slow down before you become a VICTIM!
We don't like to be pushed, pulled, or pressured...if you do it YES we will disappear. We love our friends and family like none other so YES we respond to them quickly!
You need to slow down and follow her lead. She will see that you are man enough to be with her and strong enough to handle her then you will begin to gain more and more of her time. We like ACTION so COURT her old fashion style . So you will have to be the lead without pushing...I know it can be hard. BUT trust me I'm sure she is worth it.
truth be told I don't think you being a Libra is a natural match so you will have to do lots of adjusting cuz I'm sure so won't right off...
I guess you guys are probably right, Libra and Taurus dont fit. I will give it a chance and will act differently from now on.
Next time she would call me (normally she does in the evening "IF" she wants to do something) and tell me "hey I dont have any plans tonight" I would say "Sorry honey but I've scheduled to let me know in advance. I got plans too you know." I would say it in a very nice and sweet way so it would not sound like a revenge or anything like that. I will stop calling too and sending messages.
If she gets angry will see what happens... I will let the chips fall where they may.
After all, when she feels like she wants to do something or talk, she expects it to happen. When it's vice versa she is busy or even changing the set plans. Well an eye for an eye.
I am just curious, what is the most likely outcome if I would start acting like this? Anyone got any ideas? What would Taurus do?
Signed Up:
May 18, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 6936 · Topics: 267
Taurus and Libra don't fit? WHAT? Wrong...I beg to differ.
Most likely outcome if you start acting like a jerk? It's the quickest way for us to tell you to go lay under a bus. I also have to say that based on her actions and no rush attitude to get back to you or take your calls, it sounds like she isn't romantically interested in you. You also seem a bit needy and we don't like that. We like MEN who are independent, spontaneous, and romantic...
Signed Up:
May 18, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 6936 · Topics: 267
The reason why I say I beg to differ about Taurus and Libra not fitting: I am going on 8 months with my guy. I'm a Taurus female and he's Libra.
Signed Up:
May 25, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 4843 · Topics: 30
it seems like everytime I go to say something houstonpeach says it first.... but yes I agree - I think she just doesn't like you - not romantically. Maybe as a friend, and so she is trying to give you SOME of her time - but make it clear that she is not interested in a relationship by not making herself available when YOU want her to be.
Houstonpeach - give it time.... taurus libra start out wonderfully.... but libras eye will start to wander.... it's nothing against you - like gemeni they simply get bored.... no matter what you do to keep their interest. YOU become old and boring..... libra loves infatuation and that initial explosive love - but they do not settle comfortably into relationships - even when they do settle down they may keep the wife at home, but will go out and have fun on their own. They start to feel tied down and stifled. Unless your libra has a lot of cancer placements to help him fall deeply in love and stay there - you may be disappointed in a short while - but goodluck ! I hope he turns out to be a good example for all libras to follow :0)
Last conversation we had was on Thursday she was busy with her friends we didnt get a chance really to speak. I didnt call on Friday but she texted me like at 11.50pm, asking me: how is your friend's club-party? I said: very good, how are you doing? She said: I am with few friends at home.. I said: well its seems like we're gonna continue after the club. She said: We too.
Thats how we ended it. After that no more calls or messages for like 2 days, I stopped and she did too.
Would you say this is it?
By the way, she did know about the event and I told twice to come but said she would let me know, well she never did.
Thank you for all of your comments. It really helps me to understand this sign
We still have not spoken since Thursday, only few sms'es on Friday and that was it (details above). I would normally call but she is busy or with her friends when I did, so I am not calling or sending any sms'es.
I dont know what she thinks about me, but I feel like it is over. She would at least send sms or something like that, I think.
Normally, would Taurus girl call if someone dissappears or even care about it? or she just forgets about it? We kind of had something started, it was getting serious but it had paused when she started acting all busy and stuff.
have you still not heard from her yet? if not, i think we can safely say it's over. *pat on the back*
did she ever at any point tell you that she liked you? because most taurus girls i know are pretty straight up. I think sometimes a taurus girl may want to show you that she does not like you that way (like as a boyfriend) but she does not want to be mean. Also of course, friends get quicker replies then boys (sorry thats just the way we roll) ...OOOH and maybe when she was replying you it took her so long beause she was thinking of what to say, especially if the text messages were pretty general things, we do have a tendancy for wanting people to get to the point.