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Oct 25, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 130 · Topics: 22
me and my taurus guy have been fighting almost on a non-stop basis.. its like twice a day.. if i donnt create a fight he does.. and if he doesn't i do.. its like the most trivial and stupid things which get majorly blown out of proportion.. things like my status on msn which he'd feel is pointed at him..or his talking to an ex college flame he had a crush on which i'd create major issues about.. with the end result being both of us wondering why we've been fighting so much when we both hate doing it with one another.
is there some way i could avoid it? what do taurus like to talk about? what makes them happy? All these fights are just mentally exausting both of us.. with him screaming more and more and my crying more and more.. maintaining distance doesn't happen with us.. i've tried it.. if i don't call him for a day.. he calls me and reaches out..and then again we fight.. what to do?
I'm scared cuz of these fights he might give up and move away.. i as it is feel he's stopped caring as much as he used to.. i say things i don't mean and he hangs on to them.. he's started feeling as if i dont care about him at all.. and that's also started hitting back on us! HELP!
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Oct 25, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 130 · Topics: 22
I have my sun in leo.. but my damm moon is in capricorn making me soo emotional!
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Oct 25, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 130 · Topics: 22
Those pics depict our next stage of fighting me thinks!
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Oct 25, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 130 · Topics: 22
what's your moon in merc?
Taurus male here. I've been with a few Leo and I gotta say, I love the Leo woman population. Their morals and strong will always did it for me. We usually like talking about what we enjoy doing, but sometimes we feel stupid for it. just need to reassure us in our hobbies and we'll go on and on and on and on... literally. lol. Assuming your on our good side, we do enjoy listening and giving in feed back.
But alas... us taurus are indeed stubborn. I'll admit, we do have quite the temper. Especially the taurus women (oh jesus!). And this really does sound like the end of the relationship. If he started feeling that way, chances are that wont change unless something drastic happens
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May 18, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 6936 · Topics: 267
Taurus women dn't have that big of tempers....Taurus woman here. the way to change this or try to rectify it is a two way street. you can only control the arguments you create. two wrongs don't make a right, so if you say things you don't mean, you are doing it with a sign that does live many of our days on emotion. that emotion can come from a good word that was said or a bad makes or breaks our day.
i have to agree with others: it sounds like neither of you are willing to make this work.
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May 25, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 4843 · Topics: 30
well you don't seem all that upset about things ending.....move on....
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Oct 25, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 130 · Topics: 22
upset? I'm relieved!
I had been crying over this guy for ages now, and he kept leading me on saying he really thinks we could make it but he's just cautious needs time etc etc..
and then he tells me last nite he's very close to me, and he wouldn't know what to do if i wasn't there as his 'best friend'. And how imp. my friendship was to him. And he clearly tells me he doesn't want a relationship. I spent the last 6 days in my bed crying cuz of our endless fights and mental exhaustion, and i feel sad cause he was going through similar stuff. At least the mental agony is over since he's said it in clear words. I have my closure.
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Mar 28, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 363 · Topics: 21
Taurus won't spend that much time in that sort of drama.