Taurus and Scorpio.

This topic was created in the Taurus and Scorpio Compatibility forum by tessacha_ on Sunday, July 5, 2015 and has 69 replies.
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His sun and Venus are in Taurus. And mine are both in scorpio.
i want to get to know him better. Good idea or bad? Lol

My thoughts on Scorpios taking over our Taurus board.
I heard VIT are players and can possibly cheat? What do you think can you handle being in his Harem of woman.
I have cereal in the cupboard and he has eggs in his.

Is having breakfast a good idea?

Posted by AnomalousBull

My thoughts on Scorpios taking over our Taurus board.

Believe me. I don't like to be here. But most of those broken hearted come up here and I am helping them to overcome.. hoping they can recover.
Also, I am not a fan of taurus. I find them sooo boring in real life. Though, I fell in love once and he was my office mate for working with him 2 yrs and 5 months. Like I said been lots of tauruses 5 exes - they are not my friends. Scorpio will cut people right away if not chasing. But mostly Scorpio burn the bridge and it's up to the ex if they will reconnect again. I swear. Few of bulls are humble - and those humble ones will gain our respect.
I think it's your leo moon that speak volume. If Scorpio aren't visiting taurus board...it's dead. Will try to leave your board asap. lol.
A few nasty and interesting synastry scenarios could occur.

Sun opposite Sun, Sun opposite Venus and Venus opposite Venus. You can look those up.

But it all comes down to degrees. It doesn't have to mean that your charts form oppositions just because the signs are opposite by default.

Despite the hype with this pairing, I never really found Scorpio men attractive. Both solar and venusian Scorps did absolutely nothing to me. A few days ago was the first time that I ever saw a Scorpio who pleased my senses. Scorpio stellium, that is. Sun, Venus and Jupiter. He's delish. But that's just one guy.
Posted by busyeyes88
Posted by AnomalousBull

My thoughts on Scorpios taking over our Taurus board.

Yep. I'm bored already!!

Posted by busyeyes88
Posted by AnomalousBull

My thoughts on Scorpios taking over our Taurus board.

Yep. I'm bored already!!
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The most annoying part for me is that these people apparently can't read and feel they must open up thread after thread about the same question some other creepy Scorpio has already asked a hundred times over. I mean I get it, Scorpios can't resist us no matter how hard they try but at some point you have to allow common sense and logic to steer you away from the rain and back into the sun. Metaphorically speaking of course.
One could only hope @ resist. Scorpio chicks flock toward me, well until I open my mouth then they can't get away quick enough.

What can I say, it's a gift!
Lol I have noticed that too, weird.

Posted by tessacha_
His sun and Venus are in Taurus. And mine are both in scorpio.
i want to get to know him better. Good idea or bad? Lol

Forget astrology and take a chance. What is life if we don't take risk and gain experience. Ppl come into our lives to either teach us a lesson or give you something unforgettable. If we always go by the opinions of others then we will never live life fully. smile good luck and have fun!
So true.
Posted by AnomalousBull
One could only hope @ resist. Scorpio chicks flock toward me, well until I open my mouth then they can't get away quick enough.

What can I say, it's a gift!

lol. are you referring me? When you're mouth open Scorpio won't get that panic. We respect your demands. What the heck you are talking.
Scorpio aren't born as coward. We are known as * warrior*.

That's why they are ex - Exit in my life. But have remaining friends of 2 tauruses: my male boss way back 2010 and my female friend who is cpa.

These people I treasured they are very humble human being. They have a highest education in professionalism.

*your not you're*
@ evalani290- Hmm what is Scorpio's sixth sense? Pain? Lol
Get it, lol :-)
Thanks Eva290- I get it, I love your explanation.. I understand.

The motto for Taurus is - is I feel therefore I am..

