a russian martial art sonner or later
"you do, do you? hmm.. no wonder you're more sarcasticly forward, compared to most of the other pisces. you got some strength there, so good job, lad. *bends down to pat you on the back* =p"
im lost i like my mom so im a natural born jerk?
"ok, here's my question -- were you really horny as a kid? (and if you say no, then you're lying to me.)"
no im not actually
its wierd becasue my venus is in aqua, so i feel love like an aqua
and my mars or sex drive is in taurus so im horny
"nope, i wasn't. i was born VERY late on May 2nd, so it might as well be May 3rd (but it's technically still May 2nd). i would call it a cusp, i guess (even though we're just talking about days lol), cuz i've read stuff on both of those days, and they both fit me 50/50. yep.."
damn never mind so second or third
in numerology the #2 is the lover
and #3 the communicator
i was thinking your a #5 becasue thats the free spirit
Signed Up:
Mar 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 683 · Topics: 36
"i know what the hell now i have no picture on my display pic. oh well i know you planted thos pics"
yeah, of course i did - nothing else would make sense. it was my plan all along to find a pisces with a taurus moon so that i can plant my picture in his profile. yes.. i have indeed succeeded in my strife. next, i'm gonna conquer the world and find other profiles to infect with the likes of me! then my life will be complete. muahahaha. (there, i admitted it - are ya happy?!)
"well im gonna take a russian martial art sonner or later"
break a leg (lol i kid =p)
"m lost i like my mom so im a natural born jerk?"
HAHA! you freakin hairball. i was talkin about your taurus moon - derrrrr. lol you're such a cold-blooded vertebrate (that's another term for fish - just in case you were curious).
"no im not actually
its wierd becasue my venus is in aqua, so i feel love like an aqua
and my mars or sex drive is in taurus so im horny"
i knew it! i knew it all along you horny bastard..
"damn never mind so second or third
in numerology the #2 is the lover
and #3 the communicator
i was thinking your a #5 becasue thats the free spirit"
haha.. so i guess i'm a loving communicator. makes sense? i think so. hey, another reason to why you wondered if i was born on the 5th of May is becuz you yourself was born on the 5th of March, huh? and since both of our months start with "M".. you just HAD to find out if our days are similar, as well - HUH?! isn't that really why? well, shame on you..
(lol i'm just messin with you. don't go crying on me, now..)
Signed Up:
Sep 24, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1169 · Topics: 38
"yeah, of course i did - nothing else would make sense. it was my plan all along to find a pisces with a taurus moon so that i can plant my picture in his profile. yes.. i have indeed succeeded in my strife. next, i'm gonna conquer the world and find other profiles to infect with the likes of me! then my life will be complete. muahahaha. (there, i admitted it - are ya happy?!)"
you e-hitler
"break a leg (lol i kid =p)"
yeah i hope the kids im gonna kill later will 
"HAHA! you freakin hairball. i was talkin about your taurus moon - derrrrr. lol you're such a cold-blooded vertebrate (that's another term for fish - just in case you were curious)."
ah ic ok i understand that im a leading cause of death in cats
"i knew it! i knew it all along you horny bastard.."
and you love me for it
"haha.. so i guess i'm a loving communicator. makes sense? i think so. hey, another reason to why you wondered if i was born on the 5th of May is becuz you yourself was born on the 5th of March, huh? and since both of our months start with "M".. you just HAD to find out if our days are similar, as well - HUH?! isn't that really why? well, shame on you.."
actually if you were born on may 5th your bday would fall under charmane star's birthday. she a pornstar. and .......hey quit googling her you perv...anyway i was just checking
"(lol i'm just messin with you. don't go crying on me, now..)
=] Signed Up:
Mar 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 683 · Topics: 36
got beef? (lol that was a little lame)
"you e-hitler"
hitler sucks a lot of buttnutt. and i'm not like him becuz he's just a mean, mean man, whereas, i'm just a very nice lady! lol don't you agree? =D
"yeah i hope the kids im gonna kill later will"
wait, you're gonna kill kids?!!? or did i just miss something?? wtf, why am i'm so confused??
"ah ic ok i understand that im a leading cause of death in cats"
huh?! well, i guess it's good that YOU understand, becuz i didn't understand anything that you just said. *sigh*
"and you love me for it"
eerrmm.. i think you should think that over - JUST a tad bit.. lol
"actually if you were born on may 5th your bday would fall under charmane star's birthday. she a pornstar. and .......hey quit googling her you perv...anyway i was just checking"
haha i didn't google her up until AFTER i read your comment. but yes, i did end up googling her, so i guess you can call me guilty then. (see, i admitted it! i'm not scared of you, you squishy piece of squish!) =]
"our smiles mean nothing to broken heart.....your naked body on the other hand....*whistles*"
wow.. you're even dirtier than i thought! lol congratulations -- you have just proved to me, that no matter how much i may jump to conclusions about your dirtiness, it will never reach its true, actual peak. so yep, you really got me there, bub! =p
Signed Up:
Mar 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 683 · Topics: 36
got beef? (lol that was a little lame)
"you e-hitler"
hitler sucks a lot of buttnutt, so how DARE you compare me to him?!!? damn you.
