How honest can you be with a Taurus man. I feel like he has made up his mind about me without really getting to know me. That seems so unfair. I don't understand why he is so quick and judging me after just spending a few nights on the phone and one casual date. I want to tell him this so bad, but I'm afraid that he won't listen. I know that honesty is important to her Taurus man. He actually showed gratitude towards me one time in the past when I was able to open up and tell him how I felt about him. However I feel like there is more that I need to say. I have this intuition that he is still interested because he chooses to continue to talk to me even though I am the one initiating contact. Also, not to toot my own horn, but I can hear but he still has attraction for me in his voice . I'm not sure if what I've read throughout the threads or online is true, but it seems that Taurus is will cut you off completely if they are not interested... meaning they will not even answer your call or text. My intuition is telling me that he is still waiting for me to open up, but I am scared of making a fool out of myself. Should I tell him how I really feel?
Signed Up:
Aug 24, 2011Comments: 17 · Posts: 5119 · Topics: 78
You probably want to give more context so that someone can give you worthwhile advice.
Your post a not very detailed..... but I'll tell you that Taurus men will contact you first if they are interested. Stop texting and calling him first. If he starts calling you he cares he just wanted some space. If he just lets there be no contact then he was slowly trying to send you a sign that he was done and maybe wants to friend zone you.
Thanks guys. I met him at a party that I attended with some mutual friends. I wasn't really looking to meet anyone, so my mind was on enjoying the moment with my girls. When he approached me I was hesitant to talk to him. I just came out of a bad relationship and I don't trust any man after that. I could sense that he felt that I was being standoffish at first, but the more we talked I started to like him. We exchanged numbers and communicated daily until we decided to meet in person.
The date was nice. He knew from conversations that I love seafood, so we went to dinner. He asked some intimate questions about my life and why was I still single.I just explained that I wanted the right man and that I wouldn't compromise my life for someone not worth it. He made a comment about me being selfish and blew it off as a joke. That bothered me because it wasn't the time to tell my entire life story so he could have a better understanding. To me, that comes with time. He actually seemed put off by this, but I felt like I was under a microscope.
I know Taurus men want honesty, but it felt like too much too soon. I need patience. I also want to take my time with this guy. He really is a good guy.
Since that date he seems not to contact me, which is a bummer. I feel like I turned him off
For me it means being with a man that is abusive and who doesn't love me for me. He has to see that I am a great woman with value and appreciates all that is good in me. He has to see that I am loyal and kind and loving without taking advantage of those things in a negative way. Take time to get to know me and not be so dismissive.
Signed Up:
Sep 17, 2014Comments: 22 · Posts: 8048 · Topics: 36
People are allowed to change their minds. That's why you go on dates - to learn more about the person and see if there is more than just attraction.
If he was interested and now he is not, we'll that happens with every sign. It sucks that you are still very interested in him but sometimes that's how it goes.
As what to do now, stop initiating all the time. If he wants to see you, then he can reach you. If he doesn't then find someone who will be able to deal with your defences.
I can see how my original comment was vague, however I don't get the selfish part. I wouldn't expect anyone else to not think the same. I should have explained that part thoroughly.
Signed Up:
Nov 11, 2016Comments: 70 · Posts: 814 · Topics: 60
I'm sorry you are going through this. Sometimes the people that we like don't like us back... its very sad and frustrating..
Getting ignored is the worst, honesty is key but many tend to play that game, ghost you and not upfront.