Signed Up: May 21, 2013 Comments: 0 · Posts: 53 · Topics: 7
I apologize for the weird title! But i appreciate any insight Basically I know this Taurus man for a couple of months- I'm interested in him- perhaps attracted. He's very perceptive, and somehow can see right through me but maybe it's also because he's much older than me. More experience. (I'm 27 he's 49) He's pretty touchy-feely but it's just on friendly terms, and he does that to everyone. He told me his heart is kinda broken right now (was in a conversation, not because I inquired him) so I respect his privacy and space. However, I wonder about a couple of things: -Does Taurus men do quite a bit of casual sex? He told me his emotional boundaries is clear with women currently because of his current condition, but I thought Taurus men like to take it slow/don't like casual sex too much. (For the record, he is friends/very friendly with all the women he has slept with) -Conflicting stories: Does Taurus men chase after the women they like, or they tend to take it slow but still obvious/direct? Not subtle at all? -Are Taurus men very open? He's very friendly with everyone and also see: casual sex. But I don't know how synonymous sex/openness is for Tauruses. For the record, no I haven't ever been physical to him. Generally, I'm a very aggressive/outspoken person, but around him somehow I become shy- he brings out my feminine qualities, but I think this is working against me because he seems to prefer outspoken women who is not afraid to chase him/seduce him! He's a bit flirty w/ me and quite observant (as an example he seem to always know whenever I feel a bit down/have things on my mind when the others don't, subtle stuff) but I think it's a healthy dose of flirting/friendly and definitely different from how flirty he is with women he'd like to sleep with/sexually attracted to... (probably not a good sign? lol) But last night was pretty much the reason I'm asking my last question... basically we had a (big) group dinner, and I'm good friends with his ex-girlfriend (the one he's not over with, an aries woman, a year younger than me. fyi he is divorced once already). He was invited, and obviously he was still into her, and I gave them space and time to talk to each other... I knew while he was happy to see her, I can tell he's chewed up, but maybe I was just assuming. But it was a fun dinner. We went dancing, and his ex had to go home so we changed venue- but then we met a girl and he kept her by his side throughout the night. W
Signed Up: May 21, 2013 Comments: 0 · Posts: 53 · Topics: 7
We were all quite drunk at this point. At the end of the night, I felt like maybe he wants to go home with her so I asked him if he does. At first he's like being vague then in the end he told me "Yeah.. take a taxi, go home." and apologized to me. But then half an hour later (I was home at this point) he texted me thanking me for an amazing night, and he went home alone. (citing it was the girl's call and he had to sleep anyway) but he had the best parts (dancing & fun w/ me and everyone). I find it amusing that he had the need to 'report' back to me but i appreciate it, maybe he felt bad somehow and in the hindsight it was my fault for asking such an obvious question but hey i was drunk... give me a pass this once! So, the last question would be : -Obviously I have been 'friendzoned' right? haha. Ahh... Thanks for any replies, seriously. I seriously don't mind just being platonic with him, but couldn't hurt (more) to ask Sorry for the length also..!
Signed Up: May 21, 2013 Comments: 0 · Posts: 53 · Topics: 7
You are right, he wouldn't say anything if they slept together hahaha! That's why i find it funny he told me about it. I replied amicably anyway. Don't worry, this is the first time I ever liked a guy way older than me, usually I stick around my age (late twenties, early thirties). Ah well, a lesson learned The reason I'm not too hurt about it is because my mind wasn't fully on him last night. I saw an ex girlfriend and she went up to me and talked for a while, kinda shook up my mood but I kept dancing anyway. He noticed though, and comforted me a bit before he went back w/ the girl. (FYI I am a girl) I suck at playing games, you were right if i ignored that text he would be pretty weirded out, but that's too late! hahah. Thanks. Any more replies still appreciated !!