Taurus & Aqua! Help!

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by Simply_chante on Tuesday, February 16, 2016 and has 15 replies.
Im an aquarius...& i furst met my Taurus in March or April 2015. I really wasn't interested in him cause he seemed kind of lame. So we exchanged numbers but I never paid him any attention... eventually around the end of August early September I decided to give him a chance.. and within the next couple of weeks towards the end of September I found myself really liking him. Of course there Were things about him that were irritating like being stubborn and not consistent with his words say one thing and do another but it wasnt a deal breaker for me. We went through rough patchs because we're both stubborn people. but I found myself falling for him we spent alot of time together go out and do things together. So in december I wanted him to commit to me and be in a relationship but he said that there were things that we needed to work on before he could be with me. I started to become frustrated because I didn't understand what was taking him so long to ask me to be his girlfriend we spent damn near everyday together so I asked him if he couldn't see his self being with me then we still dating for eventually he told me that he couldn't see himself being in a relationship with me but yet he didn't want to stop dating me.. eventually I began to have resentment towards him because I said if you can't see yourself with me why would you still continue to be with me everyday and still date me me he never gave me a straight up answer it was always a whole bunch of b******* . So in January 2016 I moved 4 hours away and that's when things started getting bad things were getting bad before I left but it got worse. But we couldn't stop communicating no matter what happened between us it was like we were addicted to each other and the drama. We got into our last big argument I said a lot of really horrible things which I usually do when I'm when im mad but this time he really couldn't take my words. We stopped speaking to each other for a week and half ive been so sad and depressed. So finally he sent me a message and he's like you know I think about you often I just want to call you and talk to you and hear your voice but I'm just tired of you lashing out on me. I apologized to him multiple times and then he asked me what it was it that I wanted and I said I really want us to start all over then he tells me that he started talking to someone and I'm like what??? How did you start talking to someone within a week and a half which I'm pretty sure he's probably been talking to her after I left... So of course he wont answer the question. So then he says to me oh well you know I just don't want the same things to happen before I need things to change. So i never let him knoe i was hurt but he continued to contact me and started treating me like crap! Downtalking me just being down right rude. I dont understand! Then he started sending me pictures of us and said he's deleting them because we are going our seperate ways. Its like he's torturing me! Im confused
Thank you im sorry for the bad grammer.
You simply can't just demand a relationship with an Aquarius haha
What in tarnation were you arguing about, what did you say?
another case of you don't know what you have until you lose it.
You know what I mean right both cases
I want to know the arguments though, it was that bad, so bad no longer want anything more.
It's two sided always both people have to work their problems out, both people can't demand relationships. You know how much pressure that is to both people.
@Busyeyes88- simply can't demand or both parties but up the stubborn act
@busyeyes i just blocked him off all social media accounts. i need to get back to me. This man has depressed me too much.
I wasnt trying to demand a relationship. I just wanted to know what we were doing. I was getting fed up. I am the Aquarius.
I got tired of the broken promises and the sex addiction. If i didnt send him naked pics or videos of him dancing he wouldn't speak to me. Nothin i said or did was good enough. I am head strong bossy and opinionated but i tuned it down for him.
Good I would too.
Are you a first decan?
Posted by Simply_chante
I got tired of the broken promises and the sex addiction. If i didnt send him naked pics or videos of him dancing he wouldn't speak to me. Nothin i said or did was good enough. I am head strong bossy and opinionated but i tuned it down for him.

please expand on the sexual addiction...