A Night(s) at the Opera #7: As the World Turns

This topic was created in the Television forum by AfternoonDelights22 on Saturday, May 23, 2020 and has 101 replies.
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It's finally time to visit Oakdale.

Arguably the best soap opera of the mid and late 80s

December 24 1985

It’s Christmas Eve in Oakdale. Lily gets a huge Christmas present as Dusty returns to town. Frannie, played by Julianne Moore, celebrates her birthday. Marsha is still shaken from an attack on her the night before. Kim has been getting strange presents from a stalker. She receives a mysterious card for Christmas. These items have also come with mysterious phone calls. All the more worrying are the dead bodies piling up in Oakdale…Can Douglas Cummings keep getting closer to Frannie like he hopes? Will Christmas on the Snyder farm be merry?

December 31 1985

Sierra wants to talk with Craig about having a Valentine’s Day wedding. Hal is doing detective work checking up on all of the items sent to Bob and Kim from the stalker. The murder of Marie Kovacs is underway, and Marsha is the main suspect. Dusty predicts that 1986 will be a better year for him and Lily than 1985 was. Will the secret that Lucinda is Sierra’s mother come out?

Posted by AfternoonDelights22


So Marsha is shaken up about being attacked, but sends Douglas to make tea instead of open the door?

Where was Dusty all this time?

I'm guessing Holden has a crush on Lily.

Was Holden side eyeing Lily's hypocrisy about the wet boots? I'm here for it.

Something about Lucinda's over protective nature of Lily, the voice over about her lies and reaction to the gift seems suspect.

Douglas was the dad from Dawson's Creek...

"I'm told some men give diamonds to a woman when they have a guilty conscious, but that's not so in this case...."

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The fact that you felt the need to add that disclaimer dude....

I'm sensing Barbara is the Alexis Carrington of ATWT. I'm here for it.

Definitely intrigued so far.
Posted by AfternoonDelights22


We've jumped to wedding plans? John, you lose.

"Pathologically jealous"....

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Wait what! Lily and Holden had a moment?! *like*

And pyjamas can be sexy?

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Fiona reminds me of Arabella Figg...

PS Julienne Moore's character is so flat. Lawd, it's a good thing she left this show. Her acting career would have went straight in the toilet.
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by AfternoonDelights22


So Marsha is shaken up about being attacked, but sends Douglas to make tea instead of open the door?

Where was Dusty all this time?

I'm guessing Holden has a crush on Lily.

Was Holden side eyeing Lily's hypocrisy about the wet boots? I'm here for it.

Something about Lucinda's over protective nature of Lily, the voice over about her lies and reaction to the gift seems suspect.

Douglas was the dad from Dawson's Creek...

"I'm told some men give diamonds to a woman when they have a guilty conscious, but that's not so in this case...."

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The fact that you felt the need to add that disclaimer dude....

I'm sensing Barbara is the Alexis Carrington of ATWT. I'm here for it.

Definitely intrigued so far.
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Dusty was riding a bike and hit by a car (Craig)

Dusty had to go to England for Back surgery. Why England idk lol

While he was gone Lily and Holden did draw a little closer to each other
Posted by AfternoonDelights22

Dusty was riding a bike and hit by a car (Craig)

Dusty had to go to England for Back surgery. Why England idk lol

While he was gone Lily and Holden did draw a little closer to each other

Lol okay. Her bratty behaviour made more sense after I saw her flashback. A little over the top, school yard, you have cooties type of style , but I guess that how the writer's saw teenage angst back then?

Cool *waiting for the next upload*

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January 8 1986

Margo is still on the warpath of her investigation of Marsha and the death of Marie. It is Lucinda having flashbacks of Marie and her threats. John plays some mind games. Lisa breaks down after being accused of being Kim's stalker. What is Marsha Talbot really up to? Is Luncinda's world crumbling?

January 10 1986

More info is coming out about Marie blackmailing Lucinda before her death. Marsha does some snooping. Holden and Lily have both awkward and seducing talks. Is Craig onto Lucinda? What is going on with Kim's health?

