taurus/libra compatibility

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by kelis on Monday, January 7, 2008 and has 10 replies.
ive been kinda dating this taurus with a leo moon since november and im a libra with a cancer moon even though it hasnt got really serious because i want to be friends first and dont want to rush into a relationship i want to know if these 2 signs clash?...im just curious because he seems more "real" than most guys i dated and seems like he can make a good loyal friend and we get along good no drama...yet
i'm taurus with leo moon.
female though...but have been dating a libra for a year now. don't base your compatibility on just astrology or you will be disappointed.
Sad thing about bored libras...
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Mmmm wondered the same thing myself Bling. Since you're here, coffee? Or would you prefer a green tea.
Big Grin Get some rest. smile
LOL I'll say, he's like...*cue X-Files music* Tongue
Do you suppose he writes poems in his spare time? Tongue
Posted by everevolvingepithet
How many old threads are you planning on resurrecting sweetums ?

Sorry, but some of us are new ... thanks for alerting me to the boredom
Very true..but not all of us can intentionally hit wrong notes on a piano piece. smile