Signed Up: Jun 02, 2014 Comments: 4 · Posts: 253 · Topics: 34
Just curious to read people's experience with cancer men .. I have 2 cancer bestfriends July 3rd and July 10th but I have never really dated or talked to any until now ...
Sometimes I want to be left alone and not be contacted by anyone through any platform.
What is the best way to ask for some space from a Pisces without hurting their feelings and with them understanding it's unrelated to them?
I was moody yesterday
Just received a text saying "watch this".
Do I even need to say what this looks like? If we post a youtube vlog today saying this is us turned into a silent animated short film, we'll become instant celebs
Anyways. Ya fucked up girl is back again. As if it wasn't evident from all my posts, I have some serious unaddressed abandonment issues. A friend of mine and my mother brought it to my attention. After looking up the symptoms I was floored by the accurac
I'm not too sure how this website works but I'm going to just go with it.
I am a Leo woman and I am in a relationship with a male libra . I was wondering why doesn't he understand that I feel I should be a part of his world 24/7.
yes I know I love at
I really like this article!!! It's very interesting! Jump in allll and give me your opinions. I'm still interested in the parental part as I have Aqua moon and my mum is extremely detached and cold.... it's very true!!
I heard that they are able to access something similar to our "internet" to look up things for their clients. Is that true? Any psychics on here that can attest it? Or anyone on here knows the answer? :-S
Thanks in advance!
So long story short, I met a guy online. I know, it makes me cringe a little too, haha! But I went on the site not really looking for anything specific (seriously I wasn't, haha, though many don't believe me) and just like to let things happen without any
So I've become intrigued by a co worker who is an Aquarius. He is very shy towards me and mumbles when I try to speak to him. He speaks with the other girls normal. I am somewhat new to the job. I would like to ask him out for a drink one night or somethi
I met a leo man with scorpio moon (i know scorp moon is really strong) and we had an interesting "game" from january...
At the begining he was very kind and we had a lot of meeting...but we hadnt sex yet. Of coure we kissed and sometimes i slept w