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Mar 23, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 206 · Topics: 19
I'm not a Taurus woman... but I want to get something straight.
You're texting a woman who is "taken" or in a relationship. You know this and you're trying to seduce her.
So, hypothetically, she does leaver her man....for you.
How would you feel if this happens in the future when some mans starts, ah let's go for a Trekkie thing here... teleporting to her and do what you're currently doing with her while she's with another man, but in this hypothetical case, "you" are now the man.
Where's the trust, which is the very foundation of all "good, solid" relationship?
Get it?
Good luck.
So i should just leave her alone?
Then what is the best way to approach the situation?
I think she likes me i'm not 100% sure but she stares , she touches me , she replies to almost all my texts..and any time the opportunity is presented we hug.. we have been working together for two years and I fell for her the 1st time I seen her.
I just want to let her know how I feel without scaring her or making her feel like she has to make a rational decision.. i'm down to wait as long as it takes to win her heart.
So it would be best to call her , and converse on this subject?
Okay appreciate the help ladies...I will let you know how it goes... Taurus women are truly the best
I am really nervous about basically pouring my heart out to her.. I am really shy.
Lol i really hope so i spent my entire day brain storming..
I tried to explain how I felt , but I could barley get any words out .... she just giggled , and then I changed the subject... I honestly don't understand why it's so hard when it's someone who's made for you...when all else fails retreat to the shell.
Taurus nightmare. This is my second Taurus relationship and I foolishly allowed spending of my hard earned money.
May 10th may 11th both are complete players and liars.. I should have seriously went into them both as a "call girl" relationship..
I walk into a club and there are always a number of guys they had both one night stand slept with..
life sucks falling into thinking you will save someone.. why are they so easy when drunk