taurus female

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by skippy on Tuesday, April 29, 2008 and has 3 replies.
I really like this taurus female, I'm a scorpio man. She is just so different from the others, I really don't know if she likes me. I'm hopefully gonna like hangout with her this week before she leavees for a trip and find out. Its really wierd, because she is kind of mean to me. Like whenever anyone says anything commenting on something bad about me she doesn't help herself and reinforces the point. like if someone is saying im mean or whatever. or she is like saying that she is babysiting me because I don't know how to do my job. Now if I say something nice, or sweet, I just get you're so weird with a smile. And/ or rolling eyes. BLAHHHHHHHHHHHHH I think she does, but if not oh well
scorpios, the taurus women i kno dont take compliments well. its not that we dont hear them, but we typically right them off with 'mmhmm sure'. that just goes in the trust issues box, not saying all taurus women have the compliment issue thing, but from what i've noticed most of the ones i know think everything is bs.
Skippy Taurus and Scorpio are the only 2 opposites in the zodiac that are pretty much similar. Like scorpio, we gals can be sarcastic. Just think of her as a more sensual, seductive, laid back version of scorpio and you'll figure her out somewhat.
The relationship will start with attraction and repulsion...Be forewarned...it's the nature of the yin yang attraction and because the energy is so strong it needs time to stabilise. Before it stabilises and this can take a while - you'll both need to be really patient with each other - you'll be caught in a frustrating love/hate dance.
The relationship is EXTREMELY intense...pretty much off the charts once ignited. If you can have enough patience to allow the energies to stabilise as I mentioned above, you'll make a power couple.
Good luck.