What's your opinion taureans ! You know we don't settle for BS

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by BeautyandTheBull on Thursday, September 7, 2017 and has 27 replies.
So my boyfriend is struggling to give me attention when I bitch about it he changes for a day then back to being a fuck boy I'm trying to hold on but I'm already checked out of this relationship I tried breaking up with him two weeks ago but he started explaining to me how he has hasn't been in a relationship with a woman that cared if he showed them attention or not and he didn't have to call them they would call him blah blah so I tried to work it out ! But last week I asked him to come over and he didn't wanna come unless we was having sex . & I honestly didn't feel like it because he doesn't turn me on anymore ... so of course he didn't come after making up an excuse ! Like how TF are you in relationship and get treated like FWB ???So now I'm totally done with this so called relationship
Is there changing your mind when you're mentally checked out?
Can you explain what you mean
Is he a Virgo?
When you've mentally checked out, if he showed you that he could be different even after you left him, would it make a difference.
Nope cancer @jane84
Yes it would make a difference .. The only reason I'm checked out is because I don't feel secure in this relationship .. I'm confused how can you be with someone and not wanna show them attention it's weird @ACE
On top of that my boyfriend should wanna be around me even if I didn't wanna have sex lol
Posted by Sodapop
Don't settle, looks like you've made up your mind.
Yea once this this hurricane passes us by I'll break it off ... no need to waste my time anymore
What did he do to turn you off so much?
Posted by 8434E
You are a Taurus once you make your mind up that is it! or is that just Moon in Taurus? i dunno since i'm Lunar Taurus.
I am a Taurus sun and moon lol
Posted by Ace2009
What did he do to turn you off so much?

He seems guarded and not willing to put the effort in ... so if I can't feel the connection emotionally I can't have sex with him .. it's like no point for me lol
Posted by BeautyandTheBull
Yes it would make a difference .. The only reason I'm checked out is because I don't feel secure in this relationship .. I'm confused how can you be with someone and not wanna show them attention it's weird @ACE
ok so there you go

he is not what you need, face the facts without emotion

he's not going to change for you - it is what it is

move on and take care of yourself and find the man that fits you

I'm in the same boat as your guy.. however I did not treat my girl like a piece of meat.
Posted by BeautyandTheBull
Nope cancer @jane84
Just wondering...my Taurus friend is having similar feelings towards her Virgo right now.

But her ex husband was a Cancer...she felt the same way about him.
Posted by tcta
Posted by BeautyandTheBull
Yes it would make a difference .. The only reason I'm checked out is because I don't feel secure in this relationship .. I'm confused how can you be with someone and not wanna show them attention it's weird @ACE
ok so there you go

he is not what you need, face the facts without emotion

he's not going to change for you - it is what it is

move on and take care of yourself and find the man that fits you

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I agree ! He's not going to talk me into giving him another chance this time

Posted by Ace2009
I'm in the same boat as your guy.. however I did not treat my girl like a piece of meat.
lol what did you do
Posted by jane84
Posted by BeautyandTheBull
Nope cancer @jane84
Just wondering...my Taurus friend is having similar feelings towards her Virgo right now.

But her ex husband was a Cancer...she felt the same way about him.
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Wow how weird .. it's says we are supposed to be compatible with them .. he is actually the first cancer I ever been with ..
I was in a bad mood and complained all the time.
Oh yea.. it's draining to be around someone like that ... I've def dumped a guy for that as well but he was Aquarius
Posted by BeautyandTheBull
Posted by tcta
Posted by BeautyandTheBull
Yes it would make a difference .. The only reason I'm checked out is because I don't feel secure in this relationship .. I'm confused how can you be with someone and not wanna show them attention it's weird @ACE
ok so there you go

he is not what you need, face the facts without emotion

he's not going to change for you - it is what it is

move on and take care of yourself and find the man that fits you

I agree ! He's not going to talk me into giving him another chance this time

click to expand
good - you deserve better

always strive to be happy
Posted by BeautyandTheBull
Posted by jane84
Posted by BeautyandTheBull
Nope cancer @jane84
Just wondering...my Taurus friend is having similar feelings towards her Virgo right now.

But her ex husband was a Cancer...she felt the same way about him.

Wow how weird .. it's says we are supposed to be compatible with them .. he is actually the first cancer I ever been with ..
click to expand
I have actually seen it work. I know two Taurus f/Cancer m couples that work really well.

But by the time my Taurus friend (this specific one I talked about on the last post) finally decided to divorce her ex, he basically never wanted to be around her. They fought a lot. She was tired, but stayed for a long time. They could never just be on the same page. I mean he'd hang out with my ex husband and tell him how he had more fun being around the guys than her. He had no respect for her whatsoever and would say openly how he hated being with her. It was a crazy relationship. One she finally let go of.

If he doesn't want to be around you, I say just do your own thing, leave him. You'll be much happier.
I'm sure it was the other way around my cancer is no fun at all ?? just bores the life outta me ! & don't get me started on that PS3 game gosh !! That's his life !! .. so annoying lol

But thank you !
Posted by BeautyandTheBull
Oh yea.. it's draining to be around someone like that ... I've def dumped a guy for that as well but he was Aquarius
ha - I dated an aqua man like that - he was "Eyore" "It'll Never Work" meaning life in general and everything included - and no, it didn't work for me - lol
So, how to permanently rid yourself of eeyore qualities is my question
I dated a guy like this, but I kept how I felt inside. He was an Aries.

Because he was raised by a mother that didn't show too much affection blah blah blah, he grew up not knowing how to give it. We were together for so many years close to 6. People can change if they really want to and humans can learn new things. It involves hard work and effort. If you're willing to adapt to a new workplace because it will provide you with a better living situation/life, then you can put the same efforts into a relationship because that person will provide you with unconditional love and happiness. However, he never changed. Even something small as putting his arms around me most of the time was an issue. Not going to go into details about this but eventually he cheated and fucked up and I left his ass after years of being stupid thinking I wouldn't find better.

Eventually I did with another Aries, but before that one fucked it up too, he was at least overly affectionate and caring and knew how the fuck to treat me, like a queen as I treated him like a king.

Point of this is; never settle. There's always someone out there who can provide something better out there to fit your wants/needs.

Remember; it should be 50/50, not 80/20
I have never been a physically affectionate person. I never allowed PDA, I don't like to cuddle especially for long periods, I personally like to wonder and do things alone. I don't need to be connected to people. I don't need a million texts a day, Im just not like that.

I show love by words, like confirming acts love, or doing things for the people I love. like cooking for them, providing support, motivate or thoughtful gifts.

my bull taught me how to be all those things for him.

he is just always so affectionate, he is always wanting me and kissing me and touching me and holding me and he tells me don't leave, he protects me and I makes it known that he wants me around or needs me to do this and that. and its just always continued in that communication that ive grown to be so physically affectionate to him and so aware of his needs when we are together.

it took time but his consistency on how he shows love has rubbed off.

also make your man read your sign and both of you should learn your love language.

it helps