SO what you describe IS a Taurus does have a six sense but a Scorpio is more abundant clearer and fine tuned than Taurus.. Making it ten times stronger for sensing alot of stuff, energy, and bullshit.. I do see a resemblance though to it being tied to a water sign.. My brother is a Pisces and I have Cancer rising, and a few Scorpio placement in my chart.. oh that gut feeling happens a few seconds later because I have so much on my mind and I am so damn trusting.. It boils up later.. Damn.
For the Tauruses that don't get the scopio connection I feel bad for you guys because you have no clue to what true love is or feels like all the other signs can give you a snack on what love feels like but the Scorpio will give you the whole damn kitchen to feast on to your hearts content.I understand why Taurus women don't feel anything special with Scorpio men because there not a damn thing compared to the Scorpio women.Scorpios are a dish that a Taurus would happily eat for the rest of his life and die happily just to wait for them in the after life. Taurus and Scorpio love is a unreal love a love so intense the gods themselfs could not keep them away from seeking each other out which is why you hear so much from scorps and tauruses especially on this site these two signs are just trying to rekindling the love that they had lost thousands of years ago. We are unable to let go of our past life together which is why we seek each other out even if the odds are against us we still go for it hoping to find that special kind of love,connection that our spirits long for again which we do find with each other. If your a Taurus women then the connection will be nothing special it's not as good and intense like it is with the Taurus man Scorpio woman many astrologers will say the same thing because it's true scorp men and woman are very different. But this combo comes with a great warning to be carefull when handeling each other because these two are the most powerfull forces that can be put together both better not take each other lightly because these two amazingly powerfull forces can fight to the end and the loser of the battle will be themselfs because they will no longer have that great connection that both these signs are looking to find in their life times.
Posted by LentoBull91
For the Tauruses that don't get the scopio connection I feel bad for you guys because you have no clue to what true love is or feels like all the other signs can give you a snack on what love feels like but the Scorpio will give you the whole damn kitchen to feast on to your hearts content...

Yeah, its something else. I would have never believed anything could feel like this though, if I had not experienced it.
"I understand why Taurus women don't feel anything special with Scorpio men because there not a damn thing compared to the Scorpio women.."

Ouch! Harsh and a little subjective.
M is a Taurus groupie! Tongue

I suspect that to be true with my sole Scorpio friend. She constantly calls me names and says I'm a "Dickhead" primarily, explains that I'm really annoying and super practical wishes I'd be spontaneous etc. Yet even though she has such a disgust for me SHE is the one calling me multiple times a day every day of the week and wanting to hang out. lmao!

Power of the Bull, Scorpios just follow us around where ever we go whether we want them to or not. LOL.
my main experience with my Scorpio was a disasterious one too I know how this combo can be it can be something that's indescribable besides the two of you knowing people on the outside will not understand it the high alone is td4 and that's not including the sex part. They say that the union of Taurus Scorpio is one of "transformation" and it definitely is YOU WILL lean a lot of important things from each other which we really need to grown/transform which is why I would encourage this combination even though I went through a bunch of bs at a very young age due to a older Scorpio.I have to say that I don't regret being with her I just hate how deep this love will take you a piece of you will definitely die with that person once things end both parties will be left bleeding if they are both in love it won't be a pretty site. So I would suggest to anybody who's a Taurus or Scorpio if you can't handle it then leave it alone because it can make you or break you. I look at it as two unstoppable forces meeting each other if put together nothing can stop us if against each other nothing but destruction and pain.
Lento - how did you get over the connection? And did you go through a self-destructive phase soon after you had to split? I am in that right now and its really negative....I try to claw my way out but just seem to dig the pit even deeper.....
Posted by Redbull
Even though it was a complete disaster It had positive effects on my life after but it wasnt a pleasant experience. For that reason i dont discourage anyone from exploring it. You may learn a lot. But it may end up very harsh at the same time. Which prompts growth too. So beware. My instincts told me to avoid her which i did for years but eventually the intrigue and whatnot got the best of me.