January 17 1986

Marsha is still the talk of the town. Craig lays into Lucinda and her lies. Sierra is getting a wedding dress. Will Marsha cause problems in Frannie's relationship?

Posted by AfternoonDelights22

January 8 1986

Margo is still on the warpath of her investigation of Marsha and the death of Marie. It is Lucinda having flashbacks of Marie and her threats. John plays some mind games. Lisa breaks down after being accused of being Kim's stalker. What is Marsha Talbot really up to? Is Luncinda's world crumbling?


John is so creepy....

I know I should hate Lucinda for her fur, but I love her for her fur.

Kim has one of the best set of cheek bones I've seen in a while. Damn.

Lol, I have to try the *cloth over the phone trick* to disguise my voice one day. See if I can trick my friends.
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by AfternoonDelights22

January 8 1986

Margo is still on the warpath of her investigation of Marsha and the death of Marie. It is Lucinda having flashbacks of Marie and her threats. John plays some mind games. Lisa breaks down after being accused of being Kim's stalker. What is Marsha Talbot really up to? Is Luncinda's world crumbling?


John is so creepy....

I know I should hate Lucinda for her fur, but I love her for her fur.

Kim has one of the best set of cheek bones I've seen in a while. Damn.

Lol, I have to try the *cloth over the phone trick* to disguise my voice one day. See if I can trick my friends.
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It is hard to hate Lucinda in general even for as over the top as she can be
Posted by AfternoonDelights22

It is hard to hate Lucinda in general even for as over the top as she can be

I kind of like her dramatic response so far. It tickles my moon. Who the hell tosses a plate of food at someone else because you lied about the maternity of a child? Lol. Not getting the big deal about letting Ciara know the truth. Especially if it means losing a board seat. So she'll be upset. She'll get over it at some point, unless she has a fixed moon lol. Looking forward to how this turns out.

By the way, how is it that Greg knows the truth?
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by AfternoonDelights22

It is hard to hate Lucinda in general even for as over the top as she can be

I kind of like her dramatic response so far. It tickles my moon. Who the hell tosses a plate of food at someone else because you lied about the maternity of a child? Lol. Not getting the big deal about letting Ciara know the truth. Especially if it means losing a board seat. So she'll be upset. She'll get over it at some point, unless she has a fixed moon lol. Looking forward to how this turns out.

By the way, how is it that Greg knows the truth?
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Craig is a reformed villain who still has a way of getting information. When he first met Sierra he learned about her not knowing her mother. He eventually found a picture of Sierra that Lucinda had. She lied and said Sierra's mother was a friend of hers, but after doing some digging, he learned the truth.

I wish I could have posted earlier stuff because the person who wrote ATWT from like 1985-1993 is def one of my fave soap opera writers, but these early years are still pretty gap heavy. 1986 isnt really that much better than 1985 with gaps on youtuve, but hopefully 86-90 will be more cohesive cuz there is some good stuff.
Well I totally f*cked up Craig's name and the spelling on Sierra. What was I watching? I could swore they kept saying Greg lol.

Don't sweat the posts. It's appreciated that you take the time to post them at all. Thanks!
January 24 1986

Unfortunatly a partial episodes. John and Sierra bicker about Craig's honesty or lack there of. Sierra is determined to get to the truth behind the turmoil. Holden and Lily get close at the stables. Is Lucinda finally read to tell Sierra the truth that she is her mother? Can Lily admit her feeling for Holden?

January 27 1986

Craig, who is in the hospital ponders about when and how Sierra will learn the truth. John tries to tell Sierra the truth. John is also honest with his feelings for Sierra. Lily and Lucinda talk about Lucinda being Sierra's mother. Will the truth rock Oakdale?

January 31 1986

Sierra and Lily are forced to talk about their family connection, but Lily has a reveal about Craig and Lucinda sleeping together in the past. Nosy ass Holden overhears all of this in the stables. Douglas checks up on Kim about the stalking. Dusty tries to help out Lily. Sierra takes out her frustration on John. Is there anyway Craig and Lucinda can fix things? Will Barbara take advantage of a wasted Tom or just set it up to look like they slept together? What is Douglas hiding?

