Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428I know I'm exactly like that! Once I liked a guy for 8 years and I never said anything now he's married.. this really changed me n now I say wt I feel which is totally mad!! Do you think this guy will give me a chance? This happened 4 days ago n I know taurus guys r slow n steady type.. I've stopped all communication when he said he's not mad cuz that was the most imp part for me
Yeah I'm impulsive to and sometimes frank direct works and sometimes not. Sorry.
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428Didn't get your question.. haha.. n I don't know how to try again..I don't want to freak him out again.. besides he lives in the same apparent building as me.. we haven't come face to face yet so idk the level of freakout yet haha...
So @Op have you tried the same sign as you in dating?
Posted by Redoctober2000Man I wish u were wrong! But that's wt I've been thinking... too bad if it's true.. cuz he is a good person.. and funny... I tend to be a bit melancholic haha so it's great to have someone who can cheer me up..
It's always good to be open and forthright and say what u feel, that way you won't waste any time or your love on someone who does not feel the same way.
The Taurus does not feel the same way. He only sees you as a friend. I suggest you just accept that.
Opposites attract, but the majority of the time, they just don't work.
Posted by RedIsNotBlue
Are you two still friends? He would either accept your feelings or reject them. It would be final, though.
Posted by ScorpBride123Ok I thought we are cool but he is completely avoiding any sort of eye contact! There's this event where we are going to perform music concert etc so during rehearsals he tried to stay away from me.. even avoided any type of eye contact! When we are just passing by in our apartment building he gives a wide smile like old times... So I thought we were cool but now I'm not so sure.. God he hates me doesn't he? I freaked him out...Posted by RedIsNotBlue
Are you two still friends? He would either accept your feelings or reject them. It would be final, though.
Yes we are.. but we've never been the type to hang out... busy with work n stuff.. now that I like him I'd love to hang out but... to expand
Posted by ScorpBride123You could just ask the dude straight up if he feels the same way and if he doesn't, move on.Posted by ScorpBride123Ok I thought we are cool but he is completely avoiding any sort of eye contact! There's this event where we are going to perform music concert etc so during rehearsals he tried to stay away from me.. even avoided any type of eye contact! When we are just passing by in our apartment building he gives a wide smile like old times... So I thought we were cool but now I'm not so sure.. God he hates me doesn't he? I freaked him out...Posted by RedIsNotBlue
Are you two still friends? He would either accept your feelings or reject them. It would be final, though.
Yes we are.. but we've never been the type to hang out... busy with work n stuff.. now that I like him I'd love to hang out but... to expand
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428But the thing is after past 3 weeks(around the time I made this post) this is the first time we've come face to face! and if I do ask him if he's interested or not I've no idea what he'll do, being a taurus(no offense) he'll bolt again! When I told him how I felt the first time all he said was "awkward"... that's it...(after 12 hrs and since its whatsapp we can see the read receipts) I tried to stay in touch but hey I have my pride...
How are you freaking him out. That's why maybe dating in the same complex is weird because if it's just a friendly gesture and really not interested he may pick up that, and not lead you on. But be friendly you guys are in the same building. So ackward. Just go do your own thing it's cool. Ask him next time do you want to hang out soon time? And see what he says it watch his behavior. You will know.
Posted by ScorpBride123Hey if you tried already maybe not so much any more.Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428But the thing is after past 3 weeks(around the time I made this post) this is the first time we've come face to face! and if I do ask him if he's interested or not I've no idea what he'll do, being a taurus(no offense) he'll bolt again! When I told him how I felt the first time all he said was "awkward"... that's it...(after 12 hrs and since its whatsapp we can see the read receipts) I tried to stay in touch but hey I have my pride...
How are you freaking him out. That's why maybe dating in the same complex is weird because if it's just a friendly gesture and really not interested he may pick up that, and not lead you on. But be friendly you guys are in the same building. So ackward. Just go do your own thing it's cool. Ask him next time do you want to hang out soon time? And see what he says it watch his behavior. You will to expand
Posted by DeadpoopDon't worry around the time I created this account I watched "corpse bride" it's a clay animation movie ?? so couldn't get scorp bride out of my head hahaha?Posted by ScorpBride123Your username scares me
Hi guys so just wanna know if I have a chance with this taurus guy! First of I'm a scorpio girl.. impulsive one at that... so I've known him since childhood! Not a close friend but a good friend.. when he found out that I like him he really shut me out.. He used to send me funny posts and knows I sing and love any kind of music so he even used to send me good music videos.. so I felt bad because I thought I ruined our friendship.. but he said he's not mad just really baffled and doesn't know what to say cuz it was totally unexpected.. I said listen forget about wt I said and he said yea probably.. this really broke my heart.. I always like to be honest maybe too much but that way the other guy knows where I stand! Help me plz!click to expand
Posted by Scorpgirl23If it were me. I probably move on. I don't initiate.I believe when a man loves a woman there is always a way he can do not all excuses to convince our mind..yeah this dude I feel like etc etc. When the dude wasn't saying something. Lol. I don't want to live in a fantasy world. Get it real.
I'm a Scorpio with a Taurus scorps sometimes wear our feelings on our sleeve and we are also very verbal and emotional. Tauro men are the complete opposite but you remain geniune and friendly and feminine, he'll come around. Just takes a lot of patience. I had to find a hobby in the meantime while my tauro was still deciding on me! When he finally decided, I was still interested but I was focused on other things. So it all kinda happened naturally!
Posted by Scorpgirl23How long did it take for him to decide? Everyone says they are slow.. but how slow are we talking here? I'll wait no problem! but what if he just wants me to understand that it's not going to happen without actually saying anything.. funny thing is he is coming around.. I mean he did initiate a text.. but also ignored one! Confusing! I want to believe what you are saying but somehow think that I should forget this thing cuz I don't want to drift away from reality.. I want closure now..
I'm a Scorpio with a Taurus scorps sometimes wear our feelings on our sleeve and we are also very verbal and emotional. Tauro men are the complete opposite but you remain geniune and friendly and feminine, he'll come around. Just takes a lot of patience. I had to find a hobby in the meantime while my tauro was still deciding on me! When he finally decided, I was still interested but I was focused on other things. So it all kinda happened naturally!
Posted by M143I ask that to myself everyday! Some things happened a long time ago.. don't want to go into details but now I like to put all of my cards on the table.. I've always been impatient but somehow this time I am really really patient! Nonetheless it's agonizing to wait.. especially if this is all for nothing..
I don't know why you told him how you feel. Let this taurus guy tell you what he felt towards you. I maybe love the man like he is my world but unless he doesn't tell me yet how he feel about me that feelings of mine will remain undiscovered.
Keep it cool. Let it flow naturally. Don't over think of it. It is not worthy.