Taurus girl on the rebound

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by SRG on Thursday, September 13, 2007 and has 6 replies.
Can anyone tell me the thought process of a taurus girl that just got out of a long relationship? Would she be looking to start a new relationship soon or would she be very cautious about guys in general and wait a while before starting anew? Somehow I don't think she's looking for a one night stand.. or is she??
she's not looking for a one night stand.
I'm pretty sure she isn't either. Any insight on how I can approach her? She works next door to me so I see her all the time.
She could be looking to start a new long term relationship. I know I recently got into a new relationship after being out of the old one (that lasted about a year and a half) just 3 days....but there was more to it than that...the guy I had just broken up with was a total jerk, I had only stayed on him because I believed he could change, we had broken up and got back together so many times before, and I was basically really done with waiting on him the last time...my FEELINGS for him had actually changed along time before we broke up and I was going on fumes. The guy that I got with wasn't someone I had just met either, he was a friend that I kept turning down to get back with the ex although I knew very much that I was interested in him from the time I met him. There were actually times while I was in the stinking relationship that I seriously had to contemplate if I had made the choice to stay with the loser and if I would miss my opportunity with the other guy and live to regret it. Just listen to what she has to say and if she is really trying to have something with you she will most likely make sure that you know. Of course now I am dealing with proving to him that he isnt a rebound (a responsibility I knew I would have to accept), but I understand how he would think that and it's worth it to me that he knows he is not.
approach with caution but be friendly and straight forward about what you want with her. Once you get her to talk you will probably find out where her head is as far as being over her ex.
lol Merc, I think if thats all he wanted to do then he would have done it instead of asking about relationships and moving on