Talked about his feelings, then goes cold. Normal?

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by piscesreisen on Monday, September 30, 2013 and has 9 replies.
Is it a normal Taurean behavior that they tell you about their opinion/thoughts/feelings then just goes cold on you? I didn't even pry anything out from him! He talked about his feelings on his own.
I mean, despite that, I'm quite flattered/honoured that he decided to share his thoughts to me. It was about his feelings for his ex, and some other stuff regarding the girls he dated, and then he told me that he never shared these to anyone and kept it to himself. But, I'm not sure why he had to go cold on me afterwards?
My relationship with him is just friends, but we're quite affectionate to each other... unsure if he sees me as a woman or as a sister. But he wants to take care of me despite my stubbornness, which I really appreciate. Lately he's been asking me to meet up a lot- practically we meet each other everyday for a week but suddenly after that talk above, he just goes cold/quiet/detached..
We've never been intimately physical (only friendly touches/hugs/cheek kisses that he initiated most of the time, because I'm a bit shy), so I'm sure my feelings are one sided, which I will readily accept. He also have an FWB right now (which is the barmaid on the pub where we frequently go to), so pretty much I think he sees me as a friend only. Would love to be wrong though lol, since he;s very attractive to me.
It's a bit confusing right now... I'm not sure what I should do. I'll be leaving for another country soon for a month, and he's pretty cold still. Should I leave him alone? :/
Also, he's still in touch with his ex everyday somewhat, and after our talk he went off to pickup his FWB to go dancing. ( I couldn't go because I had work to do)
So... yeah, unsure why he has to gone cold on me. :/ I feel like I did something wrong since he still interact with the others except me... and we met everyday last week until his talk! It's confusing Sad Any insights? Thanks.
woah... chick.... leave the country and don't look back. not even for friendship. the fact that none of his activities bother you and you are actually searching for meaning in them.... you need to rip the bandaid off douse it in gasoline and light it on fire. if you happened to scrape your way in between the shattered pieces of his heart... please don't expect a blissful relationship to come of it. it will be as much of and probably more of a mess than what you are currently seeing and involving yourself in.
this guy is bad news, and you clearly have emotional attachments for a giant walking red flag.
Haha! well that's certainly another way to put it Tongue
I figure since we're just friends, I don't feel weird about the whole situation, but if you see it that way maybe it's true. After all you can't see the forest from the trees alone.
Thanks a lot for the reality check!
generally the more confused you are about a relationship... the more you are grasping for something that isn't real. this becomes more evident when you experience something with someone that you don't have the confusion or grasping.
I wish you luck and hope that you don't have to drag yourself through the shit only to have to wash yourself off later.... when you can just start washing now.
go to this other country... open minded and ready for new/better smile
hey hey djbuck! no need to put me down with harshness, I don't think I'm -that- invested.
I think my barometer is more like, if he was my female friend, I would be weirded out if she suddenly goes cold on me after talking about same stuff.
This Taurus guy just happened to be a male friend that's slightly attractive to me. Tongue
As for being a fwb, I've been single and uhh untouched for 4 years (by choice, can't really sleep w/ people I don't care about or not mutually attracted to), so as far as self-control goes I think I'm pretty good.
Thanks deezie! Yeah the new country would be great smile new opportunities definitely. Thank you.
Posted by piscesreisen

I think my barometer is more like, if he was my female friend, I would be weirded out if she suddenly goes cold on me after talking about same stuff.
This Taurus guy just happened to be a male friend that's slightly attractive to me. Tongue

and therein lies the difference... if it were a female friend situation, sans attraction... you wouldn't let your confusion immobilize you, you'd presumably just ask her if everything was ok.
I did ask, but he was cold/unresponsive, which why I posted this q.
But you are right I think if it was a female friend that i'm not attracted to (aka just friends), I would just leave her for a while and ask her again someday, rather that posting it on the internet... Tongue so oops! You're right.
Still think djbuck was being a bit harsh though!
Thanks again for the astute observation Big Grin
Hey, have you ever thought it might be a different taurus guy? (if you're referring to my older posts in my post history, that is.) Though now I start to see a pattern, at least with these two guys.
Besides this is an astrology forum, so you know, of course the emphasis is on the astrology Tongue
(Though i appreciate your general response, it's helpful.)
But thanks for taking time to respond, even if it's harsh, at least there's a smidgen of care within the cold words Tongue which is a lot even if it's from a stranger on the web.