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May 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4058 · Topics: 601
Who believes in this? I have someone telling me that I am their soulmate, they are someone from the past, who has never left my mind ever. It just makes me wonder...
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May 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4058 · Topics: 601
Love your photo, scorchedearth!
OK, the story. I met this cappi 5.5 years ago while visiting a friend over seas. Well, it was love at first sight, met this cap, and we spent rest of vacation together. 3 months later he visits me in Canada, which was amazing, but I was 25 then, and not even CLOSE to settling down, or making something like that work, since he lived like 25 hours away from me.
A few months later I meet my scorp, we move across Canada together. It has been a compelte rollercoaster to say the least.
Bottom line, scorp & I love each other, but I don't feel like we are meant to be forever.
Capp has never left my mind, and wants to come here. He wants to be together.
I am still in relationship. I don't know cappi enough, but it's LOVE! Risk? At the same time, cappi and I can talk for hours, and we just intrigue and inspire each other, but have what, 3 weeks, acutal time spent together? And have have 5.5 years of each other on our minds.
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May 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4058 · Topics: 601
and my scorp, oh I really do love him. But I truly want him happy. I would ache to part with him, but there's been so many times I don't feel he really knows me, like pull the layers away, inspire, deep, love
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Jul 17, 2007Comments: 7 · Posts: 2275 · Topics: 58
I def. feel soulmates are real, but its not always that you're supposed to be with them. The biggest thing to ask yourself is whether this Cap gives you a sense of divine purpose. As Ive read the greatest reason that soulmates come together is to fulfill a universal good. If you know your purpose and in meeting him you know that his purpose fits with yours...then there might be something to it. The thing about soulmates is the SOUL part. If its a true soul mating then you'll want to keep it respectable and deal with integrity. Make sure you tie up any loose ends in your current relationship if you truly desire to be with the Cap.
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May 18, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 6936 · Topics: 267
TG, I remember you picking up and moving with the Scorp and remember how much you wondered if you were doing the right thing. I too believe in soul mates. I feel I've met mine, but I am not with him currently. I am with a Gemini and while I love him, he doesn't "get" me. The soul mate for me is also a Cappy and right now neither of us are available for a relationship together because well, he's married. I say that if it's been 5.5 years and you still think about him and he still thinks about you, then there's something most definitely there. The hardest part is making that leap to either stay in your Scorp relationship and let yourself out of it so you can explore something with the Cappy.
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May 03, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 4058 · Topics: 601
Well, talked to Cappi, looks like he got a job offer in my part of the country. Looks like he's going to take it, so then what? I think what i have to do, is do a weekend getaway, drive the 6 hours to where he's going to be, and then I need to look him in the eyes, have a face to face conversation and see how we feel. Although I already know 100% where he stands.
Problem is still this scorp who I love, but know it's not forever. I won't do anything wrong, as I have never cheated in my life. BUT I have to look cappi in the eyes and make a wise decision.
This really sucks, but I have to think of the long term happiness, we all on earth deserve.
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Sep 11, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 5494 · Topics: 18
Cute story i'm pretty sure what you'll end up picking.