Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
Posted by kushkitty
And I appreciate that! So far we are getting along really well. As if were best friends lol don't know about the romance part just yet or if I should even go towards that way.
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpioPosted by kushkitty
And I appreciate that! So far we are getting along really well. As if were best friends lol don't know about the romance part just yet or if I should even go towards that way.
In my experience, (having been with 3 in long-terms) Cancers will often settle for a guy they think is nice/kind, who should have been left in the friend category. Then if anything goes south in the relationship communication-wise, they do things that are hard to forgive, etc., you're on really shaky ground. No real chemistry, and then you feel trapped....Not saying that is this guy, just something that comes to mind, given that you sound so undecided.
Nothing wrong with starting a relationship as "best friends", you just sound a little too on-the-fence. Is there real chemistry and attraction here? If not, don't do it. Wait for someone you are crazy about. Just my to expand
Posted by MoonArtist
And Taurus will do similar: fall into it because it's safe (and cancers can make people feel loved and safe without trying). In the end, guy is unhappy, feels resentment, feels trapped...
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpioPosted by MoonArtist
And Taurus will do similar: fall into it because it's safe (and cancers can make people feel loved and safe without trying). In the end, guy is unhappy, feels resentment, feels trapped...
Agreed. I think, bc these two signs do seem to have some sort of strong initial chemistry/attraction, or at least friendship/understanding, *but* it so often doesn't actually work out, its even more important to really wait it out and see if it is meant to be romantic. I'm sure these two will take their time though - with both having Venus in to expand
Posted by MoonArtist
Yes, chemistry is there, to start. It seems to fade out and lean towards friendship, though. Crabs want more romance, intensity, and passion, while Bulls seem to take things as they are, don't put that kind of effort in, and are more even keeled on emotions. It would probably work better if the crab and bull had other aspects that matched in such a way as to keep the relationship more meshed together.
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpioPosted by MoonArtist
Yes, chemistry is there, to start. It seems to fade out and lean towards friendship, though. Crabs want more romance, intensity, and passion, while Bulls seem to take things as they are, don't put that kind of effort in, and are more even keeled on emotions. It would probably work better if the crab and bull had other aspects that matched in such a way as to keep the relationship more meshed together.
LOL, I wouldn't go that far at all. I know quite a few Leos and Scorps with bulls that have no lack of passion in their marriage. Its just about how the particular chemistry is. I've been with three crabs - a 5 yr relationship, a 1.5/2 yr, and a 6-7 yr marriage. They were all different as far as chemistry goes. In the first one, the chemistry/passion/romance was incredible and sustainable for the entire duration, but I had to go away to school and she freaked out and did some really dumb things. The second was too short to tell, bc it was still probably in the infatuation phase. In the last, the chemistry was terrible, for all sorts of reasons. We had totally different ideas of what passion even was. She was way too conservative and shy for me - almost prude. I need someone who is pretty freaky and uninhibited. Her connection to her past sexual/romantic experience very much determined where she would or would not go, and it was impossible to break her out of the mold. It just didn't "feel" like love, if it didn't remind her of her first love.
Bottom line though, if a person is really moved by, and turned on by the sexual nature of another person, the passion/romance will be there, regardless of sign. My first crab ALWAYS turned me on. I would chase her constantly. And the sex was amazing in bed, for both of us. Also, if there is abuse, deep hurt, or really poor communication in bull/cancer pair, or really any sign with a cancer, I think you can pretty much expect the passion/romance to disappear altogether eventually. You need a consistently sensitive/considerate partner, and I think bulls are ultimately too occasionally temperamental/harsh. I don't know what the astrologers say for crabs, but I always see successful long-term Virgo/Cancer and Libra/Cancer couples in real to expand