Taurus general inquiry

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by degenerate_ingenue on Thursday, July 2, 2015 and has 32 replies.
So my question stems from the Taurus whom I've known in my life. What causes a Taurus to become unfaithful, male or female? I have always read Taurus to be loyal, steadfast...you know the drill. Example 1: My friend was cheated on by a Taurus w Taurus venus. He had no guilt, no shame. It was very "matter-of-fact". He attempted to deny it but it didn't work out for him. Example 2: Taurus w Taurus Venus again. He is a friend of mine. He dated a girl for 4 years and decided to mess around w a coworker. I asked "what about your girlfriend?" his answer: "oh I'm not breaking up with my girlfriend no way. i need to pop her the question soon actually." to which I bluntly said "there is no point in marrying her. just break up with her." long story short he did break up w her for the coworker. Now..the Taurus I was involved with had a Gemini venus so I mean...it was to be expected. my Aries friend who has a Gem venus is very intimidated by commitment, so I assume it runs in the Gem Venus placement. The Taurus pops in from time to time, but I have "given up" hope. we get along and mesh really well, but he would do this thing where he would be like "you are getting to close to me", ignore me, then come back and tell me how he "treetrunks with me the long way" slang for "sees me in his future". He gets with other women so I just decided to myself I would be his friend since there is nothing official and he is doing his own thing. we never got far into messing around because he was not clear w motives. He ironically enjoys when I get angry...it's weird and annoying since when I am mad I am trying to make a point but nonetheless...we still manage to finish each others sentences so I would say it's a decent friendship after the anger faded (lol), but I still want to understand a Taurus mentality/perspective. I asked my friend who was in the 4 year relationship, and his answer was "why not" so that got me nowhere. GRANTED EVERY sign has those individuals who cheat. but each may have a different REASON. I had done some reading that said it could stem from feeling like THEY will be cheated on, so they cheat too "just in case" (don't remember the source so it could have been disreputable). But does it stem from loss of interest? loss of the excitement? feeling of growing distance? if i were to ever cheat (never have) i suppose it would be for revenge but they'd have to start the cycle (Scorp sun/venus vindictiveness). or else I'd break up, not cheat
This is also not saying all are like this to be clear. It is more of a "if you were to ever cheat, why would you" type question to get a better grasp of why the ones who I personally have known could be this way. I figured the Venus in Taurus would ground them more, but it is strange that it happened this way. Though maybe they wanted to avoid hurting their girlfriends by hiding it? Not sure.
I just thought of something else too... Have you noticed most Taurus are nearly perfectly proportionate physically?

I have mentally noted that all Taurus people (men and women) I have known/seen are very proportionate. They say Libra is the sign of beauty, BUT there is also the study that shows people who are more proportionate are the most attractive/beautiful. In other words, I have never seen a seemingly unattractive Taurus. This has absolutely nothing to do with my post. But as a disproportionate person myself, scoliosis and all...I am the prime example of the fine art of disproportion lol...so I find it amazing that so many of the same sign could be so proportionate. Weird analysis I know, but I was just on Facebook and wanted to know a girl I went to high school's sign because she models and somehow she is perfectly proportionate and low and behold she was a Taurus. So strange, yet very intriguing! The men are always the same, perfectly proportionate. It amazes me. Then there's me...wondering what it's like hahaha.
Thank you.

But what the heck is going on though. So a Taurus male broke up with his 4 year old relationship for a co worker. Lol wtf.. omg I can believe this. You know work is probably the highest place to have many love affAirs and might even work out. It happens alot actually...

So now something in their relationship wasn't right.. I mean four years to actually get to know everything about someone for that long..idk but I would not accept him back at all.. Because I have been cheated on by an Aries and I never cheated and never thought about revenge either.... I just finally had enough drama and stress and left..
Taurus w/ Taurus Venus here. Granted I've never cheated, but I've also never been in an "official" relationship. I'd be more of an emotional cheater actually. I tend to crush a lot. But that's the air in me. If I were to cheat physically, I can only imagine it would have no ulterior motives. In other words, for the sake of pure physical pleasure. What people tend to forget is that Taurus Venus is the most physical, sensual and touchy-feely out of all placements. It can get carried away in delights that stimulate the five senses more easily than the rest. Touch, sight, sound, smell, taste. For Venus in Taurus, that would definitely be the #1, if not the only, reason to cheat.
@ Op and Theatum- Oh yeah I love pure physical pleasure and it's almost a must because I need and crave it... I can see where you are coming from though. I really do..

