Posted by Kira
As a Taurus man, I think he is clearly interested in you. We love physical contacts that's why if a Taurus guy touches you it's usually pretty good sign. As for him being jealous of cancer guy... I don't actually think it's jealousy but possessivity especially with the current state of your relationship...He just doesn't feel exclusive anymore... but nothing to worry about it's just us being attention whore.
It made me laugh when you said he ask you if you're able to cook.... how typical lol.
But once again... we only ask personal questions if we're interested in that person...if not... we usualy don't bother and rather talk about everyday's stuff.
As for him being cold to you sometime... don't read too much into it... we're just like that and we take time to sort out our feelings. We also idolize the object of our affection a lot so sometime if we don't get the reaction we're expecting, we're just a little disapointed...but again nothing to worry about.
You're still in the getting to know each other phase... so just do that... don't rush things take your time and learn more about each other.
Here's a few stuff you could do:
Return the favor... and gently touch him and look at his face
We like feminine woman so just act ladylike...but don't go out of your yourself so the relation stays honest
Good luck to you
Posted by David13
The next time you see paper in his hair... REMOVE IT !
Posted by scorchedearth
as an aries you're really going to have to done down your impulsivity. it'd also be nice if you could let things flow naturally and not try to ram at things to make them go quicker. you're probably going to have to be the one to initiate things, being the cardinal sign. taurus is good at follow through but initiation isn't taureans best quality.
it seems like he likes you already so it shouldn't take much for it to keep moving.
just remember to be yourself.
Posted by scorchedearth
the virgo probably does calm your fire a little bit. plus, it's super compatible with his taurus-bits.
my best advice you to is to be patient but persistent.
Posted by ands
He is born near me. These taureans have a lot of Scorpio in them too. Mars, Pluto, Saturn in scorp.
Posted by scorchedearthPosted by RammalotPosted by ands
He is born near me. These taureans have a lot of Scorpio in them too. Mars, Pluto, Saturn in scorp.
I checked his Mars it is in Scorpio is that a good thing or not what type of girls do you like and how do you show someone you like them what signs should I look out for.
you need to google mars in scorpio because there's no way to explain it well without sounding like an egomaniac. it's a very intense placement. to expand
Posted by andsPosted by RammalotPosted by ands
He is born near me. These taureans have a lot of Scorpio in them too. Mars, Pluto, Saturn in scorp.
I checked his Mars it is in Scorpio is that a good thing or not what type of girls do you like and how do you show someone you like them what signs should I look out for.
I actually like virgos and Virgo risings! But I have merc on my descendant. I like Leos too but my moon is there.
Taureans like beauty. Don't mind the boyish part I read a few posts up. Idk about other taureans but I like masculine energy in females. Especially Leo, libra, Aries as of late. They're still feminine for me in many ways despite the labeling.
You're also a horse year no?click to expand