Roller coaster ride for 6 months! Every time we are around each other he can't leave me alone. When he hunts and corners me to talk about "us" he swears he wants to prove to me he wants to be with me. Within 2 weeks it's clockwork that he then breaks things off. My Uncle was sick and passed away 2 days ago (which he has been supporting me through until I actually ask to chat with him)which he had originally offered and didn't take him up on until the day he died. Suddenly he wasn't available to talk to me and then 2 days later I get this text from him, " Hi. I hope your okay. I am sorry but I can't give you what you need between us. I am not ready to date anyone. Can I get my stuff back from you tonight?'...This is after he has already sent me similar texts to break things off and as soon as he sees me it's a completely different story! He hunts me, plays songs for me and corners me trying to work things out and ultimately I take him back and BOOOOOM! Within weeks he ALWAYS runs again! I don't know what I even say when I see him! I don't want to look at him and I don't want to give him ammo because he blows everything out of proportion. He is May 11th Taurus and I am a July 26th Leo.....Patience has been something I have given him at a lever that I never have before and every time I know he will be back so I don't know if I even take this serious or just give him his stuff back, roll my eyes and wait for the games to begin all over. I really just want the game to end because I want a rock, an anchor, a stable person to be in my life. He has talked about being that person BUT never actually done it. I have been nothing but HONEST and he is playing with my emotions and it's so unfair and selfish of him. I don't even know what to say to him or how I am going to look at him in the eye. What do I do? I need the roller coaster to STOP and for him and I to just put it on cruise and be NORMAL!
Signed Up:
Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
If you want the game to end then end it, give him his stuff back and cut him off.
You're not a toy he can play with UNLESS you are therefore you won't end it and you'll stay on the ride.
Delete him from Facebook, no social networking, walk past him as if you don't see him and DETOX, get rid of anything that smells like him. When you see him put perfume up your nose to block those phermones.
Get out while you still can before you're 6 years in with nothing to show for it but wrinkles.
Signed Up:
Aug 12, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 4771 · Topics: 30
He's very attracted to you....but does not see stability or a future with you.....
If you truly want to be with will have to ask him why he doesn't see a potential future with you.
If you get vague or indirect responses.
Cut off all contact and block his number.
He sent me a text asking if he could come over to my place around 8:30 to get his stuff. After much thought and an invite to a happy hour after work I decided o just leave his stuff (Nicely folded and in a nice bag) on my door. I told him that he could go pick up his stuff and that I had something come up and not able to hand him his stuff in person. He responded with some super polite text that read, " Yes, can you please do that. Thank you." So I assumed that was that...he would get his stuff and be done. Then at 8:33 he sent me a text thanking me for folding his stuff and that he got everything and asking me if he can give me the bag back because it's a nice shopping bag that he is sure I would want back.......I deleted his number and NOT responding. I feel like he really wants to end it on his terms (because everything is still all about him) as if I haven't heard enough of his words and explanations/ excuses from him. I always give him the benefit of the doubt and treating me this way when you know a close family member has just died really shows his true colors. If he can't give me what I am looking fair then that's fine and I can live with that BUT then leave me alone! I do need to take control and just cut him out. He has serious emotional problems when it comes to women and I literally have showed him nothing but patience and understanding for the last 4 months. I am not going to be his emotional punching bag any longer. So exhausting and not fair to me especially with my Uncle dying...I don't care if he doesn't see a future with me. Life is too short and he has been careless with my heart for too long. If he comes around then he is going to learn a hard lesson in treating people the way you want to be treated. This is beyond his sign and so much more about his abandonment issues regarding women and being adopted and never wanting to meet his birth parents.