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Apr 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 297 · Topics: 19
Now a question for the taurus women,now i was with a taurus lady she's 18 and i'm 28 . Now she was putting me through"tests" to see if i wanted to be with her. NOw i helped this gurl with regards to school, buying a phone . Now she like the romance. At times i feel short financially. Her ex was a rich dude but she left all that comfort and luxury and she was to be married. In other words she was engaged. Now she was feeling unloved so she left. Now after three months i dumped her but i told her i was sorry because i want her back. We had plans of living together but she told me after we broke up. She said she already had a boyfriend after one day of the break up. The guy isn't working anywhere and he is living with his granma.questions galore do tauruses want back the guy even though they accept the calls,somebody said she was using me but she told me that if i did not break up with her she would still be my boo. I want to know are taurus women sincere and truthful. Or they try to get what they want no matter what? I'm cancer by the way. Her b-day is april 26th.
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Apr 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 297 · Topics: 19
Lemme put it simply. Gossip or otherwise. Taurus women do you ever go back with the one you really love after a break up especially if the person dumps you and wants you back?
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Mar 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
Now a question for the taurus women,now i was with a taurus lady she's 18 and i'm 28. What would you want with someone that young anyway. I think I might know you. LOL!
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Mar 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
What sign are you? I hear that Taurus woman can be devoted, faithful, to the right person.
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Apr 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 297 · Topics: 19
I'm cancer krobe but the question is that if you intialised the break up but want back the gurl after u realised u truly want her does she want u back. she said she giving someone a chance but she will think about it. Well the gurl was very intruiging and wanted to start a business
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Mar 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
I agree,
She hasn't even had a chance to grow up yet. She is only a baby, and will probably hurt you alot, because she knows that you like her and if a person who is so much older than she is can provide. Then you are going to have to come up!
Signed Up:
Mar 14, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 698 · Topics: 39
sweetie, i know that things may seem like it was all love, but at eighteen, im quite sure, taurus or not, she doesnt know what she wants anyway. i dont know too many eighteen year olds that are seriously ready for serious love and committment so honestly, the age difference could play a major part. and you being twenty eight should know better and be a tad more enlightened than you are.
so to answer your question, no, she probably doesnt want you back. and if she does, it's not because she loves you. what does a child... yes, a child, know about love? come on sweetie, smarten up. cut your losses and find someone your own age with your own level of maturity. we must all remember to act our age and not our shoe size.
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Apr 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 297 · Topics: 19
beg to differ cause she called and said she missed me guess its that cancer taurus connection
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Mar 14, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 698 · Topics: 39
black are you not listening? the kid is 18. of course she misses you. you were probably spending money on her and now she has a boyfriend who doesnt have any. come on man, you seriously can't be that deluded can you?
you're 28 for God's sake. Get a clue!
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Apr 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 297 · Topics: 19
lol okay okay no more heart attacks here is some pepto bismol,or is it nyquil
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Apr 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 297 · Topics: 19
Wait wait aspirin helps along the pain....oooooh da painnn da painnn
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Nov 27, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 785 · Topics: 80
lol i hate that taurus /cancer connection.....
you will ahve that girl hooked for life blackknoxx...
btw.. do cancer men , want the taurus girl to keep fighting for their attention, even after syaing its over?
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 297 · Topics: 19
U serious saggi dammmmmnnnn, i better be afraid when taurus women on drugs she might eat me or sumpin,lol. Oh to answer that question liltaurus , yes it shows that u care for us and want us taurus understand us so well, and we love tauruses. ITS THA ANGERRRR oooooh boiiii, saggi u sure dat pcp aint turn u into the INCREDIBLE HULK. ROOOAAARR hulkkk smaaaasshhh. But tauruses are apologetic when they realise they did not mean it is just they get a point across.
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May 18, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 6936 · Topics: 267
of course she wants you back. she is sponging off of you. she used you before and she'll use you again. it has absolutely nothing to do with her sign, but rather her age. she's 18. she has had mommy and daddy paying for things and sounds like you took over where daddy left off.
get a clue. she doesn't want you; she wants your checking account.
