Posted by PiscesArt
He complained that the distance was "tough" - he doesnt want to see you. believe me, if he would want to he would find the way. believe me.. i ended relationship with taurus man not long ago
Posted by evalani290Posted by Camilla_Dilla
We didn't even do anything though! lol The main reason why I stayed above all was because the air in my room broke and it was hot! His hotel had air. lol I told him that too. Besides, if he lost interest because of that, then why keep talking so often 3 months after that??
He probably felt suffocated,while you believe that you were getting to know him,he got tired of the "bonding",he felt the need to withdraw and "get back" his sense of freedom,doing other things that makes him feel less emotional like sports,hanging with his friends,other that just stay and talk to you for hours.
For men bonding it doesn't feel like bonding for us,we are used to emotions,we go through much more turmoil on a daily basis than men do.
At some point they all do this,on purpose or not,it's there. It's not meant to be taken personally,when you feel threaten by this is when you don't want him to have his freedom.
That or he is just selfish,that's for you to evaluate. Just keep in mind that men don't bond like us and they don't feel as comfortable as we do when it comes to emotions. Plus he already said that this long distance relationship was hard for him,so you create a certain level of intimacy while you don't have the chance to express it with actions,that's a block for a Taurus right there,can you relate to this,as a Taurus sign?
Keep a realistic view to all this because it can turn out to get a false image in your head when you just talk to that person and see less of them in person. All that talk you had with him it's just theory until you can actually have the chance to spend some time with to expand
Posted by busyeyes88Posted by Camilla_Dilla
Seems to be a typical taurus train. I've experienced it before from a taurus. This guy I'm talking about though... The disappearance was weird. I felt like we had really connected after these past few months. He finally texted me back today though apologizing and saying he had been busy. It's the first time this happened between us and I'm just super skeptical and leery now. We're doing this long distance so communication is all we have. If he disappears out of nowhere for a week, then it makes me pause and look at things differently.
The thing is... You now know what he is like and what he is capable of so just don't invest too much. Play it by ear. Let him initiate and make arrangements to meet and just carry on as normalclick to expand
Posted by ScorpiosHarmonyPosted by Koniucha
They all do that, not just Taurus.
all men do this, they just don't have the courage to tell you they're no longer to expand
Posted by M143
But you are beautiful scorpia so don't worry if you get no response. He was just trying to see if you respond right away.
Don't feel bad if he doesn't respond maybe he was just busy or just taking his time. Do your own thing and enjoy life.
When I was with my ex taur.. he was the one initiating contact.. he is more into me. I sometimes don't send a message that irritates him. lol
Posted by busyeyes88Posted by Angeleyes17Posted by ScorpiosHarmonyPosted by Koniucha
They all do that, not just Taurus.
all men do this, they just don't have the courage to tell you they're no longer interested.
This is what i find very irritating. How are you suppose to progress a good relationship when one behaves likes this. :S
I'm still having on and off communication with the Taurus guy I know and the late responses are what annoy me the most. I've become used to his so called disappearing pattern. Yesterday he texting me saying ' Hey sexy how's you xx'
I responded ' Hey handsome fella I'm great thanks.. how are you? xxx '
After that no response from him :S
You can't make "good progress " if the other person does not respond!! All men do this and when they do this I cut them off completely ie DELETE their details!!! If they "come back".. They are "friend zoned"!! If they query why they now "friend zoned", I will tell them about their stupid ass and then friend zone still... NEXT!!!
The world is too small; time is of the essence; the ocean is too big!!!click to expand
Posted by busyeyes88Posted by Angeleyes17Posted by M143
But you are beautiful scorpia so don't worry if you get no response. He was just trying to see if you respond right away.
Don't feel bad if he doesn't respond maybe he was just busy or just taking his time. Do your own thing and enjoy life.
When I was with my ex taur.. he was the one initiating contact.. he is more into me. I sometimes don't send a message that irritates him. lol
Thank you for your kind words. x
I actually have been carrying on as normal. I have my sisters wedding planning to arrange so all my focus is on that at the moment. I didn’t respond back straight away (it was like 30- 45min after). You know i was actually saying that to myself that he could be busy.. but can you really be that busy that you start and convo and just leave it hanging?