February 3 1986

Douglas is digging himself deeper and deeper into the Hughes family. The duo of Douglas and Marsha becomes increasingly more creepy. Margo questions Tom about Barbara being at his hotel room at 1 in the morning. Did Barbara's plan to make it look like she and Tom slept together work to split up Tom and Margo? Is Kevin onto Douglas?

Even with the skipped episodes & shortened episodes this is definitely the best written soap of this time period. Theres not just 1 or 2 good to decent stories like the others. All of them are good or intriguing.
February 11 1986

Lisa and Bob talk about Tom and Margo's problems and Margo leaving. Kim is haunted by the past, but more so haunted by Doug. Can Frannie help Kim? Or will Marsha help Doug? Will Heather remember that it was Douglas who tried to kill her?

February 12 1986

The search for Frannie and Douglas is on. Will Holden seduce Lily even with Dusty on her mind? Will Craig find Sierra with Tonio?

February 13 1986

Everyone is still stunned about Douglas. Kim and Frannie are still missing. Unbeknownst to Dusty, Dusty & Lily have some troubles brewing with Holden in Lily's life. Did Sierra really marry Tonio Reyes?

February 14 1986

Tom and Margo chat about the turmoil in their lives. Sierra makes love to Tonio but thinks of Craig. Police work overtime on Douglas. Where has Douglas taken Frannie, Kim and Marsha?

Such soapy goodness! Every story is good right now.

I think 1986-90 ATWT is PEAK SOAP OPERA. I'd put it up against the best 5 year period of any other soap tbh
Posted by AfternoonDelights22

January 10 1986

More info is coming out about Marie blackmailing Lucinda before her death. Marsha does some snooping. Holden and Lily have both awkward and seducing talks. Is Craig onto Lucinda? What is going on with Kim's health?


All that talk about being sweaty and naked....if Holden wasn't 80s hawt that would have been creepy af lol.

So many close moments just for it to go, um no where.

Lily: "I can't face the wind":

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*turns to Holden, looks up just to...*

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LOL! I guess she wasn't that afraid of "the wind"....*side eye*

And Holden watching Lily run away:

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That scene was so corny, but I was here for it. Down to the repeated references to being buck naked in the middle of the field...like dude.

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I like Lily and Holden together though.

On a side note, are Craig and Lucinda gonna bang, cause......

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On another side note, is it just me or do the emotional responses these people have feel out of place?

Holden brushes Lily's hair away and gazes in her eyes gently, then pushes her outside to face her fear--of "the wind" lol.

Craig's soon to be mother in law (well...) kisses him in a way no mother in law should kiss her son in law and he just...wipes the lipstick off. He's not shocked, repulsed, turned on, doesn't kiss her back....just leaves lol.

Lily throws a tantrum and Lucida wishes her a good day at school lol. It all reads like a water sign talking to an air sign....

Good epi!
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by AfternoonDelights22

January 10 1986

More info is coming out about Marie blackmailing Lucinda before her death. Marsha does some snooping. Holden and Lily have both awkward and seducing talks. Is Craig onto Lucinda? What is going on with Kim's health?


All that talk about being sweaty and naked....if Holden wasn't 80s hawt that would have been creepy af lol.

So many close moments just for it to go, um no where.

Lily: "I can't face the wind":

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*turns to Holden, looks up just to...*

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LOL! I guess she wasn't that afraid of "the wind"....*side eye*

And Holden watching Lily run away:

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That seen was so corny, but I was here for it. Down to the repeated references to being buck naked in the middle of the field...like dude.

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I like Lily and Holden together though.

On a side note, are Craig and Lucinda gonna bang, cause......

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On another side note, is it just me or do the emotional responses these people have feel out of place?

Holden brushes Lily's hair away and gazes in her eyes gently, then pushes her outside to face her fear--of "the wind" lol.

Craig's soon to be mother in law (well...) kisses him in a way no mother in law should kiss her son in law and he just...wipes the lipstick off. He's not shocked, repulsed, turned on, doesn't kiss her back....just leaves lol.

Lily throws a tantrum and Lucida wishes her a good day at school lol. It all reads like a water sign talking to an air sign....