All the same for me....My instincts were telling me to avoid this person at all costs....I've never felt anything so strongly in my life....hahahaha....I remember seeing this girl, from a distance, having only seen her a couple times previously, and just stopping in my tracks and walking the other way....I have never responded that way to a woman before....I didn't even think it was strange because it was such a strong impression...lol...
After the experience with the Scorp though, I can say I am completely different in my thinking....I feel it has altered my state of consciousness...I have such a deeper understanding of metaphysical things, am WAY more in touch with my intuition am more sensitive to my surroundings and the people in them, more observant of others and discerning of their motives, I walk a little taller (I always admired and still emulate the way she carried herself proudly), I definitely have a very different and much more robust view of what sex is even supposed to be, and the level of intimacy I want in my relationships....Some Scorpio traits really are tremendously admirable, and I think every bull has so much to learn about their *own* nature, and potential, from their opposite sign (and vice versa of course).....

Redbull, you seem very driven in life, very focused and confident. Do you attribute any of that drive to the Scorp experience? I ask that, because just being around her, even though I instinctively thought it was not going to go well and I feared the connection, I still drew a lot of energy from it, and especially challenged by it....In all that, I feel in ways it energized me and gave me a drive that I had lost in life...
Posted by busyeyes88
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
Posted by Redbull
Even though it was a complete disaster It had positive effects on my life after but it wasnt a pleasant experience. For that reason i dont discourage anyone from exploring it. You may learn a lot. But it may end up very harsh at the same time. Which prompts growth too. So beware. My instincts told me to avoid her which i did for years but eventually the intrigue and whatnot got the best of me.

All the same for me....My instincts were telling me to avoid this person at all costs....I've never felt anything so strongly in my life....hahahaha....I remember seeing this girl, from a distance, having only seen her a couple times previously, and just stopping in my tracks and walking the other way....I have never responded that way to a woman before....I didn't even think it was strange because it was such a strong impression...lol...

Don't risk.It... You have your sag now who truly loves you. What more can you ask for?
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Nothing...And I don't actually want anything more with this girl. I just would like to heal I guess. And I know, I still do reminisce. It helps to do that here, especially when I see others and my experience resonates with their's. But there is also stuff I am still dealing with - such a destruction that came from withdrawing that I am still trying to pick up the pieces and repair myself in ways, and when I'm being foolish - numb myself in ways that just further harm me....
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
I just would like to heal I guess. And I know, I still do reminisce. It helps to do that here, especially when I see others and my experience resonates with their's. But there is also stuff I am still dealing with - such a destruction that came from withdrawing that I am still trying to pick up the pieces and repair myself in ways, and when I'm being foolish - numb myself in ways that just further harm me....

don't heal. celebrate. she brought something into your life. you have transformed. what a fantastic gift she has given you.

there is no point in beating yourself up over past behaviour. you're human. we make mistakes. the best we can do is have an awareness of our actions and try to not fall into the same traps in the future. most likely you will again but the introspection that you have gained is beyond what so many possess. that alone is will lead you on the right path going forward. embrace the good and learn from the not so good. it is the most any of us can do.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."
@Lento- So what you are saying is don't be that interested in astrology because it's a crock of poo...IRL we have to experience the bad and good.. That's how I learn to adapt... If you do you're in for a surprise...Actually I don't meet Scorpio they are last on my top 5 both female and male..

And besides fixed signs probably understand more about realistic expectations in how to handle each other too..
Posted by busyeyes88
@TLS. But the thing is your never actually experienced a union or a relationship with this scorp?! So how do you know it's not jut a fantasy that lives in your mind?

I'm a bit "numbed" right now so I'm not sure exactly how to word this, and it may make no sense....I'm sure the whole time I idealized this woman, as I often have with my Venus Trine Neptune....And of course I told myself what you just said all day long....but I'm telling you...lol, when a Scorpio woman, w/a Venus/Merc/Pluto in Scorpio, really has the *desire* to get in your head? You question whether or not they are actually literally in there in some sense....You may ultimately conclude you have to go get your head examined professionally, to try and get them out, but you'll still probably entertain the thought that they were actually in there...lol.