Is what why he initiated the first move coz you weren’t responding straight away?
If a man truly really wants you, he will do whatever it takes... He will pursue. You don't have to play hard to get and he has to chase you forever, but he should be initiating 80 % of the time. My taurus friend will even call me from abroad when he is holiday ; tell me when he's going; where he's going; how for etc and we are platonic friends who are attracted to each other for 8 months.
I never start a convo and leave it hanging, but I will finish one really quickly if I am bored!!!! Sometimes with taurus "out of sight " "out of mind"!click to expand
Posted by Angeleyes17
''If a man truly really wants you, he will do whatever it takes... He will pursue'' - I heard this a lot on this forum or soo many users have had the same problem with a guy and its clicked and they had strong chemistry and the next thing you know.. he’s disappeared or distant himself.. I haven’t come across any positive post on a good relationship that’s progressing well.. Even when the guy / girl pursues.. you let that guard down and open up, then eventually that chase,, that pursuing dies down..
Posted by busyeyes88
You don't have to play hard to get and he has to chase you forever, but he should be initiating 80 % of the time.
Posted by Angeleyes17Posted by ScorpiosHarmonyPosted by Koniucha
They all do that, not just Taurus.
all men do this, they just don't have the courage to tell you they're no longer interested.
This is what i find very irritating. How are you suppose to progress a good relationship when one behaves likes this. :S
I'm still having on and off communication with the Taurus guy I know and the late responses are what annoy me the most. I've become used to his so called disappearing pattern. Yesterday he texting me saying ' Hey sexy how's you xx'
I responded ' Hey handsome fella I'm great thanks.. how are you? xxx '
After that no response from him :Sclick to expand
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
(cut off...)
A big thing for me too is that I'll read a text from someone, and be in a place I can't respond - driving, work meeting/conference, at dinner with someone who would be pissed if I start texting away, etc. - so I read it, then say "Ok, going to respond to them later". Sometimes I forget to do that though, or I get even busier....
Most bulls I know suck at keeping in touch in general, or using social media, texting, etc. I think the "out of sight/out of mind" stuff is generally true for us....unless there is already a REALLY strong pre-existing connection. Texting just seems like it is not a good way to build a relationship with a Taurus....
Posted by busyeyes88Posted by jeanePosted by TaurusLovesScorpio
(cut off...)
A big thing for me too is that I'll read a text from someone, and be in a place I can't respond - driving, work meeting/conference, at dinner with someone who would be pissed if I start texting away, etc. - so I read it, then say "Ok, going to respond to them later". Sometimes I forget to do that though, or I get even busier....
Most bulls I know suck at keeping in touch in general, or using social media, texting, etc. I think the "out of sight/out of mind" stuff is generally true for us....unless there is already a REALLY strong pre-existing connection. Texting just seems like it is not a good way to build a relationship with a Taurus....
i don't want to be contrary tls. i'm mostly in agreeance with you but the thing about texting. my bull and i never talk on the phone. mostly because he is too busy to ever sit down and chat so it's the only way we can keep in contact throughout the day and at night. you guys will do it if you have to. plus we were both too shy to call each other so text was great at the start. i guess it's just a habit now.
I.would never be in touch with my exes during the day when I was working.. I would only speak to them in an emergency which was rare or after to expand
Posted by jeane
mostly because he is too busy to ever sit down and chat so it's the only way we can keep in contact throughout the day and at night. you guys will do it if you have to. plus we were both too shy to call each other so text was great at the start. i guess it's just a habit now.
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpioPosted by jeane
mostly because he is too busy to ever sit down and chat so it's the only way we can keep in contact throughout the day and at night. you guys will do it if you have to. plus we were both too shy to call each other so text was great at the start. i guess it's just a habit now.
I'm sure there are exceptions; maybe some even prefer it for the reason you say - the convenience. Maybe its not even the norm, but I have seen it a lot with bulls I know and on the boards here as well. Post after post especially of these dropped convos/unanswered questions, to expand
Posted by busyeyes88
Hey I'm old school and WORKS for me!!!
