
This topic was created in the Television forum by MissPirate on Tuesday, November 13, 2012 and has 5 replies.
I frigging LOVE this show!
Came across it on Netflix looking for something to watch while bored - fast forward one week later and I've watched the entire first three series!
Most of which I have literally lol'd my way through.
I wish I'd discovered this earlier such a funny show and definitely my sort of humour.
I always loved him as Mulder but I have to say Hank Moody is more my kinda guy!
Some of the one liners in that show are classic.
I discovered this show just two nights ago when Showtime was having a Californication season 5 marathon in preparation for their new season. My husband and I watched the entire fifth season in one night! Can hardly wait to see the other seasons. Really, really entertaining! And it doesn't hurt that David D. is still flippin' HOT.
wow, ladies i've been watching it too. Lol
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Hank Moody is like ths tragic guy who had everything then flushed it down the drain. (as suggested in the title/previews)
it's kind of like watching Sex and the city, Desperate housewives but from a guy's pov and less estrogen. Well.....there's alot of estrogen, but yeah.
Hank Moody annoys me. He gets super tempted by all these beautiful hot women.
So annoying. How could anyone take it? Stopped watching.