First things first, my taurus guy has an Aries venus and I have a Leo venus. We should be compatible right? Wrong all we do is argue and bicker and pick at each other about meaningless things. A week ago I got into a really bad emotional space (like all Pisces moons do) and I told him he was being hurtful. We apologized to each other about two days ago and are supposedly fine. The issue is throughout the whole argument he kept asking me why I still talk to him if he makes me feel like he doesn't care? I explained my reasoning behind why I felt what I felt, but the real issue is that we've been doing this back and forth situation of flirting on and off and challenging each other for almost a year now. At one point he started seeing another girl. In fact when we first started talking there was another girl he was interested in and casually brought her up in conversation. I was actively not interested in him cause I was genuinely busy. And then around January things switched and he got really busy and started not contacting me unless I contacted him and I brought it up twice and he said "if he didn't wanna talk he wouldn't respond and he never wanted me to feel like he was ignoring me" forward to March, he says he's met a girl and fallen instantly in love with her and so I back off, just be a cool friend or whatever (Cause virgos are so chill right?). I bring it up about a month ago asking how his gf feels about him moving out of state and stuff and I find out he's broken up with her. Now we're back to talking a lot and texting each other and almost similar to how things started out. And then yesterday he was celebrating and he didn't invite me, but he had this girl who he's been talking with over to celebrate with him and I'm kind of like am I in the infamous harem or am I just a friend? I know Taurus are supppsed to like emotions and honest people and I've been honest with him every time he asks what my intentions are and yet I'm still confused about what he's doing....
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Jun 04, 2016Comments: 1035 · Posts: 5643 · Topics: 48
Leave him. If he wants to talk to you or even be with you, he knows where/how to find you
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Jun 01, 2017Comments: 0 · Posts: 616 · Topics: 84
Well first off go out with your dude friends ...cuz when the remy hits the system ain't no telling whn I fck em or diss em , ur a pimp by blood & it's about to go down lol jk
Seriously get a drank or go to a gym you'll feel better,
Take it eassyyy
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Jun 01, 2017Comments: 0 · Posts: 616 · Topics: 84
You can't friendzone someone who put you a friendzone that's like a double negative , it cancels out.
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Jun 20, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 3847 · Topics: 1
I agree with caramel and shadow.
When I first read I thought you were actually in a relationship with this guy but then I read you're not.
What makes you think being in a relationship would be any different to how things are now?
I think there's a lot of disrespectful behaviour between you both and if you can't communicate with each other then this is how your relationship would be. Why would you want that?
Have you slept with him?
I should have been more clear. We started out casually going to lunch or just hanging out. He actively pursued me and even said that I kept shutting him out when he would try to get to know me. We never slept together, but our chemistry is there. And we aren't disrespectful to each other and never have been. He accepted my apology and I accepted whatever apology he gave me. We don't hold grudges with each other and we're pretty open, but I feel like he's keeping me at arms length and he constantly tells me I don't know him so I can't care about him. The real issue is I can't tell because of the chemistry if I'm a fall back plan or if I'm just one of the harem admirers and I should leave it alone.
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Sep 17, 2014Comments: 22 · Posts: 8048 · Topics: 36
You're not part of the harem, you're a friend I guess?
He is actively pursuing other girls. Doesn't that tell you all you need to know?
If he was interested in something with you, he would be actively pursuing you.
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Jun 20, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 3847 · Topics: 1
All this over emphasis on chemistry just means you follow your dick or fanny somewhere it might not match.
So this fella pursued you at the start. Venus Aries. Then it kind of fell through a bit and he pursued other girls.
I think if he wanted to be with you he would be with you. He may have not felt the same level of chemistry you felt.
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May 31, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 332 · Topics: 15
I am a Virgo with a Virgo Venus and Aries Moon, but I've been where you are more than once. In fact, 3 times in the last 2 years, and maybe a 4th time right now.
From your description, he's been very dismissive of your feelings, and pretty disrespectful to you. I can't imagine that a relationship with him would be very happy.
IMHO, he sees you as a good friend that he would love to have sex with, but that's about it. He loves having you as a backup plan, but he has no intention of making you his #1.
If a guy likes a girl (eg, you) then he's not going to want to date and have sex with other girls. You know how, even though he hasn't been available, you've been making these huge efforts to be with him, anyway? Yeah, if he was in to you the same way then he'd be doing the same thing. He's not... and that's a pretty bad sign. He was single for a month and didn't even tell you... he had a party and not only didn't tell you, but invited another girl over to spend time with him... these are all clear signs that you're not that high on his list of priorities.
It's a tough pill to swallow, but these things HAVE to be 50/50. If it's not, do you think you'd really be happy in that relationship? The worst mistake you can make is assuming that things will change when you're together... you've taught him that this is acceptable, so why would he change it?
And FWIW, I looked at your picture and... I can't believe that you don't have a thousand guys beating down your door. Don't waste too much time on a guy that's just wasting your time.