Posted by busyeyes88
I am quoting you at your comment re 50% !!! I could never have a man that does 50% initiation or lower!! 80% works for me! I don't purse or chase. I am assertive I just don't use my assertiveness in pursuing men.... I dont need to... They masculine man will know what do do!
Posted by Nevermore
High pride.. I mean to pride.
Posted by busyeyes88
If he stops... Then it ends as I will not pursue..
Posted by busyeyes88
If you were of the sign dominant in air or fire, you would have pursued her and asked her out instead of dreaming of her from afar..
Posted by busyeyes88Posted by NevermorePosted by TaurusLovesScorpio
To Busy (cont.) -- Here's where you're being a hypocrite though. You don't have the traditional/stereotypical feminine nature to match the traditional role you're looking for in a man! LOL. See, you are a very strong/assertive/empowered/opinionated/independent woman. You're yearning to be courted by your ideal of a type of man who was allegedly more common in a previous generation. But guess what? You have many of the traditionally masculine qualities, so IF you were born into a generation like that, that kind of man would probably not even court you (which we know you hate! lolol). I think, its very obvious just from experiencing your personality, that you should be very *grateful* for the dissolution of traditional gender roles!
I think your views also set women back, even as you think you're empowering them, because you implicitly associate the qualities of femininity with weakness. Maybe there is equal or even greater strength in attracting than there is in being attracted and pursuing. It seems to me that the beauty/allure/sexuality of women has been one of the most valued, powerful, and *feared* things in the world since the beginning of recorded history, so much so that men have and still do, harness their physical dominance/strength to suppress it, control it, and sell it and almost everything by *means* of it, on a global scale.
Or in short that she has definitely a high pride problem.
It's not a problem for me or for the men with the guts enough to approach me!!!click to expand
Posted by busyeyes88
You may have felt the "danger" but why not pursue instead of having this "if only" or "I wonder "!! High maintenance? How do you know? Taurus men have a way way.of judging someone without even acting upon anything themselves!!!! Had you been more masculine or a fire or air sign you would have pursued!!!
Yes I have felt those things for someone but that did not stop me from entering a relationship with them!!!!!! I don't fear getting burnt by a fire!!! Which probably makes me more masculine than most men... But at least I can stand upto my convictions and pass without fe
Posted by busyeyes88
I don't fear getting burnt by a fire!!! Which probably makes me more masculine than most men... But at least I can stand upto my convictions and pass without fear
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
(cut off...)
A big thing for me too is that I'll read a text from someone, and be in a place I can't respond - driving, work meeting/conference, at dinner with someone who would be pissed if I start texting away, etc. - so I read it, then say "Ok, going to respond to them later". Sometimes I forget to do that though, or I get even busier....
Most bulls I know suck at keeping in touch in general, or using social media, texting, etc. I think the "out of sight/out of mind" stuff is generally true for us....unless there is already a REALLY strong pre-existing connection. Texting just seems like it is not a good way to build a relationship with a Taurus....
Posted by busyeyes88
Respond! But if a person cannot be bothered to be in contact with you then what is the point?
Posted by ScorpiosHarmonyPosted by Angeleyes17Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
(cut off...)
A big thing for me too is that I'll read a text from someone, and be in a place I can't respond - driving, work meeting/conference, at dinner with someone who would be pissed if I start texting away, etc. - so I read it, then say "Ok, going to respond to them later". Sometimes I forget to do that though, or I get even busier....
Most bulls I know suck at keeping in touch in general, or using social media, texting, etc. I think the "out of sight/out of mind" stuff is generally true for us....unless there is already a REALLY strong pre-existing connection. Texting just seems like it is not a good way to build a relationship with a Taurus....
Your advice and experiences really help so thank you for that. When i see his name on my phone it actually instantly puts a smile on my face. Him thinking of me does effect me in some odd way. I just really hoped this would progressed further but it isnt.
If i did want to get this attention or start a conversation.. how can I do this?