"yeah i hope the kids im gonna kill later will"
wait, you're gonna kill kids?! or did i just miss something? wtf, you're so damn confusing, man..
"ah ic ok i understand that im a leading cause of death in cats"
huh?! well, i guess it's good that YOU understand, becuz i didn't understand a word that you just said.
"and you love me for it"
umm.. sure, i guess..
"actually if you were born on may 5th your bday would fall under charmane star's birthday. she a pornstar. and .......hey quit googling her you perv...anyway i was just checking"
haha i didn't google her up until AFTER i read your comment. but yes, i did end up googling her, so i guess you can call me guilty lol. but she's alright. do you like kristin kreuk? i think she's just so freakin GORGEOUS. the hottest tv star around -- most definately. ;]
"our smiles mean nothing to broken heart.....your naked body on the other hand....*whistles*"
wow.. you're even dirtier than i thought! so congratulations -- you have just proved to me, that no matter how far i may jump to conclusions about your dirtiness, it will never reach its true, actual peak. so yep, you really got me there, boy - hands down lol.
(i would write more, but i'm sleepy and i kinda have to take a pee. soooo, i'm gonna go urinate right about now! yep, that's gonna be fun..)
Signed Up:
Mar 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 683 · Topics: 36
ohh look.. i posted two lol.
but damn.. you know what happened? ok see, i posted the first one, but it didn't seem to show becuz my internet was laggin. soooooooooo.. i posted another one, which pissed me off cuz i didn't wanna do it over (even though i still did - and for NOTHING, too, btw - ..argh). but yeah, i posted it a few hours later, since i was too lazy to do it right away.. haha.
but still -- look at the similarities between the two posts! damn, my memory's pretty good, huh? lol.
anywhoo, i think i like the second one better becuz i was rushing more in the first one. but yeah.. i just wanted to explain myself before i went to go do my business. (so you don't get all confused - and we don't want THAT now, do we? ;p)
but ok.. this time, i'm REALLY gonna go spoil myself. (muaha)
Signed Up:
Sep 24, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 1169 · Topics: 38
"got beef? (lol that was a little lame)"
allright there porkchop
"hitler sucks a lot of buttnutt, so how DARE you compare me to him?!!? damn you."
becasue i can you post nazi
"wait, you're gonna kill kids?! or did i just miss something? wtf, you're so damn confusing, man.."
i meant i was gonna break the legs of a few kids later on. i need revenge
"huh?! well, i guess it's good that YOU understand, becuz i didn't understand a word that you just said."
you called me a hairball and i said you called me a leading causue of death in cats
girl follow up wit your own comments
"umm.. sure, i guess.."
you better love me or you get no milk before bed!
"haha i didn't google her up until AFTER i read your comment. but yes, i did end up googling her, so i guess you can call me guilty lol. but she's alright. do you like kristin kreuk? i think she's just so freakin GORGEOUS. the hottest tv star around -- most definately. ;]"
shes cute but i hardley see her do an interview.
shes in this new movie where she plays some displaced pakistani women after india gained independance from england. gotta see that
"wow.. you're even dirtier than i thought! so congratulations -- you have just proved to me, that no matter how far i may jump to conclusions about your dirtiness, it will never reach its true, actual peak. so yep, you really got me there, boy - hands down lol."
funny how all girls consider me dirty and scorpio women consider me normal
"(i would write more, but i'm sleepy and i kinda have to take a pee. soooo, i'm gonna go urinate right about now! yep, that's gonna be fun..)"
yeah i really didnt need to know that or why you felt the need to tell me but ok.
Signed Up:
Mar 01, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 683 · Topics: 36
"allright there porkchop"
well fine then, tenderloin.
(i'm not sure what that really means, but i really hope that it's something mean..)
"becasue i can you post nazi"
so can i, you post Illmatic.
(mean insult, ehh? i know, i know.. i'm just too good lol)
(btw, that was supposed to be an insult in itself, if you haven't already figured that out -- which wouldn't have surprise me anyway)
"i meant i was gonna break the legs of a few kids later on. i need revenge", you really need to get yourself a hobby. maybe it will help you deal with stress better.
"you called me a hairball and i said you called me a leading causue of death in cats
girl follow up wit your own comments"
(i actually don't know why i'm laughing. i'm still as lost as ever.)
"you better love me or you get no milk before bed!"
is that a promise?? --wait.. what's up with the milk talk?! damn, you're getting weirder by the millisecond, boy..
"shes cute but i hardley see her do an interview.
shes in this new movie where she plays some displaced pakistani women after india gained independance from england. gotta see that"
i've heard of that movie before; i believe it's called "Partition." but yeah, i wanna see it, too. hey, is it weird for a girl to like checking out other girls?? wait, nevermind.. don't answer that. i don't care what you say -- i think it's fun! end of story.
"funny how all girls consider me dirty and scorpio women consider me normal"
and you don't think that that makes sense? it's a pity, really -- so young, so naive..
"yeah i really didnt need to know that or why you felt the need to tell me but ok."
i just thought it would be the right time to open up and share fun facts about my life. lol yep.. interesting, aren't they?