Which signs will not allow Taurus to dominate them

This topic was created in the Taurus forum by MayDORISDay on Sunday, August 14, 2011 and has 19 replies.
I'm noticing that there are very few signs who when i'm in sh-it testing mode will not let me dominate them in anyway, but they are so few and far between...
Do any other taureans naturally see if they can dominate others initially and lose all interest if this is the case...?
I'm Aqua - and my Taurus man will not dominate me. He tries, but I won't play that bullshit game. And well he knows it. It's fireworks at times.
Id say for me its aquarius and aries... tuff cookies
scorpio is fun for cat and mouse... but they are still easier to control if u cater to their emotions..
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Chocolate covered pretzel rods? *fidgets*
hahaha i have 3 taurus friends that do straight up see if they can "dominate" people..and if they succeed they will never stop fucking with that person, but if someone stands up to them even once then they just back off...i notice they tend to dominate PISCES,but no dominating GEMINI here

None should.. it's all downhill from there lol
The only bull I know pretty well is myself haha and I've never
purposely tried to dominate or control anyone. I don't even
see the point of that, sounds like work lol
And it's a bit of a catch 22, innit. If we can dominate someone we lose respect for them. Not cool.
And yes Nem, you did indeed read chocolate. Big Grin
Posted by virg_goki
dominate = manipulate in your bull world ?

You might think such, but no. It's not about manipulation at all but a test of strength. I want people around me I respect, ones I cannot steam roll over. Sure sparks may fly on occasion, but clear lines are tremendous. Needed actually.
It's a looking down on those I can, as Queen to serf. Not in my league. Sounds egotistical as all hells, but it's truth.
Definitely the other fixed signs: Leo and Aqua.
It depends on their relationship to you... on who won't let who dominate.
If it's a battle of wits and mind games, Aqua won't back down.
If it's a certain hair care product, Leo will stay their ground - something about looking pretty...
Capricorns are pretty good at standing their ground as well :-)
Posted by dogsbody
Capricorns are pretty good at standing their ground as well :-)

I agree. I am a cap and I can't stand the taurus control. of course not all taurses are like that. I know some taurses who are cool, but some are very manipulative and controling. They control and get the worst attitude to humiliate you which doesn't fly with me. From my experience Sags won't take tauruses control either eg. Nene vs. kim.
Pisces...my brother a Taurus will not even dare to try haha...I guess my sag rising scares him
Usually it is me able to dominate teehee Big Grin
I say Leos. Constant power struggle for affection/admiration vs attention/praise. ugh.
i vote scorpio.
Other fixed signs most likely: Scorpio, Aquarius, Leo.
Only sign I couldnt buck on...was a Cancer....gosh he was a tough sensitive cookie. I think thats why I liked him the most, the matador for this bull girl. I couldnt even charge on him, he grabbed the horns and was like "get it together girl" and when he couldnt he just went into the shell one claw clamped tight and held on til I was done raging, came back out and grinned.....damn him
Aries - because they like to win and don't back down to anyone. But I'll admit I won't even entertain the thought of messing with a Scorpio. Have you seen Gordon Ramsay???
Maybe Aries arent a big deal to me because Im a cusper (the trick to them is make them see how silly they look, usually by mocking them) and I have a Scorp rising so thats kinda self knowing. lol