taureans are boring?

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by gee-kron on Wednesday, April 26, 2006 and has 10 replies.
not being funny as i'm taurean but why is it considered a bit of a boring sign-
telling you i goto say i consider lots of them boring-like really-often i sit there with another and i know what its going to be like- just boring. if other signs are saying it then we got to wake up and do something about it-attack mode.
not having it !!! wake up !!! come off!!! lift it
sorry to add-i am a taurean- so it ok every one knocking my own kind and all that:-)
We are boring... so?
You can go watch tv to someone elses house! Shhhh
Cuz we don't let people in. Of course a person is boring with a closed door, you're standing outside!!!!
if being down to earth and presistent is boring then why do people attracted to us haha
this is what i mean - honestly - like it does sound a bit dull. bull's have got this rep. it really cool to be reliable ( i dont think they are that and actually it's self serving to appear useful to others and not that real actually ) and the loving thing/caring is only so so , you know again it kind of fitting into somekind of preservation thing. I dunno i not having a go but i honestly sat there with this girl recently and she was telling me about this and that and i was so bored i could guess everything that was going to come up, i asked her about her 'role' in friendships and she going on about providing support for people etc, and it just sounded like she was trying to make herself useful to people for her own gain. cant say if thats a trait to be proud of - course i made her aware of it :-) in nicest way and just gently pointed out she need'nt do it.
I wouldn't generalize that into a taurus thing, I could say a lot of different signs I've met are boring, but that would just be stupid. Too many things play into the role of exciting/boring.
If you wanna really avoid boring, then mix up all the signs and we got a party! Winking
We all got our piece to contribute, I guess whatever excites you.
Yeah we're not boring!... not all the time... sometimes we feel like being spontaneous and will even venture out to our backyards lol jk
Depends on the people around us, it's like TG said, if you're on the outside you really don't know us. To my friends and family I'm the crazy one! The one to start things up and it's quite often that I think that OTHERS are boring! But yeah, to people who I don't know well, acquaintences or strangers and even some co-workers I can definitely be lame cuz ummmm I'm just not inspired LOL No interest, whatever...
not boring but opened only to people we find valuable.. then we're the centre of universe and we thrive for attention and we make them laugh constantly and oh god, we're just so great when we care...

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