Taurus has a real magnetism for sure. But the type of seduction a Scorpio does naturally, is like a type of sorcery IMO....It is legendary, for a reason...and IMO very much involving psychic energies, opening you up to these energies even. The encounter is transformative just on the energetic level alone....I have almost a completely different worldview from when I first encountered this woman, based on the research I've done, in an attempt to explain what the hell was happening to me...lol. I truly believe there is a real psychic force in those extreme emotions (and Astrologers agree), one of which is the unrivaled strength of their desire towards someone they deem a suitable lover...that desire alone can move mountains....and bulls obviously.....lol

I definitely think it is different with M Scorp/F Taurus, BUT there have been plenty of lady bulls on DXP, caught in their web, looking for help, describing themselves as "ruined for life", one female Taurus was this way, just based on some "sexting"...hahahahah

Jesus Christ, TLS are you STILL waffling on about this girl??

I hope you dedicate just as much time over on the Sag board...
Posted by AriesLady8
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
Lento - how did you get over the connection? And did you go through a self-destructive phase soon after you had to split? I am in that right now and its really negative....I try to claw my way out but just seem to dig the pit even deeper.....

I've read your past threads about the Scorpio and you've given me advice about a Taurus when I first joined DXP.
I'm sorry you are still struggling with this. I am still struggling as well. I pretend to the outside world that I'm not tho lol. It doesn't help that he is a sociopath who thinks I belong to him.

"The subconscious has a remarkable way of reminding us of things we would rather forget"

Do you think that is the reason for your destructive behavior? That you are mentally working overtime to forget her instead of embracing what you shared? I hope your Sag knows how much you love her. That you were strong enough to fight that pull you had with her and do the honorable thing.

Do you feel you made the right choice, emotionally speaking? Of course you made the right choice morally
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I do because so much has returned with my Sag, that I never thought could have. The emotional connection is stronger possibly than it ever has been. (my Sag and I have Sun/Venus opposition as well btw). Yeah, I would agree about the subconscious because the dreams still hit me, and when they do, they are so potent that it is a huge setback emotionally. I actually tell my Sag whenever they occur. She is very understanding because she actually went through something extremely similar, only she actually tried to pursue things with this person, and wound up hating him.
Posted by AriesLady8
I know all about my subconscious attacking me. I would successfully put that Taurus out of my mind because it was the only way I knew how to deal with it. But every single night he would be in my dreams. And these dreams were vivid. Kind of an outer body experience. And the most freaky thing about it, these dreams would eventually come true. It would freak me out.

Do you and your Sag have a Taurus/Scorp opposition or a Sag/Gemini opposition? If it is a Taurus/Scorp, Do you feel that same type of intensity that this combo gives off in a Sun/Sun connection

Not to sound like a total creep but back in my investigation days I realized my Ex Taurus had a double whammy Sun/Venus opposition with Taurus/Scorp and Sag/Gemini

The dreams have always been, and still are ridiculous. In fact, I consider them more than dreams, as you said, and can definitely relate to seeing them as out of body experience. They are like no other dreams I've had, and they were often of past-life scenarios where I knew things about everyone in them, like actual memories - not like deja vu, or just a feeling of knowing/familiarity. These are things I talk about less on the boards, bc you sort of have to have the experience to relate. Had I not, I would've thought such things ridiculous....but as I said, the experience has changed my worldview in many ways - belief in reincarnation, and the significance of dreams are just a couple of those ways. With the Sag, it is a Sag/Gem opposition. She and I have a TREMENDOUS amount of mental chemistry. That, actually, is the kind of chemistry I prefer as a Venus in Gem.
Posted by AriesLady8
Maybe everything worked out for the best. Just because something feels good doesn't mean it's good for you. And who knows, maybe that experience with the Scorp made you a better man for the Sag. Overcoming something like that def makes a bond stronger. Best of luck with your relationship.

For me, I know the dreams will start again seeing how he finally agreed to stay away from me. Before, I would try to have adult conversation and come to a common ground to stay away from each other. It would go in one ear and out the other. He would say to me I'm never going to leave you alone. So I would just ignore him. That would result in him popping up at my house.
I believe Saturn retrograding in Scorpio is contributing to us truly deciding to fully part ways and cut all contact.