I'm a Taurus with Aquarius moon and Taurus trifleca. So yeah I see I can be flirty...I can't see myself cheating. I would rather stay single..and have my pleasure just in case my realistic guy doesn't pan out.
@ Rain- Yeah I see why damn though could you have just broke up and communicate that first. Or was it hopeless and did you ever tell him you cheated, and did it change him too?
I have NEVER cheated nor will I ever cheat. It goes against everything I believe in and would be world ending for me. Besides in a society where Humans take everything for granted there needs to be Honor and Integrity especially as the world transitions into the next stage. As far as I'm concerned, you Cheat on me and it's over. I shut down, ignore you and walk away never to be heard from again. Now of course you'd deserve much worse than that, like a bullet to the head, but we have laws now. LOL.
Yup I forgave my ex bff because I was really hoping it would change. I didn't change myself. He changed. And I left after a few attempts but once you start fucking other people and then trying with me. Hell to the no. Bye Felicia. Without no trust there is no relationship..
It's very rare for a Taurus to stray, considering they're extremely loyal and dedicated. That's like a last resort, it's almost unfathomable for them. However, if they do it's because they're either unevolved, damaged and brooding, or they feel utterly unappreciated. They fight for things to work, but once they feel as if the other person is ungrateful and negligent, which would hurt them deeply, it is possible. But as I said, very rare.
I am Taurus sun, Taurus Venus, Taurus mercury. I have not cheated in the typical way. I am now separated from my husband. However, I fell into an emotional affair, no physical contact at all. I think my senses are just turned up and it is not something I would have planned. Granted, once I realized what I was doing I told my.husband, but I also told him I did not plan on stopping. I had to end our relationship. But, there is just so much passion inside. I am dating again already. I can say, I warned my husband of the problems in our relationship and told him what we needed to do to change. I am very certain if things were good I would have never "strayed".
And yes, I was very hurt by my husband and have been for years prior.
The [Sun] Taurus sign isn't prone to cheating. But the other placements may tell a different story.
As for infidelity, there could be a myriad of reasons.

1. We settled for stability without love going into a union.

2. We followed our hearts without stability going into a union, the emotions have fleeted and now we're realize we're stuck in a union that is no longer working...[being a Bull, giving up is usually the last option, we will make all attempts to hold on rather than to quit].

3. Lack of affection. Bulls need this in the same manner a thirsty man will drink water when being out in the desert for three days.

4. Bad Sex or Lack of Sex.. Bulls are conservative on the exterior, but on the surface lies a mechanical Bull who wants it constantly. All night, and all week if he can have it. We're hedonistic, and indulgent by nature.

There are many other reasons as well.
Posted by degenerate_ingenue
I just thought of something else too... Have you noticed most Taurus are nearly perfectly proportionate physically?

I have mentally noted that all Taurus people (men and women) I have known/seen are very proportionate. They say Libra is the sign of beauty, BUT there is also the study that shows people who are more proportionate are the most attractive/beautiful. In other words, I have never seen a seemingly unattractive Taurus. This has absolutely nothing to do with my post. But as a disproportionate person myself, scoliosis and all...I am the prime example of the fine art of disproportion lol...so I find it amazing that so many of the same sign could be so proportionate. Weird analysis I know, but I was just on Facebook and wanted to know a girl I went to high school's sign because she models and somehow she is perfectly proportionate and low and behold she was a Taurus. So strange, yet very intriguing! The men are always the same, perfectly proportionate. It amazes me. Then there's me...wondering what it's like hahaha.

Why yes, Both of my nipples are the same size and I just checked; both testicles sag the exact same amount in the sweltering summer humidity. Ya learn something new everyday.
Posted by r0xy09
always been a frequent browser here, but made an account just to answer your question. it really is interesting how the term loyalty is so attached to the taurus sun sign, as though nothing could ever incline a taurus to betray another person.. i'm in a relationship w/ two virgo guys right now (no judgment please) so i'm being unfaithful to them both. the reason why is basically b/c i want to feel the power of winning, of knowing that i'm screwing both of them over. i'm really distrustful of other people, so my way of ensuring i don't get hurt is by being the one to cheat. i guess it all comes down to intense jealousy and possessiveness issues that we taurus also have, and since it would kill us to be cheated on, it may propel us to cheat. so i guess the original source you referenced, that we might cheat b/c we feel we would get cheated on, is true in my case.

No judgement?

You do know you in the Taurus part of DXP Town, right?

Taurus w/Venus in Gemini here..

Never physically cheated, but have emotionally strayed...if anything. I'm a big flirt though.

