Taurus? Truth vs Myth

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by taurus_unnie on Wednesday, June 7, 2017 and has 14 replies.
So we've all heard so many descriptions about taurus in so many sites, mainly online sites.while some of them are true,many of them are actually false mainly based on myth,related to the taurus main ruler venus.now from my experience with so many taurus people and myself,i'll try to explain what are the real traits and personalities,appearance etc of taurus.Here i go

1) All taurus people are obsessive and have stocky build-This fact about taurus is actually wrong.Taurus are rule by the bull,however the we somehow take after the bull strong,solid frame in emotional and mental sense, not in physical sense.many taurus i've met are either very voluptuous for women and tall ,lean and sometimes slender for men,with very define bone structures and beautiful hands.

2)Taurus are lazy-This fact about taurus too,again is FALSE.Taurus are not lazy.They just have a very very organized routine.Their life are very very organized.They have a definite time routine as when to work,when to relax in the couch,when to sleep,etc.Also when you happen to see a taurus work,you will be really impressed.They work without stopping until its done! They probably won't even look at you to say a 'hello'.As a result they tend to finish their work quickly.works which may take other people 4 hours to finished,can be clear by a taurus in 1 and a half hour at most.This is the main reason why you see them lounging lazily in the couch.they just finished quickly,they got free time to relax! Its ain't lazy,its called working smartly.

3)Taurus women are cold and arrogant-FALSE! Taurus women are mostly introvert by nature.They may find it very uncomfortable to open up to new people.In parties,if you're lucky,you might see a taurus women in them.Taurus women does not really enjoy social gatherings.She prefer the comfort of her home.You will most likely see a taurus women in family events,rather than clubs,bars,parties etc.Taurus women may seem arrogant to people's eyes,but she's actually a very warm,humorous and caring soul.however their fear of opening up to new people tend to drive them in their cold hard blunt shell,that tend to make them look very arrogant,snobbish and cold.

4)taurus are materialistic-This fact about taurus true and partly false.Yes the taurus are materialistic.but no! Its not because she want to live like a king/queen.The taurus will work very hard to have a nice bank account.enough to let them feel secure for the future life of their family.Taurus being the realist,know that money is equal to security.Having said that,taurus though are actually very down to earth people who are always content with the simple things in life.Many taurus i've met,live happily in a 4 room house,as long as its their,followed by very simple life style s.Not really 5stars dinner.designer clothes and costly wines for them.they would be happy bare feet at home,wearing pjs and eating rice and curry.

These are some of the facts about taurus that i seem to think are false.Gonna continued digging though
Thank you for your post and for clarifying the FALSES. I am communicating with an "early" Taurus (4 May) man. He told me, "I don't want to go to a fancy restaurant. If you want to take me to McDonald's I will suggest we go to Carl's Jr." ROFLMAO! He DID inform me, "I kid around allot, you will tell when I'm kidding and when I'm serious". Uh, he already said, "Wanna marry me?" (when we talked about how we LOVE our sexual life to have/be, etc). I LOL. Also, he texted me the other day, "I want you". I texted back, "I want you, too Babe"...he texted back, "No, I want you". To me the latter meant that he wants me in his life as his SO; I've told him in due time we will make that determination to be bf/gf, SO (exclusives with a strong point from me that we will NOT see other people); he listened intently. I gotta continue to communicate with this man since he said, "I want to go back to Oklahoma, wanna go with me?" I told him, sure! Help me fix the house and we can put on the market, BUT I want to maintain my own identity, I DON'T want to stay home, get FAT, and lazy" He said, "I don't care how you look". Plenty of time to discuss our future as I told him, "Let's just go with the flow".

Hug cyber hugs!



I find many new people think I'm arrogant because I'm quiet. Once I start talking to them, that seems to change their opinion of me. I can be distant with people at first, maybe it's my Aquarius moon. It's really hard for me to open up, even with someone I've been friends with for a while, it's easier for me to keep them at a distance. I'm not sure why. I care for many people, but maybe it's just the stress of maintaining so many friendships. I prefer few, deeper friendships.

I am not stocky, quite slim, but I prefer doing physical work. I love renovating houses, painting big murals, carrying boxes, lol. Anything that is physical, I really enjoy, whereas some others whine and complain about the labor. Again, no idea why!

I can be obsessive, about ideas or about things I really like to do. I get really into people in the early stages of a relationship, but that simmers down with time and I find now that I'm older I'm not as clingy as I used to be. I'm the one that's wanting space these days Winking
Posted by EvatheDiva
Thank you for your post and for clarifying the FALSES. I am communicating with an "early" Taurus (4 May) man. He told me, "I don't want to go to a fancy restaurant. If you want to take me to McDonald's I will suggest we go to Carl's Jr." ROFLMAO! He DID inform me, "I kid around allot, you will tell when I'm kidding and when I'm serious". Uh, he already said, "Wanna marry me?" (when we talked about how we LOVE our sexual life to have/be, etc). I LOL. Also, he texted me the other day, "I want you". I texted back, "I want you, too Babe"...he texted back, "No, I want you". To me the latter meant that he wants me in his life as his SO; I've told him in due time we will make that determination to be bf/gf, SO (exclusives with a strong point from me that we will NOT see other people); he listened intently. I gotta continue to communicate with this man since he said, "I want to go back to Oklahoma, wanna go with me?" I told him, sure! Help me fix the house and we can put on the market, BUT I want to maintain my own identity, I DON'T want to stay home, get FAT, and lazy" He said, "I don't care how you look". Plenty of time to discuss our future as I told him, "Let's just go with the flow".

