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Oct 29, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
Seems like major pain in the ass syndrome and who needs that. Not I even though I did at your age. So I get it. But really that's like list of deal breakers. 20 years later that is so much information not to think about if taurus are serious they are no doubt. And some just are meant to be friends...
If they are or were friends in the past everything changes and possibly don't really like going back to once was as Taurus, like to move forward even after a few issues. If those few issues you guys don't work out don't wait to long as you are young, smart, full of life.
Go be a good strong, independent woman and got get your own things, job, car, and place, don't move or have sex with him.
Don't force friendships later it is you that will smdh later in life.
Signed Up:
Oct 29, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
He will find another girl in another state too.
Thanks everybody. Sorry for making it so jumbled, it's just a lot that happened lol I feel like he blocked me that first time b/c he wanted to break away from ppl trying to hold him back. That's what his ex did, big time. He'd wanted to travel, and he even had job opportunities to train people in different states, but his girl never wanted him to, so he didn't. & to feel the complete betrayal from her... she made him quit his job and promised they'd move to a house her uncle had in another state, but she never intended to do that, & he found out that all of it was a HUGE lie. All of that happened just a couple months before dating me, & all of the upheaval that came from being with her... I get it. I didn't want him to go to Colorado. Once or twice I made my stance clear, but I also told him that I respected his choice. So I don't really know... maybe he saw no point in talking to me anymore since I wasn't going to go with him, & I'd told him I wouldn't visit either.
This time I think he blocked me b/c he was too scared to take this any further. He has fears of abandonment that date back to his childhood, & I left him b/c he was taking too long. I don't know what he was trying to figure out, but maybe he blocked me b/c I failed his stupid test? It's not like he's been in a relationship where he loved the girl. He'd stay with them out of convenience and loneliness. If he was falling for me, our relationship would've been a different domain, completely out of his comfort zone, BUT the more I think about it, I feel like if he REALLY liked me, he wouldn't have let fear keep him from building something with me. I think it's for the best that he's gone, like all of you have said.
It just sucks, b/c I'd never felt this close to my ideal guy! My dad used to tell me find someone with the same dreams, goals, similar interests, chemistry, someone who's your best friend, & he was all of that. To me, he was the whole package, a slightly damaged one, but I thought love could fix it lol it's just the lack of communication... seriously, he could've just told me he needed time to think instead of leaving me to assume I'd done something wrong.
Signed Up:
Jun 20, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 3847 · Topics: 1
He doesn't sound like the best catch around...