Taurus and casual sex

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by arieslady1 on Friday, September 7, 2007 and has 26 replies.
I have noticed a few taurus females who enjoy casual sex, but then they become angry when it doesn't lead to something deeper. I have 2 taurus friends who always end up in this situation. It seems as if there is something causing them to behave in this way. Can anyone give me any feed back on this. No offense, I know this is not typical of all taurus women.
uh huh,lol.TAurus see long term but yet the physical part of the taurus the one that likes sex would go out and get it once there is something to benefit.NO TAURUS going to have casual sex because of urges, there is a reason behind the sexual act.
ok honestly, I hate the idea of casual sex unless something is extremely amiss. I had 1 one night stand after I found out my finacee had cheated got the chic pregnant and was going to marry her and even then the guy stayed the night and we ended up being friends and I had a sort of booty call arrangement but I was in a weird transitional phase, when that guy started catching feelings I ran SO fast. I dont know why I had sex with him after the first time cuz it was horrible but he was a lot of fun to hang out with, maybe thats why I kept hanging out with him and not really the for the sex. I've had sex in relationships that met their end but in my mind it wasnt a short term deal. I established from the beginning (except in stated cases) that Im not a one night stand or a booty call and I mean it.
you're right Learus. Even if I have feelings for someone but Im in a more platonic relationship...it could still lead there, but it is in no way casual in my mind and that doesn't happen often. Shoot even right now Im celibate because I cant have the one I want and why lie with a substitute?
I've had one night stands, but never casual sex. For me to hop into bed with someone, I have to *want* to please them. For that to happen, I have to like them and have some deep, emotional bond with them.
Lucky for me, I've found that I make deep, emotional bonds with people all the time! Often without even knowing it!
Interesting. I totally get not being able to have casual sex without an attraction or at least a lusting for. It doesn't always have to be emotional, but definitely a desire.
Oh, it's always emotional for me.
There was one time that I met someone (who I'd met online and talk with over the phone) for the sole purpose of sex. I didn't feel any sort of emotional attachment. I just couldn't do it.
On the other hand, I've found that people form emotional bonds with me (and I with them) rather easily (and sometimes very quickly.) And when that happens, it lasts for years -- I'd almost say a lifetime, as none of those bonds have ever gone away.
txt - if it is always emotional for you, can you carry on several sexual relationships simultaneously?
Hotgal78: it depends, but sometimes.
If I'm *with* someone. If I really like them, think I might be falling in love (or want to fall in love) with them, then no. Even if it's not technically cheating, I find I get too wrapped up in the emotions of it all and just can't bring myself to do that. With one exception.
But there have been a couple of gals I've dated who, after we stopped seeing each other, became fuck buddies. I had no qualms about having sexual relationships with them at the same time.
I'm a taurus and I have indulged in casual sex, although I've always known the people whom I've indulged with, they were usually acquaintances rather than friends.
Sometimes my physical needs are stronger than my need for a relationship so I don't see anything wrong in casual sex. I'm always careful and we both know that it's only sex. So I don't see a problem.
I believe it.
Not so sure having a one night stand means you're growing up though.
Are you upset about something?
I think you're mad at yourself. That is what I can see.
I don't understand how anyone can detach themselves from such an emotional gesuture as sex.
It can be unemotional if its not about the other person. It's very easy to do anything seemingly "wrong" to anyone else if you draw a very clear border between them and yourself and give no real thought or consideration to anything on the other side of that line. When its unselfish and for the pleasure of the other person, even making that decision that it will be about the pleasure of the other person is empathetic,so its emotional. Im not at all condoning selfish, casual sex I'm just explaining how it can be done
I understand. But my "mad" comment was about you in particular and not about this casual sex shit. I was reffering to you being detached from life as you said. I wondered why you were.
'One can have sex for the mere pleasure of having it without getting emotional about it. That's why I'm not the only person in the world that has casual sex.'
I think you're totally right TB. There are times in your life when you don't want the emotion of a relationship or have to bond with another person to enjoy the physical pleasure of sex. I'm not saying that sex without emotion is better, but that sometimes, for me anyway, my physical needs come first.
"but that sometimes, for me anyway, my physical needs come first."
Two words: Sex toy?
not everyone enjoys those things
Sometimes you need a living breathing person with you. A sex toy is ok short term, but after a while you miss the interaction you have with someone else.
So am I understanding this right that most Taurus men usually have some kind of emotion to have "casual sex"?
"So am I understanding this right that most Taurus men usually have some kind of emotion to have "casual sex"?"
Sounds like YES, but what that emotion is only they know, that is unless they have told you BEFORE sex how they feel about you. Could be lust, which is still an emotional feeling
Gee thanks Hotgal!!! LOL
DP - I apologize if what I said sounded harsh. I too am trying to understand Taurus men and this very topic. My reply was based on what I have been told, reading the responses and speaking with Taurus men/women. Maybe I am wrong.
No worries Hotgal, Me and my Taurus have a long distance thing, but what that thing is I have no idea! We emailed for 2 months and then met for a weekend, had a nice time - got very passionately physical - which I really click intimately with Taurus men, now it remains to be seen if it will evolve into a relationship. We are continuing to email (we both are still out there dating others, we haven't committed to each other, we are just not at that space yet) plus we are 5 hrs away which probably doesnt help our situation. I don't mind it, but I don't think Taurus men are good at long distance. So we will see...I am keeping my options open...with an Aquarius man and now a new Pisces interest (who thinks at a soul level just like me, so this is a tantalizing thought - never dated a Pisces before. And the AQuarius drives me crazy, can't reach him, but we are friends. Oh btw - they are all long distance. (3 hrs)