Hug cyber hugs!



wow Eva, you said you were destined for a Taurus - way to go !

Posted by Neno2
Nobody thinks of tauruses that they are arrogant?they have a warm and nice energy,people like them and they make friends easy

Shame i never met a taurus woman?i only know few taurus guys
there are many on dxp
Posted by tcta
Posted by EvatheDiva
Thank you for your post and for clarifying the FALSES. I am communicating with an "early" Taurus (4 May) man. He told me, "I don't want to go to a fancy restaurant. If you want to take me to McDonald's I will suggest we go to Carl's Jr." ROFLMAO! He DID inform me, "I kid around allot, you will tell when I'm kidding and when I'm serious". Uh, he already said, "Wanna marry me?" (when we talked about how we LOVE our sexual life to have/be, etc). I LOL. Also, he texted me the other day, "I want you". I texted back, "I want you, too Babe"...he texted back, "No, I want you". To me the latter meant that he wants me in his life as his SO; I've told him in due time we will make that determination to be bf/gf, SO (exclusives with a strong point from me that we will NOT see other people); he listened intently. I gotta continue to communicate with this man since he said, "I want to go back to Oklahoma, wanna go with me?" I told him, sure! Help me fix the house and we can put on the market, BUT I want to maintain my own identity, I DON'T want to stay home, get FAT, and lazy" He said, "I don't care how you look". Plenty of time to discuss our future as I told him, "Let's just go with the flow".

Hug cyber hugs!



wow Eva, you said you were destined for a Taurus - way to go !

click to expand
Thanks Doll...

User Submitted Image

Hug cyber hugs!



Posted by Neno2
Posted by tcta
Posted by Neno2
Nobody thinks of tauruses that they are arrogant?they have a warm and nice energy,people like them and they make friends easy

Shame i never met a taurus woman?i only know few taurus guys
there are many on dxp
Idk whp they are?

I meant in real life?i have a feeling we would get along very well?
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lol I'm sure you would - most Taurus get along with most everyone

take a peek into the Taurus board if you get bored lol
1) All taurus people are obsessive and have stocky build- False

I am tall and slim (5'8-5'9)

2)Taurus are lazy-False

Workaholic, Reliable, Steady. I work hard and play hard.

3)Taurus women are cold and arrogant- False

I am quite shy and reserved despite being very vocal and opinionated on a lot of things.

I am actually a lot more relieved when someone else initiates the conversation first. It takes the pressure off of me.

If we're engaging in a conversation, but I still appear uncomfortable and standoffish, it's because my intuition is telling me that you're quite pretentious, phony, deceitful, or may be capable of stabbing me behind my back. Yes, I choose my friends, carefully.

4)taurus are materialistic- False

The reason why I answer "False" is because I never considered myself a 'label whore' or desiring expensive things because it was needed. I hate diamonds, mansions, designer labels, all flash, no real substance or quality. I prefer pre-civil war homes, brownstones, antique jewelry, paintings and vintage clothing. I'm more of an old soul. I consider those luxuries just as beautiful and will work very hard to obtain them.

Posted by taurusgirl9000
I find many new people think I'm arrogant because I'm quiet. Once I start talking to them, that seems to change their opinion of me. I can be distant with people at first, maybe it's my Aquarius moon. It's really hard for me to open up, even with someone I've been friends with for a while, it's easier for me to keep them at a distance. I'm not sure why. I care for many people, but maybe it's just the stress of maintaining so many friendships. I prefer few, deeper friendships.

I am not stocky, quite slim, but I prefer doing physical work. I love renovating houses, painting big murals, carrying boxes, lol. Anything that is physical, I really enjoy, whereas some others whine and complain about the labor. Again, no idea why!