@Angeleyes17 pleeeeease don't misunderstand the situation with what was written above, false hopes will only lead to heart break! He may be texting you because you were on his mind but if his texts messages did not state anything to progress your relationship ie. suggesting a date etc then he's only texting you to keep the door open. Sadly this is what a lot of guys do. They keep you hanging by a thin thread so that they can pop back into your life as they please. They're too cowardly to shut the door completely incase they may have made a mistake in other words this is called 'leaving your options open' and right now you're nothing more to him than just an option. I suggest you do the same, date other guys the ocean is wide!
I used to have your mindset, felt helpless and confused by all these players. Stop giving him or any man any kind of importance or power until he's earned it!click to expand
Posted by ScorpiosHarmonyPosted by TaurusLovesScorpioPosted by busyeyes88
If he stops... Then it ends as I will not pursue..
So just tell us why.
It's common sense, why want someone who doesn't want you!click to expand
Posted by Angeleyes17Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
(cut off...)
A big thing for me too is that I'll read a text from someone, and be in a place I can't respond - driving, work meeting/conference, at dinner with someone who would be pissed if I start texting away, etc. - so I read it, then say "Ok, going to respond to them later". Sometimes I forget to do that though, or I get even busier....
Most bulls I know suck at keeping in touch in general, or using social media, texting, etc. I think the "out of sight/out of mind" stuff is generally true for us....unless there is already a REALLY strong pre-existing connection. Texting just seems like it is not a good way to build a relationship with a Taurus....
Your advice and experiences really help so thank you for that. When i see his name on my phone it actually instantly puts a smile on my face. Him thinking of me does effect me in some odd way. I just really hoped this would progressed further but it isnt.
If i did want to get this attention or start a conversation.. how can I do this?click to expand
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
(cut off)....If a man is *always* doing the initiation, and all we get are pleasant/cordial responses that just mirror our own, and we never can actually *see* your interest, we have no idea whether or not you like us or you're just being nice in responding to us. I hear women say this a lot. It goes both ways.
Posted by ScorpiosHarmony
I do hold traditional values that a man should be doing more initiating in the beginning, I prefer that approach but each to their own I suppose.
Posted by Angeleyes17Posted by busyeyes88
Respond! But if a person cannot be bothered to be in contact with you then what is the point?
thats the thing.. I'm being told or read here that Taurus's dont respond straight away or take there time or they are busy etc.. so how does that work? I leave them to it? cut them off because they dont respond back? This guy does respond but takes his time and randomly contacts me here and there,, which is the confusing part,click to expand
Posted by AgentP911
Do you like me? Yes. Do you want to go out? Yes. Done. Maybe we can get somewhere and enjoy it!
Ps: Taurus forum is becoming boring of late... 😔
Posted by TaurusLovesScorpio
What jeane is saying about a bull charging ahead, and not wavering, right...I agree actually, but that's when a bull really knows what they want. But that's not typically very early on in the relationship. What we're talking about here is courtship and the typically long/prolonged decision phase.
Posted by busyeyes88Posted by TaurusLovesScorpioPosted by ScorpiosHarmonyPosted by TaurusLovesScorpioPosted by busyeyes88
If he stops... Then it ends as I will not pursue..
So just tell us why.
It's common sense, why want someone who doesn't want you!
So a man not initiating a convo at some point signals that he doesn't want you. But a woman not initiating doesn't signal this? A woman can't put in equal effort in initiating and pursuing? In a relationship, if both people are interested, shouldn't both people really be in pursuit of getting to know one another, spending time together, etc. I just don't see how you justify demanding more than 50% of the effort from a man these days. And I really don't see any women speaking up to even attempt to justify it (other than Busy just asserting it and saying "I'm old fashioned").
It's obvious that the taurus is not fully invested and not playing fair and you should still not be advising her incorrectly!! If the taurus was proactive the OP would not have written this thread!!!click to expand
Posted by busyeyes88
You like a fire sign woman because they will do what you can't do.. PURSUE!!!!!!
Posted by busyeyes88
Need to step up and realise that what they want will not fall into their laps!!!!