I'm looking forward to what's in store

Exactly. I tend to not trust emotions, given how I know they really can completely change over time. I have fallen out of love before myself, and really, no real person could live up to the standards of what I was feeling for this woman. You seem to tie your dreams into you two not being around each other. That is the same for me. If we stop seeing each other in public, often the dreams start. Subconscious mind kicking/screaming/clawing I guess....I have completely stopped going into work now, and she is popping up all over my neighborhood. Its really inconvenient and it pisses me off, because I had really started to feel good about things for the first time in a while. When we make eye contact again, it is RIDICULOUS what happens. I am infested all over again. Unfortunately, I have to live in this area as my daughter goes to school here and I do not have full custody. I thought at first she was stalking bc the run-ins were so improbable, but its that she is dating a new guy who lives right near me. He actually seems like a very nice guy too, and she does look happy. Maybe this will just be the end of it....If only she could stop giving my Sag the death stare....:-/
Posted by faceroll
Posted by AgentP911
Jesus Christ, TLS are you STILL waffling on about this girl??

I hope you dedicate just as much time over on the Sag board...

it takes a taurus longer than anyone to get over something. it's something you don't really understand unless you're a taurus. and you can say whatever you want about tls but that bitch changed his life. and that kind of change is not something a taurus just says "lol that was nice" about and then never thinks of it again.

tls and i have our disagreements, he thinks i'm nuts cuz of my bipolar etc. but he will get over it when he's good and damn well ready to and not a moment before.
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thx scorched. And I don't think you're nuts. I was probably just being a prick if I said that. I've been diagnosed bipolar myself. I'm not sure I agree with that diagnosis bc of how it was made, but I do definitely have mood swings and I know I have dealt with *some* sort of depression since I was very young, even if its not BPD.
Posted by faceroll
tls as i think everyone has noticed i was/am going through the same kind of personality and soul changing thing with a virgo that you did with a scorpio. unless you've also gone through it it's really difficult to not seem crazy to other people.

i haven't talked to her in any real way since new years eve. but still daily i get hit with all the ways she's fundamentally changed me as a person.

and it's so much more than just "obsession" which is where most people will think you're at because they don't understand.

hell i remember giving you shit over it until i realized what was happening with me. lol

That's the truth. No one can really even be expected to understand unless they go through it I guess.
Lol see proof and fact..
Posted by faceroll
Posted by AgentP911
Jesus Christ, TLS are you STILL waffling on about this girl??

I hope you dedicate just as much time over on the Sag board...

it takes a taurus longer than anyone to get over something. it's something you don't really understand unless you're a taurus. and you can say whatever you want about tls but that bitch changed his life. and that kind of change is not something a taurus just says "lol that was nice" about and then never thinks of it again.

tls and i have our disagreements, he thinks i'm nuts cuz of my bipolar etc. but he will get over it when he's good and damn well ready to and not a moment before.
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It didn't require an explanation.

This Scorp is well aware of TLS's predicament. It was that story which brought me here.

Don't underestimate the time it takes for a Scorp to get over something. We often never do. We just don't procrastinate about it.
Posted by AriesLady8
Scorpios are known to be obsessive so I'm sure she has experienced some of the same struggles as you have, maybe even more intensely.

The only thing that could make a slight difference is that her someone new could help ease her mind off of you momentarily. When the novelty wears off thoughts of you will creep back in. Speaking from experience.

You are in a pre-existing relationship. So that's more about just dealing with it while trying to keep your focus on what you've already built with your Sag

It's not going to help matters that she's hanging in the neighborhood smh. Stay strong lol

Yeah, I'm just trying to be very low-key and wait things out. I know she went through it, and probably worse. It was all very obvious to me. I think the worst part is the confusion, not understanding the *why* of it all, why things are allowed to happen like this, etc. She probably still would like answers or some sort of closure too. I think wanting that though, is the danger. That alone can keep it all going - the mystery of it.
Posted by busyeyes88
I.still don't understand it.. And I would say i hv been in love before... Is it the same feeling or is this pure obsession? Is it a case of allowing someone into your head psyche? Try to explain to be as I don't understand or maybe like my taurus told me on more than one occasion, 'you have so many barriers up its hard to break them down'... I dont know but I can't imagine letting someone have that kind of 'hold' over me!

haha, you don't 'let' them, it happens beyond your control. none of it makes sense. you can't stop it. no logic, or trying to ignore it or fight through it works. you feel powerless. it is unlike anything i have felt before and i am one tough nut to crack.
Posted by busyeyes88
I.still don't understand it.. And I would say i hv been in love before... Is it the same feeling or is this pure obsession? Is it a case of allowing someone into your head psyche? Try to explain to be as I don't understand or maybe like my taurus told me on more than one occasion, 'you have so many barriers up its hard to break them down'... I dont know but I can't imagine letting someone have that kind of 'hold' over me!