Good epi!
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Yeahhhh lmao Holden was being a bit ridiculous with all that naked talk xD

Sooo turns out Lucinda and Craig already banged. It was before he got with Sierra, but Sierra doesnt know that happened. Sierra doesnt know a lot of things.
Posted by AfternoonDelights22

Sooo turns out Lucinda and Craig already banged. It was before he got with Sierra, but Sierra doesnt know that happened. Sierra doesnt know a lot of things.

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Man! This show was lit! It's my new fav.
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by AfternoonDelights22

Sooo turns out Lucinda and Craig already banged. It was before he got with Sierra, but Sierra doesnt know that happened. Sierra doesnt know a lot of things.

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Man! This show was lit! It's my new fav.
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Yeah it was. I think this 5 year period for ATWT may be the best period of any soap
I just conquered my fear of heights and now I need a little drama... *tea cup ready*
Posted by AfternoonDelights22

January 24 1986

Unfortunately a partial episodes. John and Sierra bicker about Craig's honesty or lack there of. Sierra is determined to get to the truth behind the turmoil. Holden and Lily get close at the stables. Is Lucinda finally read to tell Sierra the truth that she is her mother? Can Lily admit her feeling for Holden?


Lol, Lucida ramblings often remind me of a Shakespearean soliloquy, especially when she's talking to someone. Everyone is the audience.

*Sierra interrupts Lily and Holden*

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Not understanding why the fire in Lily's belly is directed towards Sierra, last time I checked we couldn't control our birth--well unless you're a Cap....but I'm here for her antics. That slap...

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*phone call interrupts Lily and Holden*...

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Lily bounces:

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Jesus, at least get a kiss first. Might just simmer her down.

Lines of lines: "And if John wants a seat, he can go ride in a bus".

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"Real men don't make tea".....

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Posted by AfternoonDelights22

January 27 1986

Craig, who is in the hospital ponders about when and how Sierra will learn the truth. John tries to tell Sierra the truth. John is also honest with his feelings for Sierra. Lily and Lucinda talk about Lucinda being Sierra's mother. Will the truth rock Oakdale?

*like* ATWT didn't disappoint.

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John apologizes for telling Sierra something he knows will hurt her:

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Dude could have saved that and just use the same energy he had with the "how dare you question my honesty" speech. Keep. the. same. energy. bruh. Transparent.

Sorry, maybe I'm missing a few key facts, but what is all this resentment Lily has towards Sierra about? You would have sworn she was being treated worse than the d*mn maid the way she is going on. Lawd...

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That much needed slap:

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not so much for what she said about Craig cause Lily was on point with that cold glass of water, but the overall entitled attitude. I'm not here for it. I knew she should have stolen a kiss from Holden before running off....quiet her d*mn loins.

Sierra needs to take the "I'm so devastated" speech down a notch. I guess Lucinda is her mother lol. What is daytime drama without a little overacting though?

As an aside I couldn't hear, what type of surgery did Craig have? Something to do with his penis, or did I just mishear that lol?

Anyway, drama quota filled. For now.
Posted by PhoenixRising

I just conquered my fear of heights and now I need a little drama... *tea cup ready*
How did you conquer said fear?
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by AfternoonDelights22

January 27 1986

Craig, who is in the hospital ponders about when and how Sierra will learn the truth. John tries to tell Sierra the truth. John is also honest with his feelings for Sierra. Lily and Lucinda talk about Lucinda being Sierra's mother. Will the truth rock Oakdale?

*like* ATWT didn't disappoint.

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John apologizes for telling Sierra something he knows will hurt her:

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Dude could have saved that and just use the same energy he had with the "how dare you question my honesty" speech. Keep. the. same. energy. bruh. Transparent.

Sorry, maybe I'm missing a few key facts, but what is all this resentment Lily has towards Sierra about? You would have sworn she was being treated worse than the d*mn maid the way she is going on. Lawd...

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That much needed slap:

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not so much for what she said about Craig cause Lily was on point with that cold glass of water, but the overall entitled attitude. I'm not here for it. I knew she should have stolen a kiss from Holden before running off....quiet her d*mn loins.