I can be obsessive, about ideas or about things I really like to do. I get really into people in the early stages of a relationship, but that simmers down with time and I find now that I'm older I'm not as clingy as I used to be. I'm the one that's wanting space these days Winking
sounds typical - I have an even bigger gap of quietness with my studious Cap Moon but then again, don't pizz me off or my Aries mouth will ignite - I guess I do have that going on lol - the older I get the easier it is to douse the fire once it erupts - basically I just don't GAF anymore lol
Posted by Redbull
Regarding the lazy thing, we arent described as lazy as far as work or building for ourselves. We love money and having things too much. Its more as far as other things. Which that part I kind of agree with. When it comes to work for money or something I like doing thats one thing. Taurus are known as workers in that sense. But the extras...going out all the time and here and there and constantly doing things...after work and when i dont have anything to do I may just relax. Now by other people's perspective that's where the lazy thing may come in. Who cares? I definitely prefer it this way Im not trying to have something always going on I need down time. Too much going on is stressful. Working can feel good but balanced with relaxing. Which can also feel good.
Good distinction! I neverrrr want to go out after work haha. But at work, I am never lazy. I have been described as a "hard worker' many times in my life... Sometimes if I'm working a lot, I don't push myself to then go out on the weekends. I stay in many weekends to recharge and rest. It's important to me.
Posted by taurus_unnie
So we've all heard so many descriptions about taurus in so many sites, mainly online sites.while some of them are true,many of them are actually false mainly based on myth,related to the taurus main ruler venus.now from my experience with so many taurus people and myself,i'll try to explain what are the real traits and personalities,appearance etc of taurus.Here i go

1) All taurus people are obsessive and have stocky build-This fact about taurus is actually wrong.Taurus are rule by the bull,however the we somehow take after the bull strong,solid frame in emotional and mental sense, not in physical sense.many taurus i've met are either very voluptuous for women and tall ,lean and sometimes slender for men,with very define bone structures and beautiful hands.

2)Taurus are lazy-This fact about taurus too,again is FALSE.Taurus are not lazy.They just have a very very organized routine.Their life are very very organized.They have a definite time routine as when to work,when to relax in the couch,when to sleep,etc.Also when you happen to see a taurus work,you will be really impressed.They work without stopping until its done! They probably won't even look at you to say a 'hello'.As a result they tend to finish their work quickly.works which may take other people 4 hours to finished,can be clear by a taurus in 1 and a half hour at most.This is the main reason why you see them lounging lazily in the couch.they just finished quickly,they got free time to relax! Its ain't lazy,its called working smartly.

3)Taurus women are cold and arrogant-FALSE! Taurus women are mostly introvert by nature.They may find it very uncomfortable to open up to new people.In parties,if you're lucky,you might see a taurus women in them.Taurus women does not really enjoy social gatherings.She prefer the comfort of her home.You will most likely see a taurus women in family events,rather than clubs,bars,parties etc.Taurus women may seem arrogant to people's eyes,but she's actually a very warm,humorous and caring soul.however their fear of opening up to new people tend to drive them in their cold hard blunt shell,that tend to make them look very arrogant,snobbish and cold.

4)taurus are materialistic-This fact about taurus true and partly false.Yes the taurus are materialistic.but no! Its not because she want to live like a king/queen.The taurus will work very hard to have a nice bank account.enough to let them feel secure for the future life of their family.Taurus being the realist,know that money is equal to security.Having said that,taurus though are actually very down to earth people who are always content with the simple things in life.Many taurus i've met,live happily in a 4 room house,as long as its their,followed by very simple life style s.Not really 5stars dinner.designer clothes and costly wines for them.they would be happy bare feet at home,wearing pjs and eating rice and curry.

These are some of the facts about taurus that i seem to think are false.Gonna continued digging though
Thank you oh so much for clearing this up! I've about given up trying to prove I was not these things and I'm glad I'm not the only one having this issue. I have a hard time making friends because I'm quiet and would rather observe. I think Taurus have an ora when they walk into a room that raises people hairs about us lol... we are an animal sign we excuse confidence and the "don't fuck with me" attitude.. but if you approach us you would see how friendly and civil we really are... I was told I have a resting bitch face hahaha. In that time I'm thinking about food lol.

*exude* confidence I meant
Posted by tiziani
Please do more, OP.

I enjoy reading about Taurus and about myths exposed. To have both in one is candyland.
this is good read Tiz if you've never come across it.


let me know what you think ...
Posted by tiziani
Posted by tcta
Posted by tiziani
Please do more, OP.

I enjoy reading about Taurus and about myths exposed. To have both in one is candyland.
this is good read Tiz if you've never come across it.


let me know what you think ...
Someone posted this part around here before, I'm getting deja vu

"Her impassivity to pain and emotional stress is almost miraculous, often even surpassing that of the Scorpio iv-male. I remember a scene I once watched in a hospital. A Taurus woman was going upstairs for serious surgery, so serious that her chances of surviving the operation were very small, and she knew it. It was a calculated risk. As her husband watched her being placed on the cart that would wheel her to the operating area, she noticed the tears in his eyes. But she never commented. She made jokes instead, until the nurses giggled and even the doctor smiled. The last thing her family heard her say as the orderlies were pushing and pulling, trying to get the cart into the elevator, was typically Taurean. Instead of glancing back at her loved ones with a tearful look of farewell, she raised up on one elbow and spoke to the young men firmly. "Before you put me back on this thing again, get some oil and grease those damned wheels." A Taurus woman never lets sentiment interfere with practicality."

I enjoyed the general theme of not needing mental stimulation over sensuality.

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probably me lol - sensuality is mental stimulation