I met a Taurus male 8 months ago. He chased me down and asked for my number. i was very reluctant...but he persistenly pursued me. always wanting to see me and meet up with me. He is kind and sweet. His honesty is too much some times. He is possessive and always wants to know where i am, who i am with and what i am doing. He says he loves me, im his heart and soul and he wishes for me to be his. He is a soldier and recently got relocated and looks to get sent to Korea late july. we been apart 2 months now and recently meet up for a mini trip together. he had driven 18 hours to come and spend a few days with me. I originally had no intentions of getting into a serious relationship and refused to do a long distance relationship. He recently told me he is planning on going back to his ex because he can not be without his children. i told him i can make his dicisions for him. But he cant stop calling me. he gets drunk and calls. tells me his heart is bleeding and he is struggling. that im his love. i have stop texting him and he gets mad that he dont hear from me. he is making me emotional. I have fallen for this man. he has made a choice to give his family another try...but he wont let me go...i dont know what to do! Im curious to here from Taurus men on this subject>
I dont like it...he seems so emotional to me, i am not used to a man showing emotions like that and it makes me feel bad. i have pulled away...but he is not letting me go.
im sorry..i think u might of misunderstood me. he just got stationed out of my state and is leaving for korea for the first time end of july. He has not been going to korea. he has not been on any trips. he has pretty much been here in my state til 2 months ago when he got stationed in colorado. he has not reconciled with his ex yet. but he is saying he cannot live a life with out his kids and is planning to work it out with her and try once more... so i told him if he goes back to his ex...we are done. he is telling me he loves me, that i am his heart and soul...he is telling me also that his kids comes first. he has been very honest with me...he has been gentle and kind and loving...a bit territorial, yes. but never abusive in any way. i have fallen in love...but i have not disclosed my feelings as he has is making a choice to fix his family.
i recently went on a trip to seattle and he drove from colorado to seattle to come see me...he drove 18 plus hours just to see me. im moved by that...i have never had a man be so honest with me...or go the distance to want to spend time with me.
Thank you for your input saweets1988 and bikerch1ck...good feedback. I have pulled away and stop talking to him for 12 days now...lots of sleepless nights and tears. I know its not the last i will hear from him...im just not sure how i will be later when he does call again. i had to tell him leave me alone and that was a very hard thing to do! what you both have said in response to my information has helped me alot...and yes i am walking away. Thanks