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Jun 03, 2017Comments: 0 · Posts: 497 · Topics: 57
I feel that sex is so important in a relationship.
I have a high sex drive and it has been hard for me in the past to find a man that can match it. Lately I have embraced my needs more and put it at the top of my priority list.
The only thing is: I worry that when I do finally end up in a committed relationship again, if the sex diminishes over time, or becomes less satisfying, I will become unhappy...
Do any other Taurus girls feel the same?
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Aug 12, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 4771 · Topics: 30
Like most relationships, same rule applies to sex,....
Keep the sparks alive and work on it.
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Jan 14, 2017Comments: 115 · Posts: 788 · Topics: 14
Sex is incredibly important to me. My drive won't diminish in a relationship if I love the person very much. However, we are human and not robots so if I'm too tired for that for whatever reason which is rare, I'll just tell my s/o to hold off until the next time we see each other.
It definitely takes a team of two to work at it and make it whether it be sex, relationship,etc
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Oct 08, 2015Comments: 2 · Posts: 1193 · Topics: 43
Sex is oh so important to me in a relationship. I think we view it as being and getting close to our partners... and my Scorpio mars don't make it not better lol.
Don't let the spark die, send some nude pics to him every once in a while... do video sex in between when yall are away, add some toys, tell him what you want to do to him when he gets home and if all else fails, give him head in the morning before work ????
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Jan 14, 2017Comments: 115 · Posts: 788 · Topics: 14
I have a Capricorn Mars?.. is that a good thing?? I would think just being a Taurus was enough LOL
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Jun 21, 2016Comments: 130 · Posts: 1963 · Topics: 39
I need sex all. the. time. But I can also do without it if need be. It's just much nicer when there is action on a daily basis with a lover.
I used to do it 2-3 times per day. Now it's once a month if I'm lucky. I feel like I have fallen out of love? I don't know what to think anymore. I'm at a place where I know we are not meant to be because he does not please me.
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Jul 03, 2017Comments: 2 · Posts: 1121 · Topics: 42
It's on my brain 24/7... and it oozes out in my personality though I don't try. However I intertwine sex and love so I can only be intimate with someone I have a real connection with.
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Sep 07, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 497 · Topics: 31
sex is definitely important to my life. I always struggle holding back on it but like spunkytaurus stated, it oozes out through my personality. Lately during my dating stage, i have been told often that I make him feel like I just want him only for sex. LOL... I know that's horrible. I'm still trying to find the balance. I just view sex as an art form and/or a form of emotional expression.
I'm a Taurus moon and it's true for me lol.. I love touching, kissing, cuddling and sex when I'm in a relationship. Food and sex is the best ?