Sierra needs to take the "I'm so devastated" speech down a notch. I guess Lucinda is her mother lol. What is daytime drama without a little overacting though?

As an aside I couldn't hear, what type of surgery did Craig have? Something to do with his penis, or did I just mishear that lol?

Anyway, drama quota filled. For now.
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Im not really sure where all that resentment of Lily's comes from. I think most of it really is a bunch of entitlement.
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by PhoenixRising

I just conquered my fear of heights and now I need a little drama... *tea cup ready*

How did you conquer said fear?
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Got up on the roof over the garage to fix the flashing because water was seeping inside. A project that took $ 9 worth of material and some nerve would have cost me $ 500 otherwise based on quotes. Not today Chuck the Roof Expert.

I just took a deep breath, climbed out the bedroom window and griped the wall like my life depended on it. I knew if I went up a ladder I would have lost my nerve based on failed attempts with other projects in the past. Avoided looking down at all cost, worked as steady as I could and tried not to think about it. I was out there for an hour. Probably would have taken a pro (aka Chuck) 10 min lol, but hey it's done.

Fell once doing a display and dislocated my shoulder, so I avoid anything higher than 3 feet.
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by AfternoonDelights22

January 27 1986

Craig, who is in the hospital ponders about when and how Sierra will learn the truth. John tries to tell Sierra the truth. John is also honest with his feelings for Sierra. Lily and Lucinda talk about Lucinda being Sierra's mother. Will the truth rock Oakdale?

*like* ATWT didn't disappoint.

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John apologizes for telling Sierra something he knows will hurt her:

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Dude could have saved that and just use the same energy he had with the "how dare you question my honesty" speech. Keep. the. same. energy. bruh. Transparent.

Sorry, maybe I'm missing a few key facts, but what is all this resentment Lily has towards Sierra about? You would have sworn she was being treated worse than the d*mn maid the way she is going on. Lawd...

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That much needed slap:

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not so much for what she said about Craig cause Lily was on point with that cold glass of water, but the overall entitled attitude. I'm not here for it. I knew she should have stolen a kiss from Holden before running off....quiet her d*mn loins.

Sierra needs to take the "I'm so devastated" speech down a notch. I guess Lucinda is her mother lol. What is daytime drama without a little overacting though?

As an aside I couldn't hear, what type of surgery did Craig have? Something to do with his penis, or did I just mishear that lol?

Anyway, drama quota filled. For now.

Im not really sure where all that resentment of Lily's comes from. I think most of it really is a bunch of entitlement.
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I was thinking the same thing. All I was thinking was "what the hell is this whining about?"

They're really making her a typical teenager from the "I secretly like you" hate she was giving Holden in the beginning to her tantrums with Lucinda. Hopefully she grows out of this soon. Cause ....
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by AfternoonDelights22
Posted by PhoenixRising

I just conquered my fear of heights and now I need a little drama... *tea cup ready*

How did you conquer said fear?

Got up on the roof over the garage to fix the flashing because water was seeping inside. A project that took $ 9 worth of material and some nerve would have cost me $ 500 otherwise based on quotes. Not today Chuck the Roof Expert.

I just took a deep breath, climbed out the bedroom window and griped the wall like my life depended on it. I knew if I went up a ladder I would have lost my nerve based on failed attempts with other projects in the past. Avoided looking down at all cost, worked as steady as I could and tried not to think about it. I was out there for an hour. Probably would have taken a pro (aka Chuck) 10 min lol, but hey it's done.

Fell once doing a display and dislocated my shoulder, so I avoid anything higher than 3 feet.
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Look at you. Great work!

Climbing out of the bedroom window and everything. That is straight out of a soap opera

Except you would be climbing out because Sierra caught u in bed with Craig or something xD
Posted by AfternoonDelights22

Look at you. Great work!

Climbing out of the bedroom window and everything. That is straight out of a soap opera

Except you would be climbing out because Sierra caught u in bed with Craig or something xD

Lol right?! I could avoid her overdramatic bellyaching about how hurt she feels. Craig can deal with that.

