What does Your ColorOracle tell You today?

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by AbbyNormal on Saturday, November 23, 2013 and has 8 replies.
I like to randomly do astro.com's ColorOracle to see how it matches up with my current disposition and most often it gives me more than I was willing to admit lol
Here's today's doozy lol....
Your General Disposition:
At the present time, your behavior is characterized by your need for autonomy of action. It is very important to you to be able to make independent decisions regarding the things you do and how you behave. You wish to apply your abilities, strengths and resources in the manner you find personally meaningful. For this reason, you maintain a good degree of autonomy, and you vigorously fend off the demands of others or their attempts to govern you.
Interpretation of the Colors You Find Most Pleasing
Of great importance to you now is...
...deliberate self-determination.
You know for yourself what you need to do and not do, and you want to create a life in accordance with your own ideas. You are trying to establish an independent sphere of your own. You would like to see things as they are, and you prefer to make decisions on the basis of facts and objective information. Your primary focus of interest is on everything that is practical and expedient or that serves to increase your autonomy. In your own interest, you strive for...
***You can ask yourself:
Doesn't my determination not to allow others to influence me stem from an inner sense of insecurity that I don't want to see and absolutely don't want to admit? Has my stubborn, egocentric behavior ever won me anyone's sympathy?***
...objective assessment of the situation.
Whatever you perceive ??? people, things or information ??? you analyze it, both critically and with a certain amount of skepticism, because you want to be certain whether it is beneficial to you or not. You are not easily misled, and in line with the motto ???once bitten, twice shy??, you keep your distance from everything that could damage your wallet, your reputation, your wellbeing or your peace of mind. One thing is utterly clear to you: your present situation requires...
...the wisdom to avoid risks.
You give careful thought to what you do and what you say to whom. You hide your emotions and objectives behind a friendly but inscrutable mask in order to protect yourself from unpleasant confrontations and criticism. Your caution and reserve can be a sign of intelligence but also an expression of underlying fears. It would do you good to reveal your emotions and fears to someone you feel very close to in order to break through the wall of mistrust that you have erected around yourself. When you are pressured by problems, your internal computer screen displays the recommendation...
***You can ask yourself:
Does my striving to cope despite difficulties not carry a risk of my concentrating too strongly on what I have planned, thus limiting my field of vision for other possibilities?***
...solving difficulties autonomously.
You want to attain complete control over a situation that concerns and touches you personally. You would also like to have such a good hold on yourself that you remain in control, no matter what, so that everything runs smoothly. Without
Without being aware of it, you are also quite domineering in your dealings with others, and this doesn't sit well with all of them. You say to yourself: The thing I need to cope with my current situation is...
...joyful fulfillment of your desires.
It is very important to you to achieve what you are striving for and to experience the joyful fulfillment of your wishes. The thing that actually often compels you into action is your deep yearning for unadulterated, lasting happiness and inner peace. If you seek these things in the realm of material possessions, relationships and experiences, you will suffer disappointment over and over again. You believe you have the "magic formula" for achieving unadulterated happiness, namely...
...satisfying your needs undisturbed.
When daily stress takes a toll on your nerves, you prefer to retreat to a quiet place, to your comfortable home, your hobbies or the sweetness of doing nothing. This allows you to devote yourself, undisturbed by problems and worries, to the thing most important to you and which gives you satisfaction, to regenerate and to recharge your batteries.
Interpretation of the Colors You Find Most Unpleasant
At the moment you feel most anxious due to your...
...burdensome situation of suffering.
You believe people should behave correctly, considerately and kindly towards you so that your interactions run pleasantly and without friction. Since this is frequently not the case, you often become indignant over their incorrect behavior and views or their lack of kindness. You easily get the feeling of being someone's innocent victim and believe you have every right to be outraged. You also suffer quite a bit due to your...
***Your unconscious advises you to:
When once again you feel you are being unfairly treated, don't expect others to behave in an understanding way towards you and to do anything to make the situation better. Playing the role of innocent victim isn't going to improve your situation. Overcome your self- pity and take the first step yourselfStars**
...fear of rejection.
You often feel isolated from other people by an invisible wall, and sometimes you get the creeping feeling that even the people you like don't really love you and possibly even reject you. On the other hand, you enjoy standing out from the crowd with your willfulness, unusual views and egocentric behavior. Your ???distinctiveness trip?? does win you attention, but not the warm-hearted affection you requir
you require. You get an uneasy feeling due to your...
***Your unconscious advises you to:
When you get upset because you have to deal with your problems and worries on your own, don't allow resentment to build up inside you as a result. By harboring resentments you hurt yourself and you don't motivate anyone to provide you with moral or practical support. Do yourself the work that is necessary to solve your problems. This will give you a positive feeling of self-worth.***
...fainthearted fear of failure.
At the present time, you are seriously challenged by stressful conditions. It may be job-related or interpersonal difficulties or emotional problems which threaten to rob you of strength. You force yourself to face the challenge nonetheless. Behind your unswerving attitude, hides the immobilizing fear that you might not make it, and as a result, could be exposed as incompetent or even as a failure, and would lose the respect of others. Since you find it embarrassing you don't let on anything about your...
...aggressive irritability.
You often feel hindered by someone, either because your lovely plans get crossed or because someone puts bothersome obstacles in your path, criticizes you, offends you or otherwise annoys you. For this reason, you have accumulated a great deal of resentment inside which can discharge in the form of unexpected aggressive reactions. As long as you have not yet forgiven someone who has angered or injured you, you will not get rid of your explosive irritability. You are happy to give someone close to you the blame for your...
...emotional sensitivity.
When you think about the difficulties you have to cope with, your mood is anything but rosy. You have to steel yourself against exhausting demands, you feel unfairly treated, or you are faced with some other impositions. You try to adopt a thick skin, but you get worked up all the same and have a tendency to make mountains out of molehills. At the moment, you are in quite bad spirits due to your...
...distressing relationship problems.
At the moment, you are more aware of your personal needs, worries and problems, and this makes contact with others more difficult. Your relationship difficulties make you all the sadder because, under the current conditions, you need loving attention more than usual. It would be easier for you to get what you need if you were better able to put yourself in the other person's shoes.
I was messing with that ColorOracle the other day. Surprised me a bit. I wonder what the method is behind it.
Posted by robyn808
They call it color psychology or just plan color theory. But as strongly Taurus influenced folks, don't see why we need all these words to explain how we feel. Should just be able to feel color imo.
so here is my color oracle for the day

