
This topic was created in the Taurus forum by AntiSocial on Sunday, April 21, 2019 and has 2 replies.
Being a Taurus, aka the best sex you’ll ever have in ur entire life & also in ur after life as well as when you get reincarnated after bein reincarnated for the billionth time aka where we got plagiarized by kellogs of “their greaAat,” slogan, been fuuuckin allday lately w an aries & was wonderin if they r as clingy as pisces, capricorn, Leo, cancer, sags , libs, sags, aqua, virgos, pls advice cuz i ain’t bout dat life
Posted by AnotherTaurusGuyReturns

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Morgan freeman so dope he aint got arrested yet, but yeh any1 fuuckkn aries females lately i aint tryin to settle down