I am a scorpio guy who in a start relationship with a taurus girl, few days ago a VERY SMALL nonsense issue happened between us made her terribly angry at me (eventhough she is the mistaked one), I tried to call her alot of times she didn't answer my calls, neither answer my messages..i became really really sad coz i didnt think that taurus girls anger is terrible like that!!
one of my friend told me u should keep contact her, and the other told me no u should step far a while till she get calm,..
i really want to reconcile her, help me plz????
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Jun 22, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 2346 · Topics: 71
You sound young...how old are you?
If YOU didn;t harm her, then WHY are you chasing her? Dont be desperate....you will send the message that you are a door mat.Scorpios can be very manipulattive ..ie: making YOU the culprit and her the victim.
Is it more important to have her....than have her, and your, respect?
Thank you, no iam not young am 25 but my english is little bit horrid sorry, coz am Egyptian.
so you mean i should stop pull her attention and step far a while?
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Feb 27, 2012Comments: 72 · Posts: 1411 · Topics: 9
Hello Silex7,
It seems like the issue that was nonsense to you, wasn't nonsense to her. Just apologize send her flowers.. And give her space to return to you. If you keep bothering her, it will annoy her more. Trust me.
Thank you tarusbelle, and Yes i do trust what you're saying, but iam not going to bothering her more, i was just saying stand far for awhile untill she forgets about it.and i did really apologized but she didn't want to answer. I will wait for a while and then recontact her to see how it goes. and thanks for the advices all.
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Feb 22, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 216 · Topics: 12
what i know is, its very hard to make taurus angry as generally they are very patient. However once there is a reason she got angry, its better if you give her some time. Being persistent at this time wont help, as she needs time to cool down and collect her emotions back. I am sure she comes back to you once she feels ok.
Thanks mate for the reply, I have been jealous to her when some of her friends flirted her on Facebook and she was happy with that, i really hated that, the taurus girls are flirty and this is a HUGE problem with me and when i told her i really don't like that u should at least respect how would i feel about it, she got MAD and exploded like a stormy bull, as if i don't have a right with that (i know some guys don't mind with that) but for me i don't really like how she likes to get flirted with boys..and i found it as a common thing with taurus in general!..and u know what mate? if i did that with girls she would explode on me, so how could she accept it at herself and doesn't accept it on me? i even respect stuff like that when it comes with girls but she doesn't!
uhmm hahaha probably back away for now and hope for her to come back.
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Jan 30, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 389 · Topics: 17
Well iam alil late with my comment but I still will give it to u. Taurus people are very patient it take them alil time to get piss off. Unless they are insecure in a area or just feel stress also when they can be very defensive,and contradict there's selves.
I have plenty of taurus females and males around me.work family and just hang out people all of them are different in there own way but all of them had act one point got defensive. I had one guy act my job who is about to get married I think his girl friend and this whole relationship situation is very sensative to him if anyone say anything about marriage in a way that's against wat he doing he be come agressive. And began to question people . He ask me y I dnt get married yet I told him why I wasnt readyand y at this moment it not for me. Some of the reasons had to do with. Age and things that I haven't got done with yet ,he became judge like on me question me with this court like demeanor. He didn't like my reasons y I choose not to be married. He hated the fact that everything I name remind him of his self.
For her to be mad to the point that she not speaking to u it might be because she don't like the fact that u seeing things that she want to hide. Either way I would give her space, when taurus really into u ,uwill no it. And they will be determine to make something right when they really want something to work
Yep. You have to let them be right even when they aren't. If this is s problem, find another sign.
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Apr 29, 2012Comments: 5 · Posts: 1069 · Topics: 15
Actually Sun signs tell little about how people handle anger. But since Mercury moves close to the Sun we usually can tell about someone's mindset just by knowing their Sun sign. So when the bull decides it's over, then it's over for good. They just HATE having to change their minds. That's unless Mercury is in Aries or Gemini.
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Aug 16, 2011Comments: 3 · Posts: 7849 · Topics: 52
I just dont get how she is mad
So confused....
my girlfriend (Taurus) and i never argue, but once in awhile we have an argument about minor issue that really dont come close to a breakup. she gets angry at me and ignores me completely and tells me i dont respect her even though she is the one who starts the argument. im afraid that she doesn't love me and will one day leave me for a minor argument. are all taurus women like this...please give advice.