I was deeply in love three times before this, particularly with my first. Not even comparable. I've even had feelings of obsession in the early phases - where you think about the person a lot. That's a very normal part of love, across cultures. But this was way beyond that. My experience opened me up to the supernatural in a way I had not been open before. Its not really a matter of letting them have control; it just happens. She had that power the first time I looked at her, and I know I had it as well, and I could see how it disturbed/confused her. I knew she felt it too. So like a good Taurus I proceeded to just ignore her, and wait...test my hypothesis...lol. Sure enough, she tried to engage again and again, kept getting closer to me at work until she sat 50 ft away and I saw her all day every day, constantly staring, whereas I would see her every few months before. I was flattered, but terrified that someone could have me feeling these things, before I even spoke to them. I really don't care how pretty a girl is; if I'm not attracted mentally, I'm just not attracted. Whatever this was, was totally foreign.

I have NEVER believed in love at first sight - lust of course, but not love. I took one look in her eyes and felt like she was mine, and had always been mine. I felt deep EMOTIONAL pain, like things were not ok with the world, because somehow, she didn't belong to me at this point in time. I felt like I had always known her. The dreams played out an ongoing/evolving narrative that spanned past lives, up to the present, and were so real, the emotions they forged so powerful that they would not clear out after I woke, and I thought they were actually taking place somewhere/somehow. I have had dreams, even recently where it is like we live months together in the span of the dream. It actually feels like that much time went by when I wake up, and I am confused more than just emotionally. I have never had stuff ha
Posted by busyeyes88
Posted by jeane
Posted by busyeyes88
I.still don't understand it.. And I would say i hv been in love before... Is it the same feeling or is this pure obsession? Is it a case of allowing someone into your head psyche? Try to explain to be as I don't understand or maybe like my taurus told me on more than one occasion, 'you have so many barriers up its hard to break them down'... I dont know but I can't imagine letting someone have that kind of 'hold' over me!

haha, you don't 'let' them, it happens beyond your control. none of it makes sense. you can't stop it. no logic, or trying to ignore it or fight through it works. you feel powerless. it is unlike anything i have felt before and i am one tough nut to crack.

Is this how you feel with your taurus?
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yes. and from my experience, it doesn't go away. i still get nervous when i see him. i still get butterflies. i fought it so much. tried to get him out of my system. thought i had and left it lift from me but there had to be only the mention of his name and i was back to square one again.

like tls, i would have to leave his space in the beginning. i became physically overcome. i had people telling me i was an idiot for behaving like i was or making the decisions that i had to be with him but i couldn't help it. it was beyond my control.

i wasn't interested in astrology at the time that we met so had put no stock in our charts however no one has ever caused that kind of irrational, illogical, visceral reaction in me.
(cont...) I have never had stuff happen like this to me before, and normally don't even remember my dreams.

Have you ever been on really strong pain killers? And been in a daze or euphoria from it? I was in that ten-fold, just from being around her. I could not concentrate on anything, lost interest in everything but her....
Posted by jeane
Posted by busyeyes88
Posted by jeane
Posted by busyeyes88
I.still don't understand it.. And I would say i hv been in love before... Is it the same feeling or is this pure obsession? Is it a case of allowing someone into your head psyche? Try to explain to be as I don't understand or maybe like my taurus told me on more than one occasion, 'you have so many barriers up its hard to break them down'... I dont know but I can't imagine letting someone have that kind of 'hold' over me!

haha, you don't 'let' them, it happens beyond your control. none of it makes sense. you can't stop it. no logic, or trying to ignore it or fight through it works. you feel powerless. it is unlike anything i have felt before and i am one tough nut to crack.

