Taurus Men- The Eternal Poet

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by anonymousheart on Thursday, November 7, 2013 and has 16 replies.
My Taurus man is always sending me poetry. (his)
What poetry have you written, or has a Taurus written you?
I know I can't be the only one...
I wrote poetry. Most older ones are really shit but the latest one I wrote I like at least.
I only wish I had the skill to write it in English. For me, as a non-native speaker, it's such a beautiful language. Not really exotic, but so simple and flowing. Great for writing cheesy poetry. Tongue
Posted by Theatrum
I wrote poetry. Most older ones are really shit but the latest one I wrote I like at least.

Can I see? (:
Posted by sandynads
i used and i'd send it thru text. i am less cheesy these days. i keep dating these saturnian chicks that tell me to shut it down. smile

LOL! Too romantic for their blood?

Posted by MissFisk
When it comes to Taurus poets, Robert Browning is the first name that comes to my mind. A lot Venusian men have romantic hearts.
click to expand

"Grow old with me! The best is yet to be."
Robert Browning
Definitely a Taurus Winking
anonymousheart I'd show you one but as I mentioned it's written in a language you wouldn't understand. I'm too embarrassed to wave with that shizzle anyway Tongue
I did make cheesy and *sometimes* stalkerish anime/animated music videos when I was younger and had my Sony Vegas Pro 8. I think version 12 or 13 is up nowdays. Had around 1000 subs on YouTube than they suspended my ass for copyright lol! Only once I used an actual movie. Believe it was Hannibal.
Posted by sandynads
me: i want to hold you in my arms
them: am i dying? -_-

< width="560" height="315" ="

If anonymous is interested in checking it out. The last complete AMV I ever made. It's a few years old. It's not poetry and it's not typically romantic but hey, it's made by a Taurus and it's art! Kinda!

Well this is what I got from the bull this morning:
Good morning, as good things come your way.
Good morning when it's not far away.
Good morning when the sky is bright blue.
Good morning when love is in you!
Then the follow up:
Your voice was made to harmonize with mine,
Bursting together at the same time,
We are combine into one fine line...
then he wrote a bunch of lines:

I love that song Theatrum..
Lol well all I did was choose the song and cut the clips to edit to. It's much like making real music videos, but usually more agressive and of course amateurish.
That's a sweet poem he wrote. (:
Why aren't there more Taurus musicians!? It makes so much sense.
Oh wait, the money thing..
Neruda, be still my heart...
Well, he's really on a poetry kick.
Last night:
Goodnight beautiful flower with seeds of power
This morning:
Good morning lifeline,
and with this sunshine,
it's a sweet rhyme rhyme,
with a little bit of lime lime.
hahaha! i love it!
Well, inspired by The Taurus I wrote this today:

Tell me what your heart sighs,
When no one is listening.
Is it the mouth of 1,000 silent gates?
Opening and closing,
But never remaining,
In the same unyielding state.
Every finger is a traveler,
Every knuckle, a continent,
Every tear is just an ocean,
Every kiss, a supplement.
Every fiber is a liar,
Every liar, a divider,
Every precious inch of skin,
Is a dividend.
No, I put it on a social network. He will happen upon it at the right moment.