Seriously. What are we gonna find in there? Or more importantly - what's gonna come out..?
So far I have heard 60/40 pisces male Libra woman relationship... have never dated a Pisces only had a few as friends/acquaintances...
Curious to know peoples experiences with dating/marriage/relationship with Pisces men...
I am Libra sun taurus moon sc
I already know im possessive as hell and i yearn for a deep intimate bond/understanding with not just my lover but friends as well
i am big on trust although i dont trust many but alot of ppl trust and confide in me
whats your experience with this place
whats your experience with this pairing? did the relationship work? how did the breakup go?
me and my guy definitely moved fast, he met me at a vulnerable state moved in with each other and talking getting a place together soon, im optimistic and skepti
Likes Mars Square Venus along with Mars opposite Venus
I have met over christmal younger and older friends and relatives so I saw both man and woman cooking for the family, one older couple
where the women always cooks, and whenever I read up on what others have to say about taurus men, I am surprised
Can someone share some insight please?
I hear 2021 is gonna be rough for anyone below 14 yet like above 7 degrees in a fixed sign
meaning 2 degrees or lower and happening for both partners
what can you say about the relationship?