Is this how you feel with your taurus?

yes. and from my experience, it doesn't go away. i still get nervous when i see him. i still get butterflies. i fought it so much. tried to get him out of my system. thought i had and left it lift from me but there had to be only the mention of his name and i was back to square one again.

like tls, i would have to leave his space in the beginning. i became physically overcome. i had people telling me i was an idiot for behaving like i was or making the decisions that i had to be with him but i couldn't help it. it was beyond my control.

i wasn't interested in astrology at the time that we met so had put no stock in our charts however no one has ever caused that kind of irrational, illogical, visceral reaction in me.
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all this...lol
Posted by busyeyes88
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
(cont...) I have never had stuff happen like this to me before, and normally don't even remember my dreams.

Have you ever been on really strong pain killers? And been in a daze or euphoria from it? I was in that ten-fold, just from being around her. I could not concentrate on anything, lost interest in everything but her....

Did you ever speak to her have time with her? Oh man!! I really want to get to the bottom of it... But it seems if there is no 'bottom' to get to'!

For example would your eyes well with water or tears fall from them at the mere thought of her?
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Honestly, as stupid as it sounds, no I did not. I always knew that would be it; that I would not be able to come back from this ever if I started communication with her. I don't think I even had the courage for it to be honest. I felt that I would bond with her for sure; I know I can communicate really well with women. But I also felt I could not keep her. That something would happen, I would lose her, and be utterly destroyed. I felt I KNEW I could not get over her, if we broke up. And I have been through too many difficult breakups to be crazy enough to want to take on the *ultimate* breakup that I felt she would be. She kept trying to approach me and I dodged each time. But we would literally spend half the day staring at each other. There was more communicated in those looks, more emotion, than any convo I've ever been in. I felt completely naked and like she knew every weakness and fear I had, but still loved me. A connection with a person I have never spoken with, made all of the previous loves of my life seem like grade school crushes.
Posted by busyeyes88
Does your eyes water at the mere thought of him or does tears run down your cheeks at the thought of ever losing your connection with him? When he looks into your eyes, can He 'read' you? Like can he 'see' inside you? is it like that?!?

honestly? the thought of ever losing him is unbearable. that famous scorpio obsession doesn't dissipate either. i am consumed by the thought of him as much now as when we first met.

those times when things get a little difficult, i almost cease to exist. i don't eat, i don't sleep, i don't move from my spot (barring toilet breaks) for days. this is not puppy love. neither of us are in our early teens consumed by the drama of it but since you asked, i cried today just thinking about if i ever lost him.

and yes, he is the only person who can stare at me and see everything. and i to him. it is like we connect through our gaze. in the past there have been times where i couldn't look at him. he insisted that i needed look into his eyes. he couldn't stand that loss of connection.
Posted by faceroll
busyeyes i don't know why you're trying to get people to explain it. have you read any of our posts? that is how it is. we're telling how things are affecting us. it's not like we're not all being honest. right now it just feels like you're prying.

just a side note - it's nice to see you back smile
Posted by faceroll
thanks jeane. smile

btw you said scorpio up there but i thought you were a libra? or are we discussing venus signs? or in my case evil mars signs. -.-

i've taken it upon myself to stick my oar in this thread with my venus membership card. it's probably not accepted in this outlet but shhhh....i'm not telling anyone...

(my north mode is also in scorp...clutching at straws here.....Laughing)

Posted by jeane
Posted by faceroll
thanks jeane. smile

btw you said scorpio up there but i thought you were a libra? or are we discussing venus signs? or in my case evil mars signs. -.-

i've taken it upon myself to stick my oar in this thread with my venus membership card. it's probably not accepted in this outlet but shhhh....i'm not telling anyone...

(my north mode is also in scorp...clutching at straws here.....Laughing)

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Venus in Scorp alone qualifies for any thread like this IMO. Where is his North Node?
Posted by faceroll
where is YOUR NN tls?

mines in gemini. fucking gemini. smh. -.-

Mine is in Libra, conj. the Scorp's South Node in Libra.