Posted by DMV
Finance and i hate it
Posted by mysteriousTaurusPosted by DMV
Finance and i hate it
ugh how come ?click to expand
Posted by DMV
The irony is. My psychic told me that things are going to change for me and i did not believe her. Actually i thought she was a nuts.
Posted by Thechicagoboy
Investment banking. Love!
Posted by DMVPosted by mysteriousTaurusPosted by DMV
Finance and i hate it
ugh how come ?
Had you asked me this question in November, i would say that i love it but things have changed.
My pisces boss left and i got a virgo boss. We do not get along. However i see the positive in this crazy situation. She has actually forced me ro rethink being in finance.
She has actually forced me to make a decision ive been debating for awhile. Do i even want to be in finance? Or do i want to make a go at Entertainment?
Gotta stop straddling the fence and go where my hearts to expand
Posted by scorpiothebadass
My career is not having one
Posted by LeoNation92
Stoner. Greatest job in the whole wide world.
Posted by mysteriousTaurusPosted by LeoNation92
Stoner. Greatest job in the whole wide world.
How do you pay the bills 😂😂click to expand
Posted by LeoNation92Posted by mysteriousTaurusPosted by LeoNation92
Stoner. Greatest job in the whole wide world.
How do you pay the bills 😂😂
What bills?click to expand
Posted by mysteriousTaurusPosted by DMV
The irony is. My psychic told me that things are going to change for me and i did not believe her. Actually i thought she was a nuts.
i wish i was in the entertainment industry too honestly, i would want to be an actress.
finance seems really stressful, hope everything works out for you.. BUT it does make good money huhclick to expand
Posted by TauroMale
Construction, carpenter
Posted by ThechicagoboyPosted by mysteriousTaurusPosted by Thechicagoboy
Investment banking. Love!
whats your sun and moon sign, what do you love about it
Sun Taurus moon Aries. I love working with people and the fast pace. Not having to deal directly with clients but all of my colleagues are classy and educated, unlike more "non-high rise" jobs facing the direct to expand
Posted by LeoNation92Posted by mysteriousTaurusPosted by LeoNation92
Stoner. Greatest job in the whole wide world.
How do you pay the bills 😂😂
What bills?click to expand
Posted by feby
I'm in fitness and finance and I love it. Kind of came back home in a way.
Posted by LibraLovesHimPosted by LeoNation92Posted by mysteriousTaurusPosted by LeoNation92
Stoner. Greatest job in the whole wide world.
How do you pay the bills 😂😂
What bills?
What bills?! u live in a cabin in the woods and live off the land
Why, are you looking for an invitation, Libra? All you gotta do is ask. You're far too beautiful for me to turn down.
;-Dclick to expand
Posted by Koniucha
I schedule maintenance on aircraft for an airline.
I like it. I'd rather not wake up so early, but I get a lot of days off.