That window was no joke. It's not very large...poor design. I guess because you're suppose to use the front door to get out? House fires be d*mned *shrug*

I've had a lot of practice though. I was climbing in and out of my boyfriend's window when I was 14. Even after his mother caught me in his room, I still kept using the window. I guess they just feel more comfortable lol.
Posted by PhoenixRising
Posted by AfternoonDelights22

Look at you. Great work!

Climbing out of the bedroom window and everything. That is straight out of a soap opera

Except you would be climbing out because Sierra caught u in bed with Craig or something xD

Lol right?! I could avoid her overdramatic bellyaching about how hurt she feels. Craig can deal with that.

That window was no joke. It's not very large...poor design. I guess because you're suppose to use the front door to get out? House fires be d*mned *shrug*

I've had a lot of practice though. I was climbing in and out of my boyfriend's window when I was 14. Even after his mother caught me in his room, I still kept using the window. I guess they just feel more comfortable lol.
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rofl old habits die hard
February 17 1986

Sierra daydreams of Craig telling her how she knows he is the one she loves. Marsha wants to help Frannie and Kim escape from Douglas, but he overhears them plotting the escape. Lucinda calls Tonio for a meeting because she wants to make sure Tonio & Sierra are not deported. Will Tonio take a job with Lucinda? Can the kidnapped women keep Douglas in the right state of mind?

February 18 1986

Frannie is on a mission, but will it be a success? Craig is ready to leave Lucinda hanging because of Sierra and Tonio. Lily learns Sierra married Tonio. Meg visits Lily and wishes she had all the riches Lily has but instead Lily mopes around.

February 19 1986

Craig & Sierra have a run in. Douglas has set up quite the protection around where he is holding the women captive. Meg pushes Lily closer to Holden in a way to drive a bigger wedge between Lily and Dusty, and goes to visit Dusty herself. Will Meg's plotting work when she seals it with a kiss?

February 20 1986

Danielle has fallen very sick. John visits Sierra and learns of her sudden marriage to Tonio. Douglas and his fragile mental state are onto the lies. Shannon is in love with Brian and hopes Earl can help her get Barbara out of the picture. Brian has turned to Barbara regarding Shannon. With Douglas and his plans/"dreams" falling a part, how far will he go?

February 21 1986

Steve arrives at the hospital to an upset Betsy regarding Danielle's fever. What mind Douglas has left has found it's deep end, and Marsha is beyond worried that she has lost any control with Douglas she had left. Sierra and Tonio learn that Craig quit Walsh Enterprises. Shannon finds Barbara and Brian together and is upset. Is Kim the last hope to help Douglas and save lives?

February 24 1986

Lucinda tries to convince Craig that he shouldnt be trying to run away from his woes, but it turns into a different battle. Sierra dreams of Craig while sleeping next to Tonio. Kim, Marsha, and Frannie continue to wonder if there is any way out of the clutches of Douglas. Have the whereabouts of Douglas place is Colorado been found out?

February 25 1986

As Kevin and Bob thing they have found where Douglas has the women, Douglas wants Frannie to prove herself to him. Shannon is distraught over Brian and Barbara. While Kevin and Bob try to save the women, Kim tries to save Frannie, but they are all in danger!

February 26 1986

Sierra and Tonio bicker over Lucinda before his first day working for her, then Lucinda pays them a visit. Does Lucinda want Tonio to be her new Craig? Has Douglas finally met his maker? It's Marsha's turn to go off the deep end.

February 27 1986

Shannon continues to be miserable and her uncle Earl Cannot cheer her up. Learning she is going to be getting a large sum of money cheers up both Shannon and Earl. Good news hits Oakdale. Tom is missing Margo, and he and Craig trade relationship woes. Lucinda hopes to use Tonio to get closer to Sierra. Lucinda and Barbara discuss Craig wanting to start his own business. Can Sierra and Lily work out their issues as both friends and now sisters?

February 28 1986

All of the dinner parties at Lisa's light up. Can Sierra stomach a good time with Lucinda? Earl wants to get close to Lucinda. Tonio wants a child. Bad news hits Oakdale about Kevin. Holden and Lily spend some time together in the stables until Dusty shows up...