Signed Up:
Nov 27, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 785 · Topics: 80
houstonpeach.... nah thats not true,, i mena yes taurus ladies do love it when a man pays for them, and we do prefer it, but that does not mean we are just using them. i would neverr, i kno this sounds dumb, but if i didnt care for a perosn i wouldnt let them pay for me, id feel silly, and stupid. but when i care for the perons, and they are offering to buy me things, well i love it, i feel protected, and safe, and loved etc.
if i accept it form another perosn whom i dont love, i feel as if i am leading them on in a way. hard to explain, i think this girl relaly does liek u black knoxx... but as in every relationship, be cautious.
btw, you ever emailed me back blackknox 
I highly think, it would work out again, I dont think she will be comming back for an encore, we bull has a vast knowledge of "common sense" I think she knows it wont be the same or work out, i think you should be on a hunt for a new girlfriend, Try a Scorpio
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Mar 14, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 698 · Topics: 39
I'm glad that i didnt break up with my little bull. he is so funny and we are so perfect. i love to watch his little face turn red when he is trying to get me to do something and i won't do it.
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Mar 14, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 698 · Topics: 39
lol hahahahahha no anal... and i think if it was anal, it would be my face that would be red im sure...
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Apr 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 297 · Topics: 19
lil ladie i will e-mail
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May 18, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 6936 · Topics: 267
ladie.taurus, read my post again:
"it has absolutely nothing to do with her sign, but rather her age. "
this is an age issue.
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Mar 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
I don't know if age has a major factor. If she was 28 and he was 38 what would be the difference. Yeah, he might be older and a little more mature, but if he BlackKnoxx continue to do his part, she will realize that every male out there that she runs to will not protect her or give her things in life that she wants. She will eventually realize that he really does want a life with her. Age is nothing but a number. Women get married at the age 18 all the time.
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May 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4058 · Topics: 601
Typical taurus b1tch. We want it all, is the problem, hence my life of dissapointing love misery. 
BUT, not about me, about you & HER. Bottom line, do you think she loves you? She might test a man & still love them. Or maybe she's just too young & needs to realize what she truly wants. This is a big journey, I belive for many taureans.
Give it time, she might be a young player who secretly wants love & doesn't know how to get it right. Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 297 · Topics: 19
Yeah she continues to say she loves me and show it but right now we just apart anytime she does not hear from me or see she feels out of sorts. CRaaazzzzy cancer /taurus connection and she is working and doing school so she busy but makes that time to call me.
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Mar 14, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 698 · Topics: 39
im sorry black, i really hope this works out for you. i just cant see her being really seriously committed to you at her age. im sure she does love you but, if you are looking to settle down, you might want to keep on looking. if she is in college, just getting out of high school, she's gonna be trying to party and what not (that is if she's a typical 18 yr old). she's not gonna be ready for a serious committed relationship.
i mean this is just my opinion, and i could very well be wrong, but i remember being 18 and i was having fun. i loved my boyfriend but i needed my space, tremendously because i wasnt ready to do it. not to say that she's like me. she may very well love you to death and want to be suzy homemaker already and thats cool. im just saying, BE AWARE. she's young and all young girls are attracted to the older guy. they become infatuated and call it love. but then they remember what it's like to be young and suddenly that older guy isnt so appealing anymore. just be on your guard kid, thats all im sayin.
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Mar 14, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 698 · Topics: 39
taurus or not, she's a young girl first. you need to get through that issue before you can attack the problem via zodiac. all signs have to develop their maturity levels. you gotta start there first.
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Mar 14, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 698 · Topics: 39
otherwise you'll be playing the "I Dont Know What I Want But I Dont Want You With Anybody Else" game forever. and young girls do play that game, despite what zodiac they are.
I agree with Lilmermaid, For When anyone is 18 your mind is still developing, nothing is set in stone until around 25, from my prespective it seems odd that she is going out with someone ten years older then herself, to me there seems to be more things wrong in the picture then both of there ages and zodiac signs.
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Mar 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 2077 · Topics: 6
U know what I have said. Stick to it. U will see results. The geographical area that U live in might be totally different from were some of us live. U know what to do. Do what your heart desires. If it is meant to B it will B. No matter what age U R. Do your part!
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 297 · Topics: 19
I agree with LIL mermaid and KIng bull,i'm totally done with that peice of drama