Taurus cusp Gemini boyfriend bad break up

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by my7daysinparis on Monday, September 10, 2012 and has 5 replies.
I -Aries girl Venus in Aries Mars in Sag - can't forget the Taurus cusp Gemini man after bad break up.
It was my fault we broke up due to my insecurities. He has been.mad at me for two years but last year we started to casually email and talk again. He admitted he never thought he could forgive me, we talked about what happened, I apologized etc.
I told him that I always loved him although I was in a new relationship. It's been.Four years now going on five... And the truth.of the matter is that when.the last time I saw him, when he brought me home from a late meeting he drove two hrs back and forth I cried when he left and realized he was the love of my life.
No matter where I go or with whom I'm with I don't thin k I'm ever find someone who loved me as much as I loved him.
My question is, should I confess this to him and do you think a Taurus cusp Gemini would give it a chance considering I was to blame for our break up? No, I didn't cheat on him but I did lie about something due to.my.insecurities. It was stupid and I cannot believe why I did something so stupid.
Posted by my7daysinparis
I -Aries girl Venus in Aries Mars in Sag - can't forget the Taurus cusp Gemini man

Here's to never forgetting the TaurGem cusp loves of our lives.
Dammit we are Arieses - supposed to be the love'em and leave'em kings of the universeConfused
Stop being insecure. He who is insecure is lost.
Posted by harry99
Trust I've had the love em and leave em types an Aries, Libra, Virgo, Aquarius, Leo, Gemini in my life *sigh* I so sad lol. Should I hold out for the Gemini should I should I????????

You need a proper Aries. Not one of those fly-by -nighters. No geminis.

PS. if you think that was me (the Bad Aries), just give me a ring when you have finished with your drama queenWinking
Posted by ReallyNiceAriesPerson
Posted by my7daysinparis
I -Aries girl Venus in Aries Mars in Sag - can't forget the Taurus cusp Gemini man

Here's to never forgetting the TaurGem cusp loves of our lives.
Dammit we are Arieses - supposed to be the love'em and leave'em kings of the universeConfused
Stop being insecure. He who is insecure is lost.
click to expand

in general thinking about him drives me nuts....! I'm not.insecure anymore in general but when it comes to this cusp I get confused it's been so long and I still think.of him. No matter what I do
Posted by harry99
Trust I've had the love em and leave em types an Aries, Libra, Virgo, Aquarius, Leo, Gemini in my life *sigh* I so sad lol. Should I hold out for the Gemini should I should I????????

Personally I don't date geminis too fickle. We Aries people are the bomb lol