For example in my situation now...I know where my heart is, but I need a distraction til me and my guy (Cancer) get it together - long distance/communication issues. I may "talk" to other people just for the attention, but I know I'm not going anywhere or really do anything.
@ IPOOT- Can you be loyal and faithful even if you do get alot of attention? What holds your attention since you have VIG,?

Yeah I can be flirty but I really think its that I like you..and my VIG isn't the one to be flirty. It has to be my moon sign.
For all the air, mutable, and fire signs my VIT should be comforting because you lack emotions. So that should be my balance to your logical mind.. You guys need that too but often in between it all.... it's the personality traits I need to look at while investing my time with you..
I mean VIT typo not VIG. IT is my moon that keeps spontaneous moments where once I get in a comfortable rut. I switch to more openness. And believe it or not. I can keep up.
FDTW - Hell yea I can! Loyalty and security are big for me, along with affection. Once I know you're all in and serious about it, I'm all good. But I need a good/the right mixture of being smothered and then some space, if that makes sense, lol.

I never let the flirting go too far though cause I know I'm bluffing, lol. Or if I do flirt like that its a situation where I will never see them again and its a clean getaway for me! LOL!

So true.
Posted by xoxoRain
Ima Taurus and I have cheated before. Reasons why I cheated:

2.bf was treating me badly: ignored me, never gave a fuck about my feelings when I was crying out for help,hot and cold/on and off relationship games, treated me like a piece of meat.

Honestly, from what I've read/seen if the Taurus feels you did them wrong and have already emotionally detached they don't feel remorse moving on to greener pastures. They may even do so vindictively. No remorse either. I don't get it from a moral perspective. They seem to feel entitled when they feel wronged. They share more traits with their opposite scorpio counterpart that you would imagine.
TAURUS, what makes you feel SECURE?
@ Siren- I feel secure when everything is going right in a relationship without me really having to nag at you about something so simple..

I also have my own money hence I have two jobs currently..I need a guy to bring in something to the table, hence I met a taurus male and he said the person that is with me has to pull their weight together. Including a job must being making around the same as me....

If you want to pay rent fine, I'll help with the bills.. If we go on dates then someone will be paying for something while the other pays for something. You got to match with Taurus all the time..

I start feeling insecure with all the red flags so early in the friendship simple things like, why aren't you spending time with me, how come you didn't mow the lawn hence I just cleaned the entire inside of the house.. You have to pull your weight with Taurus and still be consistent in a friendship and relationship. Taurus are very much prone to do shit themselves by looking on google now or have experienced a household that know what it takes to build a garden or paint a house...

I will run the other way once I don't see you pulling your weight. Taurus very much can stress out and just enjoy friends rather than relationships.. because we don't want to hurt people's feelings if things go sour. Remember Taurus in Astrology description is material possessions and security/stability.. I am also a VIT it is a must I see that kind of action. If I do I will bend over backwards for you and be there for you all the time. Once in a relationship I will be loyal and faithfull no matter what my placements are.

Taurus are really underrated and people's view as cold hearted non emotional people.. Not true..
My Taurus ex cheated on me, and from his brother told me he's cheated on all his exes.

His brother thinks it's because he's so insecure about himself. Also he's one of those "damaged Taurus". He has a relationship that fucked him up so bad mentally, that he can't even really fully love anyone.
Just because a taurus has been hurt doesn't mean they will cheat.b and they can do everything right with a new person. Starting all over without bias judgements in the beginning.
Posted by thefierybull
My Taurus ex cheated on me, and from his brother told me he's cheated on all his exes.

His brother thinks it's because he's so insecure about himself. Also he's one of those "damaged Taurus". He has a relationship that fucked him up so bad mentally, that he can't even really fully love anyone.

I can kinda relate to that. Working on my issues though smile

Not sure if you are asking me about the clinging stuff, but no...I'm not clinging to my past person as in wanting that person. My situation is more of things that happened while I was with them, they could be even routine things...and now when my current guy does the same it makes me feel a type of way. He doesnt know it, cause I dont even want to open up about those things to him right now.

So I just cringe and observe...lol.
I know a Taurus with Venus in Taurus as well and he is a habitual cheater.. he'll treat you well, is very possesive, he wants "good girls", girls who are innocent in a sense. gets them and then cheats. shamelessly. has a "deal with it or leave" mentality towards the whole thing
I will be faithful and loyal no matter what..
Idk but I am Taurus female and the thought hasn't not crossed my mind with my VIT.. I am fixed once I made my mind up. I'm all yours..and honesty I guess different people had different backgrounds to be like that.