I've posted here before but quick backstory...
Met a taurus man a few weeks ago, he took me to lunch the next day and we hit it off really well. He lives out of state but is back and forth pretty often. He went home that night but we've been talking ever since and I fall for him more every day.
The sexual attraction between the two of us is ridiculous. But he says its probably not a good idea if we take it there because he is not looking for a relationship at the moment and he knows I'm not looking for a FWB. He said he really values our friendship and doesn't want things to get messy. "But don't get me wrong, I'm a man and if you say the word I'll come running..."
He will be in town tonight and through the end of the week and he wants to hang out while he's here. I plan to stick to my guns and not sleep with him. But is this all it will ever be? Friends with crazy sexual tension? I absolutely understand why he doesn't want a relationship at the moment , but is it worth waiting around to see if he changes his mind? Or am I just playing with fire and asking to get burned?
I would say listen to what he has to say. Men will always give you an out, and he definitely did just that.
Signed Up:
Oct 04, 2011Comments: 267 · Posts: 3037 · Topics: 43
Don't do it. He's warning you. If you do it and then you give it up too quickly (handing your Ace card over) and he did ZERO to earn it I can guarantee you he's not going to date you.
I'm definitely NOT going to have sex with him. He is fully aware. He said he doesn't want to lose the friendship though and he still wants to see me when he visits. He still calls and texts like normal even after I said there would be no sex.
My question is more is there a possibility he will ever want more? It's still very early on. I know that I decide right from the beginning what type of relationship I want with somebody and I don't think it's ever changed once. Does a taurus man think the same way? I know right now he just wants to be friends with a little something extra when he's in town. But I guess my question is has he made up his mind on me or is it possible he's still feeling me out to see if there is a possibility of more?
I guess I already know that answer, but it helps to talk it out.