beautiful. you have a good eye. you designed those banners for the DXP award thing? I loved those; was really impressed. Some were really funny too. We should have an Art thread on the Taurus board where we post any kind of art we create. That Art page on DXP is fairly dead.
Posted by robyn808
They call it color psychology or just plan color theory. But as strongly Taurus influenced folks, don't see why we need all these words to explain how we feel. Should just be able to feel color imo.
so here is my color oracle for the day

I like :-)
Being such sensual earthy folk, I'm very sensitive to colors around me and that's what originally drew my attention to this...
Im a gemini moon, and you would think being so overly verbal I wouldn't have any problems expressing myself but often times I find no words to describe how I'm feeling which verbalizing my feelings helps me to deal with them...
Moon in Gemini
You do not appear to be an intensely emotional or sentimental person, and you are often unaware of your own or other people's deeper feelings and emotional needs. Tears and tantrums bewilder you and make you very uncomfortable. You would rather settle differences by talking things out reasonably and rationally, but you tend to ignore or poke fun at any attempt to probe your own or others' inner depths. You avoid heavy, demanding emotional involvements and are wary of making personal commitments. You need plenty of mental stimulation and you feel close to people with whom you can share thoughts and mental interests. Conversation is very important to you. The strong, silent type of partner is not for you.
And sometimes I don't want to admit that something is bothering me to the degree it does or even at all... I've have been straight called out by these interps on a few occasions now and this is mos def one...
I like that tho... Helps me to take responsibility and grow...
Damn saturn in retrograde scorpio when I was born :-P
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
Posted by robyn808
They call it color psychology or just plan color theory. But as strongly Taurus influenced folks, don't see why we need all these words to explain how we feel. Should just be able to feel color imo.
so here is my color oracle for the day

beautiful. you have a good eye. you designed those banners for the DXP award thing? I loved those; was really impressed. Some were really funny too. We should have an Art thread on the Taurus board where we post any kind of art we create. That Art page on DXP is fairly dead.
click to expand

+1 very cool idea and very beautiful work

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