This topic was created in the american idol forum by ~mystic_fish on Thursday, April 26, 2007 and has 11 replies.
Did anyone else watch the heart-warming 2 hour *America Gives Back* version of Idol, last night? i thought it was awesome how everyone came together, to raise millions for poverty across the US and Africa. A record-breaking 70 million + votes cast the other night just for this cause alone. my favorite idol by far.
There where some great live performances, too. Celine Dion singing live with Elvis Presely!! LOL* i don't know how they pulled that one off, but i was truly riveted! You'd swear he was really standing right beside her. Even the great Celine was over-shadowed by the *KING*!! All in all; a terrific night! Winking
...oh yeah, how could i forget Jack Black's rendition of 'Kiss From A Rose; best entertainment after Elvis and Celine! Tongue
Yeah, and ALL TWO HOURS OF IT!!! My mum forced me....I'll never be the same again....that show it trancendental.....
Last night was such a crock, I might not even watch it anymore. It's rigged and now there's no doubt in my mind because Phil Stacy and Chris Richardson outsung both Jordin and Lakisha.
Certainly, all 6 contestants are awesome or they wouldn't have made it this far. So, at this stage of the competition, votes can only be scored by the individual performances each night, rather than their overall vocal abilities.
Tuesday night, Jordin was horrible .. she completely de-railed, while Phil was the best singer on the stage, next to Melinda.
And Blake, though he was original and deserves credit .. his vocals sucked, while Chris' rendition was on the mark.
They lost me .. and I would imagine many others as well.
awwwwwww, i cannot believe Melinda was voted off last night!! i couldn't believe it, thought she was shoe-in! i also thought she had the best voice of the bunch. i still do, but maybe the voters wanted more than just the* i would have loved to see a Blake-Melinda finale! ..anyway, best of luck to both Blake and Jordyn.. smile
Who do you think is going to take it tonight, Mystic?
Jordin's defo the best vocalist, but, Blake is an awesome entertainer.
I'll go with Blake.
Wow, that's a tough one, P-Angel.. Jordyn definately has some good vocals, and Blake is so fun and entertaining to watch. Well, my heart says Blake on this one too. i guess it depends if the voters see at as mainly a vocal contest or much more..*that will be the defining moment..! anyway, i can't wait!! Go beat-box! Winking
I thought Melinda was going to win .. she was, by far, the best of the lot.
Isn't that true, best singer of the lot; if she was still in the running; she would definately have my vote, too! smile
Congrats to Jordyn, new AI winner! smile
Yay !!!!! She was very good and I hope she has a wonderful singing career smilesmile